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  On 3/3/2015 at 7:49 AM, Geistes said:

So uh. I know I said 8AM UTC... but that was a calculation based off an image 1/4th the size of the TPPI server. (whoop  :psyduck:)


So... Wait a while longer please :3

Haven't tried to log in yet. But good to know ^,-,^

  On 3/3/2015 at 8:25 AM, Nisafei said:

Haven't tried to log in yet. But good to know ^,-,^


;-; so much data.



Posted (edited)
  On 3/3/2015 at 10:21 AM, Nisafei said:

*pats* One day itll be all growed up and transferred.


Three days, $75, and a new hard drive later and everything is back up and running!  :parrot:

Edited by Geistes
  On 2/23/2015 at 2:34 AM, LonEWoLFz said:

Age) 18
Location) USA
I have been playing Minecraft since beta
What keeps me playing is finding new things to build and construct no matter how crazy i think it is or how it might not work i keep doing.

and playing with people


  On 2/23/2015 at 5:58 AM, braydenrb said:

Re-Read this please?

IGN) _snooplion_( I know you might think this name is stupid but this is what happens when you leave you mojang account signed in and your friend takes It upon himself to change your minecraft name)

(age) 17

location) 'Merica

how long have you been playing minecraft) 3 years

what keeps you playing minecraft) finding good communites and playing it In different mod packs to change my overall experience


  On 3/1/2015 at 1:07 AM, Legendaryman65 said:

IGN) Legendaryman56
Location) Canada 
How long have you been playing Minecraft)aprox 4 years idk (Since like early Beta)
What keeps you playing Minecraft?)just the adventures you can have and friends you can make thats the reason i wanna join this server cause i thought it would be alot of fun


  On 3/3/2015 at 12:40 AM, Equadox said:

IGN) Equadox

Age) 17
Location) Alberta Canada
How long have you been playing Minecraft) I started playing MC in its beta stages, cant remember the exact patch.  Afterwards took a rather large break, and as of about a month ago have picked it back up.  However have continued to watch MC videos (specifically etho, bdubs, and vintagebeef) 
What keeps you playing Minecraft?) I came back to Minecraft because of the sandbox aspect and found myself missing being able to build what ever came to mind, and that is still what keeps me playing.


Added all four of you to the whitelist! If you're all still around, I'm sure you'll find your way eventually :D

  On 3/3/2015 at 12:46 PM, Geistes said:

Three days, $75, and a new hard drive later and everything is back up and running!  :parrot:

Aww yeah~! *wiggles like that parrot* Thanks ^,-,^


Good lord that Parrot is ridiculous. :P Thanks for getting the server up so quickly and allowing us to play again! Also, Ive heard news about a Resonant Rise server, can we get some clarification on that~?

Posted (edited)

Hello!  I just found this, and I'm so very surprised and happy it is still active.  I'm going to fill this out for me and my girl.  Hope to have a long playing experience here!


Usernames:  Zoravus,   Katmellow

Age: 25

Location: USA

I've been playing minecraft since it was in Alpha for 8 dollars.  =3  I usually host my own server.  This time...I don't feel like it.  =]

The Mods keep bringing me back.  All...the...millions..of..colorful...mods...


Please accept us!

Edited by zoradragoon333
  On 3/4/2015 at 3:46 AM, zoradragoon333 said:


Hello!  I just found this, and I'm so very surprised and happy it is still active.  I'm going to fill this out for me and my girl.  Hope to have a long playing experience here!


Usernames:  Zoravus,   Katmellow

Age: 25

Location: USA

I've been playing minecraft since it was in Alpha for 8 dollars.  =3  I usually host my own server.  This time...I don't feel like it.  =]

The Mods keep bringing me back.  All...the...millions..of..colorful...mods...


Please accept us!



Your wish has been granted! We're all happy to have you here :3 Welcome aboard and send me a pm if you have any problems or inquiries!  :catdrugs:

  On 3/4/2015 at 5:55 AM, Tatters said:

Geist please, the animations are too much for this little Tatters!


