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Everything posted by ErusPrime

  1. turn the allocated memory down to 512.
  2. video copilot has a boot camp and some tutorials on plugins you may not have used before. A lot of the skills can be translated out. made this a little while ago from his tutorials.
  3. Photoshop is fantastic for editing RAW camera images. Even particular can make some cool stuff. You spread it out, throw a little air on it, colorize and add a glow and you have a cool lookin smoke/fluid like line that spread across layers.
  4. the plugins for after effects can make some amazing stills easier than photoshop in some cases.
  5. mods/configs/IC2.cfg # Enable crafting of nukes enableCraftingNuke=false
  6. mdiyo is out of the modding game. he's working on his own indie game and I'm not sure if he plans on updating his mods. He didn't make any major changes to kaevator's mods other than to make them compatible with 1.2.5. Maybe one of our creativity rapists would be willing to update 'em. besides, with 4096 fix, you still have plenty of ID's left. edit: a few images to show you the world after flora&soma Overworld. It's subtle and interspersed around the area are are berry bushes. best food imo. You can easily live in those redwoods and they do drop saplings if you want to create a forest of 'em. The Nether. New trees. clouds you can collect and use. not as subtle as the overworld but still quite fitting for the dimension.
  7. My Suggestions: [Removals] ComputerCraft - superfluous with RP computers and Steve's Carts/Railcraft. Somnia - I think this one is more a matter of preference. I'd just rather make it day and wait for stuff. Zeppelin - like somnia, I think it's a cool idea. It just doesn't work in a fashion that I like i.e. - falling to my doom while the thing is moving. Although I bet a few of the controller blocks could be useful if they could rotate on the vertical axis (windmills/waterwheels) and I think I've already said my piece on Better Dungeons vs. Battle Towers. [Additions] Advanced HUD - 0 blocks InfiCraft's Flora and Soma - Block IDs: 39 Super Slopes - 46 ID's Timber Frames - 1 item ID Wallpapers - 1 item ID The things you build are a pretty important part of minecraft Advanced HUD lets you reposition, hide, and change the design style of the HUD elements. Not a live without mod, but I find it to be useful having my view unobstructed. Flora and Soma adds lots of cool new plants (even in the nether) and new food (barley and berries). The leaves are based on 1.8 though so the redwoods can make things a bit laggy. This is one of my favorite mods. All of the InfiCraft stuff is cool, but I think this one adds the most in terms of visuals and usefulness. Wallpaper is exactly what you think it is. No modpack should be without this. it's that awesome. Frames and slopes are just another way to add to designs. They're not perfect but they add a whole new dimension to your architecture.
  8. you can't just punch pirates in BD. all the mobs are ridiculously strong. same for the golem in BT. and once the golem is dead, the spawners are destroyed along with about 80% of the rest of the tower so it looks like ruins on the landscape The default config does have them both spawning fairly close to each other quite often. I left the rarity on BT at default but made the minimum distance between towers at least 2000. That way you have to at least prep before adventuring. I'd do the same with BD but I really don't like the way they generate over land.
  9. using the forum search function does not require any special skills.
  10. do you know how to install mods and are you capable of reading? if so, than yes. and it needs no further explanation. if no, than why would you want to mess around with it? you might break it.
  11. EE's a tough mod. It can easily become OP with transmutation being instantaneous and the energy collectors gathering EMC so quickly. I think it should work kinda like the Thaumcraft research with a chance for a loss and a time requirement. That way you're actually putting some effort into it.
  12. You have to go into the BIOS and disable the onboard GPU.
  13. isn't this thread itself fairly useless? it's a post telling people about the new forums that a user would be unable to access without going through the change password process to see the quite obviously different forum. besides, it's a shiny new toy. we learn from playing.
  14. MineOS is built with the intentions of being installed on a bare hard drive. I helped a kid with an old Dell get a server up and running. He couldn't make his world very big but it worked for him and his brother.
  15. yanno, if you can get those to work with shaders to actually filter the light, that would be awesome.
  16. I've never been a fan of star wars. The last decent game from the series I remember playing is the one on N64. I am excited for the new Tomb Raider though. Words I never though I would utter. The trailer looks fucking awesome.
  17. I think bootcamp is mainly for windows. VirtualBox is a decent VM and it'll work on a mac.
  18. Some days I just feel like packing up and moving to where the hot lesbians are.

  19. did you ever see the 1970's porn version of alice in wonderland? you should use that for inspiration.
  20. Unless it's changed, those are Iron Blocks. I don't have images of the mansion but they got some good stuff in 'em too. The Battle Towers just use dungeon chest loot until you get to the top, and the most I've ever seen is 1 diamond block in the top chest. Plus, those towers are destroyed when you kill the boss by default.
  21. in Better Dungeons, giant structures made of blocks of iron, gold, and diamond appear. The structures tend to be more valuable than the chests you're fighting over. I'm also not a fan of their generation and the way it meshes with the landscape. They always seem out of place while Battle Towers makes towers match the biome, uses simple dungeon loot, and gives you a little extra when you beat the boss. You can even have the tower destroyed when the boss is dead. That's just my humble opinion. I think better dungeons is cool, I just don't like things made too easy for me.
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