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Everything posted by ErusPrime

  1. how can you survive ff8 without grinding. that's the one where you have to steal magic and then use it so many times to actually learn the spell and in addition to gaining xp for levels you had to get AP for your junctions to learn new abilities. I beat FFX multiple times. I liked the mechanics of the game and the difficulty of the side quests. I just hated the story. Yeah it all comes together but just because it makes sense doesn't mean it's good.
  2. If you're grinding in FF, like you should be, all the battles are easy excepting the additional challenge stuff. The difficulty of the battles wasn't based on your stats. I had very little problems with the bosses in FFX, but I did the grinding. Same with FF8. The card game is what became the best challenge in the game. 10's story line is ridiculous. If they could just pick a damn direction and stick with it I might have enjoyed it more. Voice acting aside, which was also terrible, the story just wasn't interesting. and 9 is the tits because it's cartoony.
  3. I like the materia over esper as far as mechanics are concerned. I never really got into 6. Back then I was more into chrono trigger and secret of mana which might be painting my opinion. I'd have to play it again. I put 12 over 10 simply because I liked the art and how huge the side stuff was. I found 10's story line to be annoyingly convoluted and lost interest in even pretending to follow it. To be fair, no FF game requires you to take part in the battles after awhile. That's why they have awesome art and story line. you're right about the order though. It should be 7 > 9 > 12 > 10 > everything else. I might even go so far as to say 9 > 7 > 12 > 10.
  4. both of you: This crash screen tells you exactly what the problem is. If you can read, you can fix it.
  5. my favorite comedians that are relatively unknown in these parts. Jimmy Carr and David Mitchell
  6. because I'm such a nerd, I watched the whole thing. You'll have to let me know exactly where it gets better. I must have missed it. It sucks from the theme song to the acting. I can let the acting kind of slide because it just wasn't written well. It's like JK Rowling's new book. I love the Harry Potter series but she totally dropped the ball on the new one.
  7. actually, if you listen to the lyrics, they fit together. that's why it was made. seriously.
  8. I don't want to see a new TV series based on the movies yet. I want Abrams to keep up with the movies. I'm fine with cinema as a medium. It's made all my favorite comic book characters (except Namor) be awesome. Favorite Star Trek : TNG. Geordi and Data made me love science and probably have a lot to do with me being at uni for engineering now. Least Favorite Trek : ToS (because enterprise doesn't count). Too campy. Although it started the whole thing, kirk was utterly ridiculous. Movies were good though. Well, not the first one. Favorite Star Trek Race : Trill. Ezri Dax is super hot.
  9. she's the chick singing in Munaus second link. the redhead chick on the subway in the original video.
  10. Dude. Hyuna is fucking hot as balls. you should check out Bubble Pop.
  11. DeCoy: good guide. A video to go along with that and it's own post would be a fantastic help to new art peoples.
  12. Element 3D overview and tutorial. If anyone likes to export world to OBJ with mineways or mcobj, this is a tool to make some neat vids.
  13. Use After Effects to edit. If you're using CS4 or above it'll use the encoder to render anyway but the workspace uses less resources.
  14. sometimes I like to view these pictures, turn the lights down low, put on some Al Green or Otis Redding and touch myself.
  15. maybe I'm just old and jaded but this sounds exactly like the kinds of conversations we had in 8th grade.
  16. I was never really into the occult. I've referenced it and studied it but for informative purposes. I've always been a proud black woman.
  17. I had a geforce 9300 onboard and I didn't get framerates that low.
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