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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. You grabbed the 1.7.10 version of it, right?
  2. This helper mod may be of some use. Read how it works and try it out http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2387300-say-no-to-id-conflicts-install-anti-id-conflict
  3. https://www.feed-the-beast.com/projects/ftb-infinity-evolved/files/2320896#additional-files You could just use this one. Otherwise you will need to pull the client-only stuff out of what you have.
  4. Are you attempting to run a client modpack as a server pack? Attempted to load class bdw for invalid side SERVER
  5. You are using Forge 1.7.10 1422, use 1614. And don't forget to make a batch file to start your server with. The version of The Ultimate Pun Mod you have is old, use from here http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1294446-the-ultimate-pun-mod-updated-aug-2015 You have client-side only mods in your server, find and remove them.
  6. It should
  7. You do not have Version 378.66, you have the broken version. Install the hotfix.
  8. thanks, could you also Please press WindowsKey + R, copy and paste the contents of this file here? It will appear on your desktop dxdiag /dontskip /whql:on /t %UserProfile%\Desktop\DxDiag.txt
  9. The Nvidia GPU issue is not your problem then. In order to get your logs, please go into the Launcher Options (upper-right corner), then on the bottom-left corner of that screen, click "Open Logs". The logs are all called techniclauncher_YYYY-MM-DD.log, with YYYY being the Year, MM being the Month, and DD being the day. Open the log and copy the contents to https://paste.ubuntu.com Make a paste, and paste a link to it here. Attachments do not work. If you have a custom pack you are working on, paste your dropbox link to it here.
  10. See if this is your issue: otherwise, pastebin a log
  11. Did the pirate make you hijack a year-old thread? Try this: Go into the folder config, and open the file forge.cfg. You'll see two lines, one with removeErroringEntities and one with removeErroringTileEntities. At the end, they should both say false. Change false to true, and save. Try running the pack and world again, and see if that solves the issue.
  12. Yes, install the hotfix
  13. See if this is your issue.
  14. evilcraft.api.config.EvilCraftConfigException: Registering lifeStealing caused the issue: Duplicate enchantment id! class evilcraft.enchantment.EnchantmentLifeStealing and class net.nevermine.assist.AscensionEnchants$3 Enchantment ID:102 http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2387300-say-no-to-id-conflicts-install-anti-id-conflict Read about how this helper mod works, and try it out. It *should* be able to find free ID's for you to use.
  15. Are those values you changed? Typically things like enchantment and Dimension ID's have a much lower limit than that, often 128 or 256. If you changed values to 1003 and 1001, you picked numbers that are way too high.
  16. Go into the Launcher Options (upper-right corner), then on the bottom-left corner of that screen, click "Open Logs". The logs are all called techniclauncher_YYYY-MM-DD.log, with YYYY being the Year, MM being the Month, and DD being the day.
  17. look in the Nevermine config, something has been assigned a bad value there.
  18. use this one https://paste.ubuntu.com/
  19. use pastebin (http://pastebin.com/) and paste a link to new logs here. Do not paste your logs into the forum.
  20. http://pixelmonmod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation From this: Do not use the Technic launcher to install Pixelmon. You will not receive a starter Pokémon, and will not be able to use Pixelmon features; this incompatibility will not be fixed. Use the Minecraft launcher or the Pixelmon launcher.
  21. Registering breaking caused the issue: Duplicate enchantment id! class evilcraft.enchantment.EnchantmentBreaking and class net.nevermine.assist.AscensionEnchants$2 Enchantment ID:101 Edit one of the configs and fix
  22. Your pack has an old Forge version, try the latest for 1.7.10, version 1614
  23. My eyes glanced right over it when I saw German. I should just change my sig to the Nvidia hotfix link.
  24. Your pack launches for me to the point where is complains about missing AnimationAPI I bet you have this issue:too:
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