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Everything posted by ErusPrime

  1. Can you provide a single credible reason that we should increase military funding instead of increasing funding for public services like education? Your entire argument reeks of someone who gets their politics from headlines or is just trolling. If you're serious, then I'm just going to stop reading this thread.
  2. Not just oil. That's the easy one. The natural progression of this government should be towards a semi socialist structure where everyone is working for everyone instead of just themselves. It's the only logical way to actually provide for millions of people and maintain a strong global economic presence. Plato told us Democracy was crap in "The Republic" Alexis De Tocqueville said that US Democracy could only serve as a temporary government. I wish I lived in Canada. You have hot chicks and poutine. and parking garage capture the flag. and giant pillow fights.
  3. I'm not voting until 2020 when I run as a write-in. The US Government is a failure of democracy and has failed its own constitution. I don't support anyone right now. Maybe Jill Stein but she's a little too hardcore green for me.
  4. you should see if he'll share the recipe. I need a larger repertoire of booty foods.
  5. it might be the rip. Try finding one that isn't messed up.
  6. I don't get that. Are you using your disc or a rip? I've got the disc.
  7. ^Dragoon was awesome. Legend of Legaia for PSX was pretty great. Sudeki for Xbox was also pretty great. One Must Fall 2097 for DOS was also great. edit: you people with your nostalgia threads. installing OMF2097 and Kings Quest now.
  8. I'm pretty sure I've dropped this link before. Huge into DOS games when I was a wee lad. Sierra and Epic Megagames owned my world. http://theboombot.com/dos/
  9. I got banned for telling sexist helen keller jokes. I was unbanned by telling cheapshot a terrible physics joke. Moral of the story: it probably has a lot to do with the mood they're in. PS: don't send them pics of your wang. It doesn't help, regardless of its magnificence.
  10. dude. +1 for insular. vocabularies is sexy. also, I hope forge comes out on top for this one. I think they've done more for creating a better MC community than bukkit. There's still some silos and bridges to be crossed but I really feel they're working towards mods becoming easily accessible, easily updated, and easier to manage.
  11. I've already got extra biomes. Shaders don't provide anything tangible. I want to be able to decorate my garden with a bunch of different things, most of which I want to be useful. I wouldn't mind horizontal fence posts. Until RP comes out, I have no microblocks which means no decent carpet. These are the kind of aesthetic mods I'm looking for. Bookshelf mods that don't suck and the like.
  12. yeah. I've got plenty of dimensions to play in. Just lookin for those little mods that let you tweak stuff to look the way you want.
  13. It does. but I want stuff that stands out and gives new options as well. For example, Flora and Soma had awesome nether trees and berry bushes that looked good in a kind of orchard/garden thing. Plus I really liked berries as a form of food. Where's jak? he should creatively rape flora and soma for me.
  14. I wanted a transportation mod that required some work. I don't like animal bikes. and the chococraft was done really well. They're not everywhere and you actually have to breed them like in 7 if you want to get the good ones. It gives me another thing to actually work at outside of mining and crafting. still, I need my pretty world gen.
  15. Thanks Jay. That does not help me at all.
  16. I've got my own 1.4.2 modpack. All that's missing is BC, RP, and TC3 as far as major mods are concerned. I'm thinking of adding Metallurgy 2 and Runic Dust (when it's updated). I need something to replace Flora and Soma. I miss my pretty, giant Redwood trees and various berry bushes. I don't want an overloaded world. I need more aesthetic mods. Here's what I got so far:
  17. Hate to break it to you OP but redstonehelper already manages this on the MC reddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1223xp/minecraft_142_is_out/c6rhecs
  18. I've hit my toe really hard on a door jamb. Not my big toe either. the little one.
  19. open your inventory and press [O]
  20. They're not necessarily bad. Just not as good as the first two. I played the shit out of the third one but only once or twice. I've repeatedly never completed Star Ocean 2. It's friggin huge.
  21. It's true. The later Star Ocean games aren't as good as Star Ocean 2.
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