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Everything posted by Phuriousgeorge

  1. Because it's newly released. Give it a little time for bug reports and solutions and it'll be the recommended.
  2. There were a lot of issues with bypassing item bans if your admin was trying to block items. That could be the case. I know I just had the CT III blocked on my server completely.
  3. EquivalencyExchange2 has all kinds of documentation on how it's items work. Very thorough, and for the mostpart, up-to-date. The only thing that is unique in Tekkit is the Launcher and code tweaks to bring everything together. Tekkit is a mere collection of other mods. If you have specific item questions, you're better served going to the source.
  4. Please use the search funtion on the forums as there are many topics regarding forestry already answered.
  5. You have two options, depending on your copy/paste size... SMALL PASTE - If you want to copy while in-world, use WorldEdit to create a schematic file (see WorldEdit wiki if you aren't familiar). Then pull up your new world and insert the schematic. BIG PASTE - Copy as stated above, then download and open your new world in MCEdit (external world editor) and paste the schematic in. If you attempt to paste a large area while in-game, expect either the server to crash or to lock-up for quite awhile. Any large editing tasks is always prefered to be handled in MCEdit, not in-game. EDIT: Also, WorldEdit has an option to delete chunks while in-game and regenerate. You can attempt this, but BE SURE you have a backup before doing so. The newly re-generated chunks would use Tekkit's generator and include the new ores, but I've had issues with regenerating chunks and having really strange things happen throughout my world.
  6. TreeAssist v4.4 I'm running the latest Tekkit server - 3.0.4 I've only ran it with replanting, which is the reason I had changed to TreeAssist from ChopTree2, which was also working. Side note (guess I was tired and missed a part of your post before): I don't have it set up to use the mod items ie: chainsaw, but for me, that's a minor detail my users can deal with until I have time to tweak that too. I had both set up to cause durability loss = felling the whole tree.
  7. It happens anyway. It's absolutely normal.
  8. I use HostAltitude and MultiCraft works just fine there for me. The only thing I needed enabled was custom server .jar files and renamed the tekkit.jar to craftbukkit.jar
  9. PEx works just fine for me, but I also have disablecraft setup for redundancy in case something causes issues
  10. Going to ask the most basic question here.... In your modifyworld config, do you have "itemRestrictions: true"?
  11. The proper way is to disallow before allowing permission, as PEX reads the file top to bottom until it finds the permission it's looking for. Proper example would be: - -modifyworld.items.(have|use).(3240293|23432|2432|234233|whatever) <---disallows access to item ids entered - -modifyworld.blocks.(place|interact).(3240293|23432|2432|234233|whatever) <---disallows access to item ids entered - modifyworld.* <---- allows access to everything else As to your request smithy...look up those item values in NEI and populate the modifywold permission yourself. Don't depend on everyone to create your server for you. General guidance is fine, and you've received that. Hopefully the above clarification will assist. Any further questions, please look up the modifywold reference in the PermissionsEX wiki. Helps a ton to understand how to configure what you're installing. What better way than from the official resource?
  12. You can try debug mode of permissionsex & modifyworld to see what permissions it looks for when performing the action, then disallow.
  13. The Thaumcraft author stated he'd make an SMP version once the MOD API was out. Looks like we have to wait awhile longer =/
  14. For visual learners, YouTube is your friend. Lots of good RailCraft stuff posted there. Take what you see and use it in the configuration you're looking for.
  15. Also.... DO NOT /reload when changing things on your server. Tekkit doesn't like that and will cause you not to be able to craft. I removed the /reload command from staff and added PlugMan plugin manager and it seems to be working quite well this way.
  16. I'm sorry, I had to chuckle a little considering you were doing the exact same thing Great idea btw Beer.
  17. http://thetekkit.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Mill Unmanned Water Mill = 0.010 EU/t
  18. If your hosting doesn't have a configuration for custom *.jar files, rename your tekkit.jar to craftbukkit.jar and see if that works for ya
  19. I'm using HostAltitude. Most any hosting will work if you have the ability to FTP your own files to it. Just don't choose a managed package. All you have to do is rename tekkit.jar to craftbukkit.jar Just don't harrass the hosting company if you shit your own server. Be smart enough to know your issues and theirs.
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