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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. You need to get it to open with Java. Try right-clicking, and choose to open it with Java
  2. Try right clicking it and Run As Admin. If that does not work, grab the one for Linux and try that (works on Windows too)
  3. Sorry, old link. Here is a working one: http://download.uskarian.net/technic/clearJavaEnvVars.bat
  4. Try this http://tk.iamtrue.net/clearJavaEnvVars.bat
  5. Search TekkitMain, click the rocketship.
  6. Search for TekkitMain, and choose the rocketship. That is tekkit 1.6.4
  7. I don't know much about troubleshooting solder, you'd have better luck here https://discord.gg/MpE4Y59
  8. Try disabling your antivirus / firewall and try again
  9. Something is wrong with way it is being hosted. That link gives a 302, when you need a 200. A 302 means a redirect, the zip file needs to be a direct link.
  10. Attachments do not work, use pastebin. It is also worth checking if this is your issues:
  11. After a mod moves this to the right topic, i can help
  12. http://download.uskarian.net/technic/clearJavaEnvVars.bat close the launcher, run that, try playing
  13. You don't launch servers that way. Make a start.bat that calls the forge universal Example: java -Xmx3G -jar NameOfYourForgeUniversal.jar This will allocate up to 3GB to your server, and run Forge, which is needed for any mods to load .
  14. Did you increment your pack version in Modpack Settings?
  15. Lets try fixing this on the Technic Discord, https://discord.gg/tanWRjC
  16. Turn off your server, backup your world, delete the Twilight Forest dimension (7), and restart and test
  17. There is a file called installedPacks at %AppData%\Roaming\.technic that is responsible for telling the launcher what packs you have, and where they live. Open it up with Wordpad and have a look What happens when you try to re-install "missing" packs?
  18. Use the recommended version, 3.1.2 is broken.
  19. Make sure the client configs and the server configs match.
  20. Could you grab this log? C:\Users\Ziv\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\hexxit\crash-reports\crash-2017-04-21_09.45.55-client.txt
  21. Mediafire does not work with the launcher.
  22. pastebin a new log
  23. Grab the newest Nvdia driver http://www.nvidia.com/Download/processFind.aspx?psid=85&pfid=610&osid=57&lid=1&whql=1&lang=en-us&ctk=0 if this does not help, pastebin this log: C:\Users\Ziv\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\hexxit\crash-reports\crash-2017-04-19_14.33.21-client.txt
  24. If you have an Nvidia GPU, get this update: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/processFind.aspx?psid=85&pfid=610&osid=57&lid=1&whql=1&lang=en-us&ctk=0 If not, pastebin a log
  25. Attachments do not work here, but I bet you have the Nvidia issue: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/processFind.aspx?psid=85&pfid=610&osid=57&lid=1&whql=1&lang=en-us&ctk=0 Grab that update, reboot, and try playing
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