Something is wrong with way it is being hosted. That link gives a 302, when you need a 200. A 302 means a redirect, the zip file needs to be a direct link.
You don't launch servers that way. Make a start.bat that calls the forge universal
java -Xmx3G -jar NameOfYourForgeUniversal.jar
This will allocate up to 3GB to your server, and run Forge, which is needed for any mods to load .
There is a file called installedPacks at %AppData%\Roaming\.technic that is responsible for telling the launcher what packs you have, and where they live. Open it up with Wordpad and have a look
What happens when you try to re-install "missing" packs?
Grab the newest Nvdia driver
if this does not help, pastebin this log: C:\Users\Ziv\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\hexxit\crash-reports\crash-2017-04-19_14.33.21-client.txt
If you have an Nvidia GPU, get this update:
If not, pastebin a log
Attachments do not work here, but I bet you have the Nvidia issue:
Grab that update, reboot, and try playing