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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. I'd like to give it a try. Love building factories and other things on small no-drama servers. Name is Aetherpirate.
  2. Working on an efficient design. Does anyone know if this release significantly changes how different materials behave for coolant / moderation? Focusing on passively cooled reactors. I read the change logs at big-reactors.com and looked at various spreadsheets other folks have compiled over the past few months. Diamond blocks seem to boost power / reduce heat very well. Anyone care to share their favorite 1.7.10, 0.4.0 designs?
  3. Check out http://forums.technicpack.net/forum/63-platform-a-custom-server-zone/ There you will find custom modpacks that probably have what you're looking for. Many run 1.7.10 versions of mods. I'm on this one: http://www.kittenwar.com/ It's less than a week old, everyone's getting a fresh start.
  4. Could you include a pic of your fuel rod layout? Are you using the "plus" shape design? Or just a solid block of nine rods?
  5. Are your friends all at the same location with their computers, on the same local network? If not, doing it over the internet requires some additional steps, like port forwarding.
  6. Thanks for the fun, met some great people and and had a great time.
  7. Thermal Expansion machines have configurable sides. Right click on it and make the side your engine is connected to blue (blue means input). For the full scoop on thermal expansion: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u_AHAE16e3Y
  8. Skip the capacitor. Setup a bank of coercion derivers and power them. Pipe their output into a tank or AE system. Tesseract the fluid to the force field projector. The trick will be moving it fast enough. It burns it really fast. Direwolf20 has an excellent tutorial on it. He'll show you what the capacitor does, buts it's easier if you don't use it. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wKRL4Fq1ksM
  9. If it works with most ores, that would be awesome. I think in 1.6.4 it was tinkers construct, others too. It hated a bunch of other mods ores. I haven't tried it in 1.7.10 yet.
  10. Thanks for the info, I am relatively new to modpacks Another question: on the old server I saw that other mods copper would not work several mekanism machines for quintupling. I'd have to use mekanism's, and route the others to thermal expansion, or elsewhere. My concern is that I won't be able to make fun Mekanism quintupling production chains without Mekanism ores. Would this be the case?
  11. I read that it affects where vanilla ores spawn, does it affect other mod's ores as well? It looks really cool, but I want to be sure it doesn't replace Mekanism ores, as only they seem to work in Mekanism machines.
  12. Take time and get it tweaked right. I can wait for a nice stable world.
  13. No, the launch pad and rocket with arrive in your lander with you.
  14. Lux and inverted lamps work, at least on the version I played. Read up on AE, the quantum stuff is well worth it. You will need about 256k of something to compress though to make the singularities. Oxygen sealing is very tricky work. Good luck. Just noticed your list didn't include a fuel loader, and fuel for the trip home. Bring that too :)
  15. I'd you have AE, build a quantum link chamber at home, and take another with you (and a crafting terminal). Then you'll have your whole inventory with you. Consider tesseracts to send power up there too.
  16. If there isn't at least six kinds of copper, forget it. :)
  17. Never used it, had a quick look at the wiki and it looks cool. My personal favorites are: Big Reactors Thermal Expansion Applied Energistics Mekanism OpenBlocks EnderIO Simply Jetpacks EE3 is nice to have, but leaving it out would force me to develop alternative methods, which is nice too. Just started learning Pneumaticraft and love it. Not much experience with any of the magic based mods. Basically everything in the current modpack. If there's a 1.7.10 of it, toss it in. How would it be to implement some kind of economy or trading post? Appreciate your efforts, enjoying the server.
  18. How Zombies made it to the Moon... http://imgur.com/GQMt6b6
  19. John AetherPirate AetherPirate USA east coast Relatively new, playing about six months. I'd like to join a 1.7.10 tech server and build a factory, and see the new stuff, and learn and play with other people. The promise of having no tweens running about in all caps and spamming chat is nice too.
  20. I'll get around it it... Probably by the time 1.9 is released.
  21. I've moved along to a custom server that has many elements that Tekkit has, but added mekanism (which is awesome), minechem, and many extra utilities. It also has galacticraft, which I enjoy very much, it's quirkiness can often be overcome with other mod's tools. It's a 1.6.4 pack, but the mods it's composed of all seem to have a future.
  22. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4255216?tstart=0 This links seems to offer a solution. It requires someone with admin rights to do some simple scripting.
  23. Lucki Craft is the first server I've ever tried, and its been awesome. Players can build in peace and be undisturbed, if they wish. No one runs around shouting in all caps, and there's no drama. Its a nice, laid back place where people can hang out and build and chat. The admin is very receptive to player input, and responds to trouble quickly. I'd highly recommend this server to anyone who wants to play in a mature, totally non-griefing environment. Plus, the modpack is really cool, and it won't overwhelm older computers. Having fun, and learning new things, and sharing ideas is what this place is about.
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