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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. Mantle-1.7.10-0.3.2b.jar Mantle-1.7.10-0.3.2b.jar.jar On phone, can't check the pack right now, but you listed this in your mod list.
  2. Windows 10, new Java, and Intel GPU's don't get along. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-javase8-2177648.html grab 8u25 x64 from here and compare so you have peace of mind, it is the same file.
  3. try this Java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  4. Don't allocate more than 4GB of ram, and make sure it's using your Nvidia GPU and not the Intel one. Check your video settings too in-game and try turning off Fancy graphics and reduce the chunk view distance.
  5. Blightfall uses an older Forge version, 1291, located in the C:\Users\*YourWindowsUserName*\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\blightfall\bin folder. It's renamed to modpack.jar If you want to try a newer one, grab the latest Forge Universal jar for 1.7.10 (it's version 1614) from https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.7.10.html and rename the the old modpack.jar to modpack.old, and name the new forge file you just grabbed to modpack.jar and put it in that directory. Blightfall is a highly customized pack, this could break things or not work at all, but give it a shot.
  6. Never used it, but had a look at the website, looks really cool. Although it does support Forge, support is limited to 1.7.10, 1.10.2, and 1.11. Hexxit is too old. http://www.vivecraft.org/faq/ If you want to try other packs that are supported, use the FTB install instructions, but point the install to the C:\Users\*YOURWINDOWSUSERNAME*AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\MODPACKNAME directory and try it out. They have their own discord too, if you get stuck try that for help from users with more experience.
  7. Tekkit Legends is 1.7.10. Did you download Legends, or Tekkit Main (rocketship), or Classic? The client you are connecting to your Tekkit Legends server needs be running the same version of the modpack.
  8. You'd need to convert your pack into a solder pack. http://docs.solder.io/docs This is no easy task to undertake.
  9. You must have another server already running on that machine that is using port 25565, go into your server.properties file and choose another port.
  10. If you want to run Bukkit plugins, you will need to run Cauldron or Thermos. Depending upon what your needs are, there are some Forge alternatives, like Forge Essentials or FTB Utilities that do not require Bukkit or Thermos. Have a look and see if they do what you want.
  11. Could you also pastebin the crashlog, C:\Users\Austin\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\forsakenupkeep\crashlogs\ most recent one?
  12. Looks like you chose the wrong version of Minecraft in your modpack control panel in Modpack Settings, choose 1.7.10. You included a forge installer jar in the mods folder, remove it Missing cofhcore You need a newer radixcore
  13. What are you doing here exactly? Are you trying to use another server's world on this server?
  14. pastebin a log In order to get your logs, please go into the Launcher Options (upper-right corner), then on the bottom-left corner of that screen, click "Open Logs". The logs are all called techniclauncher_YYYY-MM-DD.log, with YYYY being the Year, MM being the Month, and DD being the day. Go to Pastebin.com and copy / paste the log there, make a paste, then copy / paste the link to that paste here.
  15. Your client pack is using the latest forge 1.7.10, version 1614 pastebin a log if you still need help.
  16. Try updating video drivers, and if that does not help, try this java: http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  17. Could you try deleting options.txt?
  18. Could you pastebin a link to this: C:\Users\Fabio\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\a-era-do-futuro-2-fg\hs_err_pid6176.log
  19. Nice pack, it's a bit like mine but much larger, and with more combat mods. By any chance was it RotaryCraft, DragonApi, and Geostrata that was removed? Mods are gone but the configs remain. Reika has a warning about improperly removing them here: https://sites.google.com/site/reikasminecraft/home Also, if you are looking to trim the pack further, consider removing Stellar Sky. I had it in mine and I loved it, but the performance trade-off was just too great. There is also an odd thing in /configs, there are many zipped up config directories that shouldn't be there, adding about 70MB to the pack.
  20. What else is running on your PC? Could you try disabling any other programs that start when your computer boots up?
  21. It's a video driver issue, I think. Try disabling Stencil Buffers in the launcher (cog wheel top right, Video Settings) if that does not help, try updating your video drivers.
  22. Could you PM me what that pack is? Really curious now. Plus I'd need specific pack info to be of any real help.
  23. Could you also pastebin (as in a link your paste, do not paste the whole thing, as you did above) the latest crashlog from the crash-report folder ?
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