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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. Your modpack.jar is named modpack.jar.jar.
  2. You have two Zerocore mods, and this pack is quite large, and is probably an absolute RAM hog. Allocate more ram, fix your duplicate mods issues.
  3. That buildcraft check is a red herring, ignore. Pastebin a link to your pasted crashlog or fml-server log
  4. 1.11.2 is more demanding than 1.2.5, especially RAM, and your PC is a bit of a potato. This may help: https://asie.pl/Projects/Minecraft/Mods/FoamFix/ Turn down all your in-game video settings But you will have to lower your expectations a bit I think.
  5. Sounds like a crappy server, cut your losses. Substitute money for time in these articles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escalation_of_commitment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_cost
  6. They are using Solder, it updates differently. http://solder.io/
  7. Your changelog won't display on the launcher window, just that it was updated to version x.x. Players will need to click onto your technic modpack page, and click Changelog to see the text you entered.
  8. Tekkit logs are at: %AppData%\Roaming\.technic\logs use pastebin, don't spill the logs into a forum post. It is also worth checking this:
  9. Go to their respective mod author or Curseforge sites and get them.
  10. Try removing / reinstalling 64 bit Java, if that does not work, use this tool: https://www.digicert.com/util/repair-intermediate-ssl-certificate-errors-using-digicert-utility-for-microsoft-servers.htm to fix your SSL certs. Make sure the day / date / year is correct on your PC as well.
  11. See this you are affected by this issue:
  12. Send him to the Technic Discord, easier to troubleshoot there https://discord.gg/tanWRjC
  13. Step One for you is to get your mods from a legit source. Nothing else can happen until that is done.
  14. Change java -Xmx2G -Xms512Mb -jar Tekkit.jar nogui to java -Xmx2G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui
  15. get this Java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  16. I downloaded your pack, here are the issues: 1) Your zip file should contain only the Mods, Config, and Bin folder. You have that, but they are in a sub-folder, and they are all empty. Bin should contain the forge universal renamed to modpack.jar. (I found a modpack.jar elsewhere in your zip, but it was named modpack.jar.jar, google how to turn on view file extensions for your version of windows) 2) There was another folder called Kell's Tech which seems to contain your mods. Judging by the filenames, it looks like you obtained nearly all of them from illegitimate sources. Only get mods from Curse, Curseforge, Author's website, or Minecraftforum.net. Anywhere else is a content-scraping garbage website. Re-download your mods. You should remove that phone number from your post, don't put personal information here. We can communicate through this forum.
  17. Can't skype, but describe where you are stuck exactly. If you have a dropbox link to your partially made pack, post the link
  18. Try disabling your antivirus / firewall
  19. Try this older java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  20. 1) Don't spam logs, use pastebin 2) Try removing Fastcraft.
  21. https://technicpack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204199345-How-to-make-a-Minecraft-modpack Ths guide should help. It sounds like your Bin folder does not have the forge universal, renamed to modpack.jar (or perhaps you don't have "show hidden file extensions" on, and the name is really modpack.jar.jar and you don't know it.)
  22. No, the batch file I provided is from the Technic Discord help forum. You could also disable IP6 on your computer, I read your error after having some coffee and realized your fix makes Java use IP4 instead of IP6 anyway, the thing I provide would not help anyway.
  23. It is worth a shot, it sounds like something is setting Java environment variables that are messing you up.
  24. This is what is inside that batch file @ECHO off ECHO Report any issues related to this script to [email protected] ECHO If you did not download this script from uskarian.net then cease execution of this script immediately! The validity of the script cannot be assured. ECHO( ECHO Description of script: ECHO This script will stop any running javaw processes. This means any programs that are created in Java will be stopped. This includes Minecraft and the Technic launcher. Then it will wipe system & user set Java environment variables. ECHO( ECHO( ECHO Liability: ECHO This script is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. You cannot hold us accountable for any claim, damages, or other liability, under any circumstance. ECHO( ECHO By agreeing to continue the execution of this script. You're agreeing to not hold us accountable for any sort of damages. :choice ECHO( SET /P c=Do you wish to continue executing this script?[Y/N] IF /I "%c%" EQU "Y" GOTO :continue IF /I "%c%" EQU "N" GOTO :exit GOTO :choice :exit cls echo User canceled further execution of script. PAUSE EXIT :continue CLS ::kill any currently running java processes ECHO Killing any running javaw.exe processes(If this errors. That's fine.) TASKKILL /f /im javaw.exe ::override user set java variables messing with launcher ::Clears the system variable _JAVA_OPTIONS ECHO( ECHO Wiping system wide java options SETX _JAVA_OPTIONS "" /m ::Clears the local variable _JAVA_OPTIONS ECHO( ECHO Wiping user account java options SETX _JAVA_OPTIONS "" ::To let you know if it failed or was successful. Just press esc or enter. PAUSE EXIT
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