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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. You pastebined a zipped log. No one can read that.
  2. Pastebin a log. .
  3. That new link still downloads a pack with lots of mods obtained from crap sources. Fix that. Your modpack.jar is named modpack.jar.jar. Either turn on "View File Extensions for known files" or just remove the .jar. After fixing your pack, you will need to increment your modpack version number, in ModPack Settings, then close your launcher and wait a bit.
  4. You have serveral issues: 1) You have a LOT of mods from bad sources. Re-download all mods that are modname-1.7.10.jar from Curse or Curseforge or mod author website. 2) Your don't need the CoreMods folder, move all that into Mods. 3) Your Bin folder should have the forge universal renamed to modpack.jar. You have the installer in there instead. 4) Your dropbox link should end with dl=1, not dl=0
  5. Try this: Go to the launcher, the pack you were having issues on, ModpackOptions->Open. Go into the folder config, and open the file forge.cfg. You'll see two lines, one with removeErroringEntities and one with removeErroringTileEntities. At the end, they should both say false. Change false to true, and save. Try running the pack and world again, and see if that solves the issue.
  6. attachments do not work, use pastebin
  7. Archive,org is not a valid location to store modpacks. The author would need to fix. She is better off looking for another modpack. If she really wants TrollCraft, it is available via the AT Launcher.
  8. 1.) Close the launcher. 2.) Go to: http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp 3.) Select the download that says Windows Offline (64-Bit) 4.) Start the Java install program you just downloaded 3.) Start up the launcher
  9. Get this log: In order to get your logs, please go into the Launcher Options (upper-right corner), then on the bottom-left corner of that screen, click "Open Logs". The logs are all called techniclauncher_YYYY-MM-DD.log, with YYYY being the Year, MM being the Month, and DD being the day. and copy that to pastebin, and post a link to it here.
  10. use your mojang account email and password to log into the launcher
  11. https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/chromaticraft.1085031 https://discord.gg/PAEvvUB Suggested TexturePack: https://spideroak.com/browse/share/TooFewOresModpack/Resource_Pack A modpack based around Reika's Chromaticraft, along with many other mods. The focus here is exploration and finding all the cool structures, and progressing through Chromaticraft. No PvP, griefing, use common sense. Land claim via FTB Utilities. You may set up to three homes. Chunkloading is allowed. Long-terrm map. ae2stuff ancientwarfare appliedenergistics2 BluePower Carpenter's Blocks Chisel ChromatiCraft dimensional-anchor ElectriCraft Fastcraft Galacticraft-Planets GalacticraftCore GraveStone Mod IguanaTinkerTweaks InventoryTweaks ironchest journeymap MicdoodleCore neiaddons NetherOres NotEnoughItems RandomThings ReactorCraft roguelike RotaryCraft RTGr TConstruct Waila WailaHarvestability Wawla
  12. remove all your Java's reboot install that one
  13. Try this Java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  14. Attachments do not work here, use pastebin
  15. Try this older java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  16. Disable your firewall / antivirus and try it again.
  17. You may have better luck with Thermos https://cyberdynecc.github.io/Thermos/install
  18. try removing your player.dat
  19. Never look at crash reports while hungry
  20. 2017/08/17 05:04:10 [INFO] # There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue. You are trying to allocate 5GB... how much memory does your PC have?
  21. Try a newer Logistics Pipes https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/logistics-pipes/files/2427862
  22. Issues like this are easier to troubleshoot on the Technic Discord https://discord.gg/FxnP4bP
  23. You're running a 32bit Java version on a 64bit Operating System. This will prevent you from allocating more than 1GB of ram to the Technic launcher. In order to update to Java 64-Bit, please follow these instructions: 1.) Close the Technic launcher. It should not be running! 2.) Open http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp in your web browser 3.) Download the version that has 64-bit in it for you operating system. If you're using Windows download the one that says Windows Offline (64-Bit). 4.) After the download is complete. You must install it. You can do so by double clicking on the icon to run it. 5.) After it installs start up the Technic launcher again. 6.) Click on Launcher Options in the top right of the screen. 7.) Click on the tab called Java Settings 8.) Click on the dropdown called Minecraft Java Version and select the option that says Latest 64-bit. 9.) Click the dropdown called Memory and select an option that's between 2 GB and 4 GB. Do not select an option higher than 4 GB!
  24. You have some Java environment variables being set in your OS http://download.uskarian.net/technic/clearJavaEnvVars.bat Will clear them.
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