Can't stop won't stop! Also concerning the RR server... There was some issues with the TPS and some concerns I had about player access, I'll give at another go in a few minutes on some more powerful hardware. The things I do for you guys.  :tviv:


IGN) 2see_2be

Age) 18

Location) Australia

Being playin minecraft for the past few years, have no idea what version i started in.

Why do i come back to minecraft, primarly because the community and mods.


  On 3/5/2015 at 10:01 AM, Chronic said:

IGN) 2see_2be

Age) 18

Location) Australia

Being playin minecraft for the past few years, have no idea what version i started in.

Why do i come back to minecraft, primarly because the community and mods.


Added you to the whitelist! Welcome aboard!  :pcgaming:


Hey Geist, I've been testing the Infinity server and wanted to let you know that everything is running smoothly! However, a few small things of convenience have been bugging me and a pal. If you could disable those pesky creepers and what have you from doing block damage, and add in a /home, /sethome, etc. functionality like we have on TPPI that would be stellar~

  On 3/9/2015 at 2:02 AM, browniehound said:

Wait there is a inifinity server? Are we allowed to get on or are you working on it?


  On 3/9/2015 at 2:00 AM, Tatters said:

Hey Geist, I've been testing the Infinity server and wanted to let you know that everything is running smoothly! However, a few small things of convenience have been bugging me and a pal. If you could disable those pesky creepers and what have you from doing block damage, and add in a /home, /sethome, etc. functionality like we have on TPPI that would be stellar~



There is currently an infinity server in a testing phase, I haven't had a moment to setup any of the plugins or permissions yet so thats why crepers are very annoying and there is no commands.


You can play on the server currently, however there is a chance the map will be reset when I get all the plugins sorted out.


@browniehound I've given you PRIVAC (Privileged Access), so feel free to explore the pack a bit, just keep in mind it's possible the map may be wiped in the future.


How long have you been playing Minecraft) 11 months
What keeps you playing Minecraft?) The diversity. There's always something new to learn and many game modes to choose from. Also, the ppl you meet playing MC xD.


Thanks for the quick reply Geist~ I suppose I'll have to go easy on the progress I make on Infinity if there's a chance of reset. Regardless of your decision, I'd like to build official spawn if that's alright with y'all!

  On 3/9/2015 at 8:00 AM, Tatters said:

Thanks for the quick reply Geist~ I suppose I'll have to go easy on the progress I make on Infinity if there's a chance of reset. Regardless of your decision, I'd like to build official spawn if that's alright with y'all!


  On 3/9/2015 at 11:35 AM, browniehound said:

Thanks for the access, is the IP the same as it is for the TPPI server?


Chances are the map will not reset, I did not reset the map for the TPPI server when I built it... so go nuts. I say that as I cannot think of any reason why I would need to reset the map.*


As to brownie, Sorry bud, something popped up and I was in a rush to leave and forgot about PM'ing you the address. >.< It's the same address but on port 25575. Geisteskranken.com:25575


  On 3/9/2015 at 7:33 AM, _PinkIce_ said:




How long have you been playing Minecraft) 11 months

What keeps you playing Minecraft?) The diversity. There's always something new to learn and many game modes to choose from. Also, the ppl you meet playing MC xD.


Added you to the whitelist!

IGN) KrazedKirb
Age) 16
Location) U.S.
How long have you been playing Minecraft) 4 years ago in Beta 1.5.
What keeps you playing Minecraft?)  Playing with friends and huge modpacks like TPPI can keep me on a binge trip of playing Minecraft for hours upon hours.
Posted (edited)

IGN) Baseball_Legion
Age) 16
Location) USA
How long have you been playing Minecraft) I've been playing Minecraft since the 7th grade, which was four years ago when I played Beta 1.5 with Krazedkirb and ItzNachoCheeze 
What keeps you playing Minecraft?) All the different types of mods

Edited by Baseball_Legion
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