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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. close the launcher run this http://tk.iamtrue.net/clearJavaEnvVars.bat try again, you also may want to allocate more ram, try 2GB
  2. See if the recent Nvidia issue is also an issue for you. If not, use pastebin and paste a new log
  3. http://tk.iamtrue.net/clearJavaEnvVars.bat close the launcher, run this, try again
  4. Are you able to get onto the Internet while running Hamachi? Seems like a Hamachi configuration issue java.net.UnknownHostException: login.minecraft.net I usually advise people to not use Hamachi, and do port forwarding instead.
  5. could you delete your log, attempt to launch and login again, and re-paste that log?
  6. It looks like you are trying to join but that address is not working for me. Did they give you the correct IP?
  7. In order to get your logs, please go into the Launcher Options (upper-right corner), then on the bottom-left corner of that screen, click "Open Logs". The logs are all called techniclauncher_YYYY-MM-DD.log, with YYYY being the Year, MM being the Month, and DD being the day. Then copy and paste the contents of the log to https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ and paste a link to that here.
  8. pastebin a log from your client
  9. Are you starting your server with the proper start or launch.bat file that calls the Forge Universal, or are you starting it with minecraft_server and launching vanilla? Is the client you are using the exact same version of the tekkit classic server you are running?
  10. Pastebin a log: In order to get your logs, please go into the Launcher Options (upper-right corner), then on the bottom-left corner of that screen, click "Open Logs". The logs are all called techniclauncher_YYYY-MM-DD.log, with YYYY being the Year, MM being the Month, and DD being the day. Then copy and paste the contents of the log to https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ and paste a link to that here. Try disabling your antivirus too, the little log snippet you provided suggests something is locking a file
  11. Attachments do not work. You really do have to Pastebin
  12. Use pastebin to provide a link to your full log. This too: Please press WindowsKey + R, copy and paste :arrow_down: then click Ok or Run.```dxdiag /dontskip /whql:on /t %UserProfile%\Desktop\DxDiag.txt``` Wait 1 to 2 minutes then look on your desktop for a file named **DxDiag.txt** Once you see it there drag it into the chat box or click the upload box and browse to it's location, select it and click Open, and Pastebin that too Or maybe your computer wants nothing to do with you because your name is fap4ever .
  13. See if this Nvidia issue affects you https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4378 Otherwise, pastebin a log
  14. Close the launcher and run this http://tk.iamtrue.net/clearJavaEnvVars.bat and try again
  15. If you have Nvidia, try this update https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4 otherwise, pastebin a log
  16. Pastebin a log
  17. That link is broken
  18. Could you re-upload it? I get crc errors when I test it with 7zip.
  19. Don't put your IP in server.properties, server-ip= should be blank And make sure you are not running other Minecraft servers on that same PC that are already using port 25565 And don't Hamachi, do Port Forwarding.
  20. Attachments do not work here, pastebin a log. If you have Nvidia, update your drivers http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4378
  21. your modpack.jar is named modpack.jar.jar Uncheck Hide Extensions for Known File Types and fix.
  22. Close the launcher, run this http://tk.iamtrue.net/clearJavaEnvVars.bat and try again
  23. There is a worldedit for forge, are you running a basic Forge server, or Thermos, Cauldron, Sponge, etc..? https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/worldedit
  24. http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe try this Java
  25. Remove the map mod, Remove the map mod. And make sure you are getting your mods from legit sources (minecraftforum.net, curse, curseforge, author's website) http://stopmodreposts.org/ Add a browser pluggin if you are not sure, it will stop you from downloading crap
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