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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. Steve's Carts has auto farming stuff too. Never messed with it. Worth checking out?
  2. Steve's Carts has auto farming stuff too. Never messed with it. Worth checking out?
  3. Light on the moon is a big issue. If you have a power suit, try it the LUX capacitor lights. Haven't had a chance too myself yet. There is a moon dungeon you'll need to beat to get the Mars rocket plans. Building a base and oxygenating it can be a fun challenge too.
  4. Why not send the steam directly to a turbine via a tesseract? Do you have another purpose in mind that requires putting it into the AE system?
  5. The dynomoes "leak" power even when when they are not being called on for power. http://ftbwiki.org/Magmatic_Dynamo Your magmatic crucible is continuously topping them off.
  6. I'm still learning about them myself. It looks like your emitter is not connected to anything. Doesn't it have to connect to other ME cable and also point at a fluid bus?
  7. My early game quarry had a buffer chest going to a diamond sorting pipe. Crap went to a nullifier, and the rest to the base. Much easier to list what is bad than to list the good. Later when I had item ducts, I used servos to whitelist / blacklist. Endgame, when I run a quarry, I use a tesseract and dump it all into the AE system.
  8. Are you using item ducts or transport pipes, tesseracts, or something else? Might be easier to filter the bad out.
  9. It just tried your No Onboard Battery technique and its great, I can now fly faster than my computer can generate new chunks.
  10. I think it's everything. Lava and oil (sludge?)make them stop, otherwise they'll just plow along. I use an AE system and just shove it all in. Not an early game solution, but it's awesome.
  11. I'd like to join. I've never played on a server. I am relatively new to minecraft, and greatly enjoy building machines in Tekkit. Game name is AetherPirate.
  12. Now I'm inspired make a Steampunk power facility. Coal, dynamos, gritty textures and an airship. And a jukebox playing Abney Park.
  13. Thanks, I'll have a look. And, no it's not that big. I made one tall and skinny max height turbine, and I'm going to feed an MFFS all the parts it needs to build more for me, considering a mystcraft world that's nice and flat. Or maybe just hang them in the sky. Or on a space station. Too many choices.
  14. If I wanted to make a large turbine farm either far from home, or in another dimension, would I need lots of world anchors to keep them going? By lots I mean twenty three.
  15. I spawned in the un-melting and regular ice. No go. I have another PC with just vanilla on it. I'll try loading only Qcraft 1.1.
  16. I've tried making the Quantum Portal, but I get Frame Incomplete messages. I am absolutely sure I did the construction correctly. I researched and found a possible issue with the ice block ID, but little help otherwise. Anyone else have a similar issue before I start tinkering?
  17. I think I found my answer: I need to wait.
  18. I built my first massive reactor (max height), and manually adjusting the control rods is not something I want to do anymore. So I started researching computercraft, and found lots of neat programs... for version 1.6.3. Tekkit has 1.5.8. Anyone have any favorite Big Reactor (actively cooled) programs they'd like to share? (I manually installed the latest Big Reactor mod update, so I have 0.3.4A2)
  19. Wow, I will try this!
  20. Here's a good discussion:
  21. I've researched this as well, only answers I've found so far are NO. Apparently it uses Univeral Electricity, tekkit does not. Shame, I'd really like to use it. Give those mffs forcefields even more utility. Haven't taken the time yet to see if its a matter of changing config files, or if its much more involved.
  22. Don't design crappy mob farms. Today I took my first crack at a mob farm. I need blaze rods, tired of camping in front of spawners in the Nether. I made a re-usable safari net and nabbed a blaze. I then crafted an auto-spawner. I noticed that my huge cobblestone cube I made while playing with the MFFS was spawning lots of mobs, and I needed mob essence. I made a melee turtle and some grinders, and tesseracted in some power, and tesseracted the mob essence out to the auto-spawner. So far, its all peaches and light. Then mob essence starts pouring in. And blazes start pouring out, ride of the Valkyries style. But not inside my containment room. They appear outside, and suddenly ten pissed blazes are ganging up on me, with reinforcements on the way. Ran like hell and cut the power.
  23. Yar! I'll have to test that when I do a space station.
  24. If you are having MFFS trouble (holes and other odd behavior), and you are deploying it close to bedrock, you'll need to translate it upwards. Bugged me for days.
  25. Confirmed. Translated it up and it's fine. Played with the field stabilizer too, it's amazing. Made a HUGE cube of cobble by placing a DSU next to it. Had to use three fluidduct outputs from the tesseract to give it enough forcetron. Love this thing.
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