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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. There was a recent Nvidia update that breaks Minecraft, try rolling back your version to an earlier one.
  2. It looks like you have a corrupt copy of foxlib, re-download https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/foxlib/files/2227736
  3. Don't allocate 8GB of ram, reduce that to 2-4GB. If you still have trouble, can you paste the log from C:\Users\Roweno\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\the-1710-pack\crashlogs ?
  4. Don't allocate so much ram, dial that back to 2-4GB. If you still have issues, pastebin another complete log, that one looks like a partial log.
  5. The flans folder is named Flan Add the NotEnoughIDs mod https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/notenoughids Tails has a dependency called foxlib https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/foxlib/files after making those changes, it launches further and begins complaining of Biome ID conflicts with Erebus. Will look more later, off to work. **meanwhile, grab this and read up on it, it will tell you how to fix your ID conflicts: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2387300-say-no-to-id-conflicts-install-anti-id-conflict
  6. Could you zip your new mods and config folders upload them?
  7. On the road. Will check later. Meanwhile go look at that config file.
  8. Did you change this mod's config? Description: xreliquary failed to initiate blocks. cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid id 9704 - maximum id range exceeded.
  9. https://micdoodle8.com/mods/galacticraft/downloads use the latest (474) you are running 375 Make the changes I listed and forge will tell you what is missing when you try and launch the pack. Launch Read error Fix rinse and repeat for all your missing dependencies.
  10. missing lambdlib missing bdlib missing gilded-games.util There are probably others, I stopped checking. Do not forget that many mods have dependencies. many of your mods are very old, for example your Galacticraft is about 2 years behind the current revision. It also looks like you didn't follow authors' instructions on many of the mods that are zip files. Read up on how Flans works -- the main flan jar goes Mods, and all the content packs go in a Flans folder at the root of the pack.
  11. attachments do not work here, use pastebin
  12. could you zip all those up into a folder called modpack.zip and upload that? You will need to as some point anyway.
  13. Coremods is not the issue, try deleting options.txt and try it again.
  14. Doing some research. Could you remove the Nvidia drivers, reboot, and reinstall, reboot, and try again? Also, find out if you can launch Vanilla
  15. Could you try an older java? http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe this is usually for fixing another issue, but it's worth a shot
  16. if you right-click the launcher icon, do you the option there? http://imgur.com/a/zehMh This is what is looks like on mine.
  17. Could you double-check the launcher is using the Nvidia GPU after all? Checking Nvidia's site would be worthwhile too, perhaps your update has updates.
  18. Could you make sure the launcher is using the Nvidia GPU? If it is, try rolling back that Nvidia update.
  19. Is there a recent crashlog in C:\Users\Devin\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\the-1710-pack\crashlogs ?
  20. Reduce the amount of ram you are allocating to the launcher from 6Gb to 4GB, and try disabling your antivirus.
  21. attachments do not work here, you really need to use pastebin. this log In order to get your logs, please go into the Launcher Options (upper-right corner), then on the bottom-left corner of that screen, click "Open Logs". The logs are all called techniclauncher_YYYY-MM-DD.log, with YYYY being the Year, MM being the Month, and DD being the day.
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