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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. Minecraft 1.6.4, Mekanism 6.0.5
  2. Anyone know the throughput of these? I'm setting up 5 rows of 5x ore processing chains, and I want to centralize sulfuric acid production and pipe it around where needed, and don't want bottlenecks.
  3. Sorry, thought I saw it listed, my bad.
  4. Does the wired lan interface on your PC have the needed firewall exceptions? Turn the firewall off entirely to test if it's the issue.
  5. Are the drives full? Getting enough power?
  6. Anyone know the throughput of these? I'm setting up 5 rows of 5x ore processing chains, and I want to centralize sulfuric acid production and pipe it around where needed, and don't want bottlenecks.
  7. Didn't know an interface could do that, can it take items in stack mode?
  8. EE3 will get you those pearls sooner, if you have emeralds or golden mob armor to burn.
  9. If you have tesseracts, stick on the quarry for power and item transfer, and stick a precision import bus on the receiving tesseract at your base, and set it to stack mode. If you are item ducting to chests, just put that precision import bus on the chest.
  10. You do have to burn a bunch of emeralds to make the stone, and there is no cobble-->diamonds path. You can make stacks of wood into a much lesser amount of obsidian, and work up to diamonds, but you need a TON of wood. I find it's most useful feature is iron into ender pearls.
  11. I liked TPPI, buts it's a bit heavy for my modest PC. Trying Minetek now, fewer mods but more playable for me. Learning Mekanism, which is pretty cool.
  12. He's the best. He's always prepared and moves right along, and does not waste time on fluff.
  13. Form those who like the sphax texture pack, use the 64x size. 128x would not run for me. And be prepared to allocate more ram. Had to bump up to 4GB. TPPI has an overwhelming array of choices.
  14. Had a quick look through the list of mods. It's amazing. If all those mods can actually play nice together, I think it would be a great place to play.
  15. What is a TPPI server and what are the pros and cons?
  16. direwolf20 covers it well
  17. I moved a 64x64x64 cube. While I don't have hard numbers, I noted that with minimal pylons and very low efficiency, cost was about 90 billion. Hundreds of pylons later it was a mere 30 million at 100%. So the efficiently curve is very steep. Logarithmic maybe? Maybe digging through the code would reveal the exact algorithm.
  18. When you first enter the deep dark, you are in a lit room, high above where all the good ores are. You could actually deploy quarries right here. They'll get lots of cobble first, but get to the good stuff eventually.
  19. If you are playing on a server, find out they permit chunk loaders. If so, then that would work. If you haven't played with EE3 yet, it's worth a look. It shortens the path to tesseracts, among other things.
  20. Are you sure that's tin? Looks like aluminum.
  21. Homeworld had excellent music. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6WbvIEL5Iyk
  22. I'll play with until I achieve some sort of acceptable result, or stop having any fun with it then. The new resonant induction mod looks incredible. Very much looking forward to its inclusion.
  23. I've got the drain working on mine. I connected a fluid duct with a servo, wrenched it to red, and set redstone signal to ignored. It's going to a portable tank, and then out to a fluid void pipe. On a related question, I'm having trouble finding what kind of output is normal for steam and power. How much steam does it take to run an AS turbine at full speed, and how much RF should I expect? I know this mod in this version has issues, but I'd like to explore it anyway.
  24. I think you can make it with snowballs and destablized redstone. No blizzes needed. I hope big reactors is in there. It's my favorite mod, and the roadmap looks awesome.
  25. http://blogs.technet.com/b/josebda/archive/2012/11/10/windows-server-2012-file-server-tip-switch-to-the-high-performance-power-profile.aspx This technet article tells you how.
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