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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. Why are you replying to a seven year old post?
  2. The hosting for that modpack is broken, I think you have just been unlucky so far and have only found broken modpacks. Test with an official Technic modpack, like Tekkit Legends.
  3. If you have previously logged in with a Microsoft account and your packs are showing as offline or you're unable to join servers, and can log in to the vanilla Launcher, then click Log Out, and then Add Microsoft account and proceed to log in again to solve this issue.
  4. Mining Lasers are quite power hungry. Assume you are are referring to the 1.6.4 Rocketship tekkit.
  5. Try this older Java: https://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=242044_3d5a2bb8f8d4428bbe94aed7ec7ae784 You will need to choose java 251 in Java Settings in the launcher after installing it
  6. Active volcanoes are necessary for Mad Science
  7. You could really benefit from port-forwarding vs. Hamachi, spend some time learning how. If you are doing an open-to-lan server, you could also really benefit from grabbing the dedicated server files and running an actual server. Your PC is certainly beefy enough. Don't allocate 20GB to the server. 4GB is fine, and 4GB allocation for the launcher is fine too.
  8. https://imgur.com/Qjnijpr The big tank holds Jet Fuel from the automated production system. Working on Electricraft things now.
  9. I'm still using a used desktop PC a client gave me years ago (Intel i5, 3Ghz). Shoved 16GB of RAM and an SSD into it. It came with an Nvidia GPU (1060). My gaming needs are not extreme, I just use it for things like Factorio, Minecraft, HOI4, Stellaris.
  10. I'm no coder, but I'd pick another language than Java to write the game in.
  11. Stellar engineers rushed their timetable to move their planet away from their expanding star.
  12. I have never heard of this. Perhaps someone tweaked worldgen in their server to this a thing, but I am pretty sure this is not a Vanilla thing.
  13. Great natural look, and it's not too "busy" looking and over-done.
  14. AetherPirate's 1.15.2 PVE Survival Server is open! https://discord.gg/PAEvvUB http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/aetherpirates-1152-pack Mod list ---> https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/aetherpirates-1152-pack.1683064/mods Server IP included in modpack. This server is up 24/7. Rules: No griefing, no PVP, report bugs when you find them (and you will find them), and don't be a jerk. This modpack is centered around tech and building things. Make machines and factories, find fun mod interactions. Chat with other builders. Explore the land and sea (the ocean isn't a dull, dark blue void anymore). And enjoy modded 1.15.2, and all the alpha-mod quirkiness.
  15. Aethercolonies is a 1.12.2 modpack based around MineColonies! Build a fully functional colony with NPCs who actually perform useful tasks, and get better at their jobs over time. Live in a vibrant town that you started, and they made. Includes a bunch of tech mods (Enderio, Thermal Foundation and friends, Immersive Engineering, AE2, Galacticraft) for the factory-makers, Pam's HarvestCraft (and CFBH) for the farmers, and several structure generating mods for those who like to adventure into scary places and overestimate their preparedness. No PvP, griefing, or stealing. Land claim is via FTB Utilities, and MineColonies. Server address is: aethercolonies.ddns.net Discord: https://discord.gg/PAEvvUB Modpack link: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/AetherColonies.1315364 Or just search “AetherColonies” on the launcher.
  16. You'd have to speak with whoever that server host was. But I REALLY doubt any host would keep a non-paying customer's data for 2 years.
  17. Uninstall Java 9 Install 64 bit Java 8
  18. In order to make a server for Modpack without a ServerPack, please read this tutorial from the Technic Help Site: https://technicpack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203799459-How-to-create-a-server-for-your-Platform-modpack
  19. use pastebin for logs, and include the whole log, or better yet, use the technic discord for troubleshooting https://discord.gg/hQSNtNu
  20. This snipped from the Technic Discord will fix you: You're running a 32bit Java version on a 64bit Operating System. This will prevent you from allocating more than 1GB of ram to the Technic launcher. In order to update to Java 8 64-Bit, please follow these instructions: 1.) Close the Technic launcher. It should not be running! 2.) Open http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp in your web browser 3.) Download the version that has 64-bit in it for you operating system. If you're using Windows download the one that says Windows Offline (64-Bit). 4.) After the download is complete. You must install it. You can do so by double clicking on the icon to run it. 5.) After it installs start up the Technic launcher again. 6.) Click on Launcher Options in the top right of the screen. 7.) Click on the tab called Java Settings 8.) Click on the dropdown called Minecraft Java Version and select the option that says 1.8_151 64-Bit. 9.) Click the dropdown called Memory and select an option that's between 2 GB and 4 GB. Do not select an option higher than 4 GB!
  21. That error is not something you need to worry about. If you really want to, you can disable the GC update check in it's config. Leave your server console open and leave it be. As players do things on the server, you will see activity in the window.
  22. Added even more tech mods to an already tech heavy pack: Matter Overdrive Draconic Evolution Minecraft Comes Alive BiblioCraft Enjoy making ridiculously OP things.
  23. Use this older Java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-7u80-windows-x64.exe
  24. You will either have to look at installing Thermos (which supports bukkit pluggins) or google for Forge-only versions of the specific pluggins you want, and see if they exist.
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