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My friend just made his own pack and a server, he gave us all the links, we all downloaded it to the launcher and such, we all saved it to our desktop. it worked for them, but for me it launches vanilla minecraft instead of the modpack. i checked the location and everything is ok, the files and stuff are in their folders. i don't know what i did wrong to be honest? any ideas


Modpack link: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/corruptpack-beta


Console Log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9357401/



  • Discord Moderator

The pack needs significant work:

  • All folders other than bin, config and mods should not be in the pack, as well as the megabytes of logs from a previous version of Forge/MC.
  • The modpack.jar file in the bin folder is actually named "Modpack.jar". This is bad and should be fixed (needs to be all lower case).
  • Forge/MC for 1.7.10 does not use a coremods folder in any way. All mods go in or below the mods folder.
  • I believe there are mismatched mods in the pack. For instance, I think the AE2 and ExtraCells mods are not correctly matched.
  • The EE3 mod has an odd name with no version number. The implication here is that the mod was not obtained from the mod author. This is always bad. There are many other included mods with the same problem.
  • The Flan's mod installer is in the mods folder instead of the actual mod.
  • Many of the mods are painfully out of date (such as Mekanism), as well as Forge itself (the modpack.jar file).
  • There are no config files included in the pack. This is always bad.

I'm surprised the pack even starts for anyone. It needs some serious work. The problems listed above do not address integration issues between mods. It is messed up enough that I did not try to start it.


The pack needs significant work:

  • All folders other than bin, config and mods should not be in the pack, as well as the megabytes of logs from a previous version of Forge/MC.
  • The modpack.jar file in the bin folder is actually named "Modpack.jar". This is bad and should be fixed (needs to be all lower case).
  • Forge/MC for 1.7.10 does not use a coremods folder in any way. All mods go in or below the mods folder.
  • I believe there are mismatched mods in the pack. For instance, I think the AE2 and ExtraCells mods are not correctly matched.
  • The EE3 mod has an odd name with no version number. The implication here is that the mod was not obtained from the mod author. This is always bad. There are many other included mods with the same problem.
  • The Flan's mod installer is in the mods folder instead of the actual mod.
  • Many of the mods are painfully out of date (such as Mekanism), as well as Forge itself (the modpack.jar file).
  • There are no config files included in the pack. This is always bad.

I'm surprised the pack even starts for anyone. It needs some serious work. The problems listed above do not address integration issues between mods. It is messed up enough that I did not try to start it.

hmmm, i will contact my friend then. i did think it was strange to see the installer in the /mods folder, although for the others who used it, they have no issues and have been playing for a while now.

anywho, thanks :)

  • Discord Moderator

The reason it worked (kinda, sorta) in Windows is that Windows is not case sensative in its filenames. The "Modpack.jar" file (with the upper case M) will break the pack on anything but Windows. Of course, all the other problems still need attention regardless of platform. :)


ok, well i renamed it, and removed the resonant engine from the core mods(not supposed to be there) and from the mods folder, i got to the biomes oplenty screen and then it closed and went back to the launcher. console didn't say it crashed. im gonna just try and remake the enitre pack lol ._. since you know more than me, maybe you can help me by pointing out the mistakes made? if that's not too much to ask for :)

  • Discord Moderator

I am quite willing to continue debugging things here. Are you able to update the pack settings with the new/updated modpack archive/URL? If not you may need to make another modpack altogether and we can start from there.

  • Discord Moderator
  • You should probably be using Forge 1.7.10 #1240.
  • You should not be including binminecraft.jar in your modpack archive.
  • Not including config files is always bad, and especially so when you have so many mods. This applies even to 1.7.10 modpacks.
  • You should not be including CoFHLib in your mods folder. It does not belong in a client modpack.
  • Most people who include Mekanism also include MekanismGenerators. Just a suggestion.
  • You have a number of ChickenBones' mods, but not the dependency mod CodeChickenCore.
  • One of your mods seems to be including the old BuildCraft API and causing a conflict with the latest BuildCraft:
[15:26:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Caught exception from BuildCraft|Energy
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: buildcraft.api.recipes.IRefineryRecipeManager.addRecipe(Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/minecraftforge/fluids/FluidStack;Lnet/minecraftforge/fluids/FluidStack;II)V

I stopped messing with it at this point. After disabled a number of mods it was still complaining about the BC pipe API. You need to assemble this pack in the traditional fashion. Build it methodically, adding in a few/related mods at once until it fails and you'll know where the problem is coming from.


alright, thanks. i fixed it, not the configs yet, how do i generate them? don't i just run it? and the bc, i included project red, which is pretty much red power. anywho i will run it like you suggested in ftb since i can add the mods through the launcher, unless there's something specifically for that lol.

anywho, thanks again, i will post my results :)


ok, i'm good. it was dragonapi, i had to delete the buildcraft folder inside of it, but i took dragonapi out completely as we dont need it :P game launched just fine :D

thank you for everything, you will be thanked in the credits :P

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