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Everything posted by Lothos

  1. i'm justing starting in on redpower for the first time today. All I can say so far is they desperately need a newbie tutorial for their wiki :/ I don't see anyone new to the modpack starting with using redpower first due to complexity. Right now I'm fairly easy to get going with it having already gotten my EE stuff built and done.
  2. i'm building for the same output on both tekkit and technic so A HV facotry is one of the first I need to get up and running. I'll look at the sorting machine.
  3. that can work too if I can figure it out. The tutorial page for the mod seems blank :(
  4. i'm tinkering with various buildings for things I use alot of and was trying to figure out how you can restrict or control the amount of materials go in particular directions for a given final outputs needs. Like, if you need to make machine blocks on one route and circuits on another you're using differing quantities of refined iron. How would you go about getting 1 going one way and 8 going the other for each output product you want? I figure I'm probably going to have to learn redpower stuff to do what I want, but honestly their wiki is horrid when it comes to getting a newbies feet wet.
  5. yes, coffee ran empty...just sat back down with fresh mug from http://mcupdate.tumblr.com/post/28481708267/minecraft-1-3-1 Minecraft 1.3.1 + Single-player now runs a server internally + Publish the single-player instance to LAN + Automatically detect LAN worlds in multi-player screen That's as in depth as they provide from the horses mouth. What I find intriguing is its going to publish your SSP game up onto your lan ( and probably hamachi) and folks can join you whether or not you want them to? I too have yet to play 1.3 as I'm just going to waiting on technic to get to it first.
  6. server process does NOT mean listening on a tcp/ip port. If it had to listen on a port it would require a separate application for the server up and running all the time before you even launch the client. And on the same machine you wouldn't communicate internally via tcp/ip even if the handshake was on localhost now, having said that the new 1.3 client could in fact run the "world" on a separate process than the client's interaction with that world much in the same manner as you would to a remote server. This might be done to achieve two things. One is a more reliable means of world saving in the event of a crash/power/outage/whatever that is the usual culprit of corrupt single player worlds. The second is a coding difference to be in more line with that SMP compatibility mandate. If both SSP and SMP save and interact with the world file in the same manner it makes things much easier on the code end. And please, let's refrain from the: as well as the idle threat: You can't come at me with a "I heard this" crap and then put the burden of proof upon me. I do have 20 years experience and a degree in my field to know the various meanings "server" can be taken upon. My clarification is perfectly acceptable and correct for the term and usage.
  7. and you believe that's a server just like everything on the internet is true :)
  8. I wouldn't say it runs a server internally.
  9. i believe the last 2 have to do with a redstone signal going TO the storage. I can't think of why you would not want EU output as a setting by default, but I can see having it output based upon a redstone input being detected. The same with the one "only if full" although that one I see less usage. The one I tend to have a hard time with is the partially full one because if I'm using it to turn a reactor "on" I want it to be on when empty or even partially full for example. But you basically have to use the third option whenever 2 choices are what you want and simply invert the signal.
  10. are we in a pissy mood? Mojang HIRED people that worked on the bukkit server. It's been a few months now. So yes, some of the people still working on bukkit are now in fact mojang employees. You don't get much more "joining forces" than that. Anyway, that wasn't really my point. Is the vanilla server provided by mojang not capable of being modded as easily as bukkit is? If not, again its back to my original point of why the majority of modders don't make their mods compatible with bukkit in the first place? This of course comes back full circle to the MC1.3 and SMP compatible mandate it brings. If the modders continue to mod and the mods would work henceforth on the vanilla server as a result of 1.3, would that single the end of the need for bukkit?
  11. I didn't realize they had one honestly. I just simply started with bukkit for my server. Dare I ask then why bukkit exists if there's a provided server from the maker? And since the gang at bukkit joined forces with mojang, won't those two servers become one at some point?
  12. what else would they code it for then for smp? since 1.3+ is smp compatible mods only you'd think something would bring bukkit into the mix for compatibility. Does mojang provide a server engine?
  13. all I got from the OP was the impression of someone trying to play tekkit without a legal MC account.
  14. you can play tekkit ssp though which alot of people do to limit the number of mods they play with.
  15. First, you have to wait for BUKKIT to update really. Even if you aren't waiting on tekkit i'm sure the modders are all dragging their feet for them to update first.
  16. that's not a workaround though. That just proves there is something wrong on your specific machine with your specific account. a workaround would imply there was something wrong with the launcher or java.
  17. But, he's behaving just like a 12 year old admin. People need to learn to not let shit get to them and rile them up. plain and simple.
  18. Lothos


    it's not so much being lazy as it is being unwilling to have your mod truly be played by a wide audience.
  19. Lothos


    isn't the point of forge to try and get modders to come to some form of standard?
  20. can you even power them with HV? I wasn't sure what more transformer upgrades would do. I ended up cutting out the single mfe and having all 7 of my geothermals feed a glassfiber trunk and each machine has its own mfe. I have 7 overclockers in them now and they still need more speed torezu, its about conserving space right now so just one machine per. The furnace I don't worry too much over, as if I really need something fast I use the DM one instead.
  21. ok, so I went ahead and made them their own mfe's and even then they can't handle more than 3 overclock upgrades before they're taking out faster than the mfe can charge on 128eu/t. I dont understand how you cap a machine with this hurdle.
  22. I have upgraded my 4 basic machines to their advanced ones and put 4-8 overclockers in them. Power became an issue on the old copper/lv transformer line, so I upgraded to glass fiber underneath and made mv transformer upgrades for all 4. I thought a single MFE could power the 4 devices fine this way, but they are struggle to even remotely power up. Am I going to have to resort to parking an MFE for each one under them to feed them properly? I have 6 geothermals charging the MFE faster than they can drain it too, so its not a charge problem.
  23. then you have something else going on that has nothing to do with technic.
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