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Who is in charge here?

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I would like to speak with them.

I am sure this will be deleted in short order, but before it does I hope someone important reads it. Every time I google search and end up on these forums the thread starts with someone asking the same question I had and devolves into a mod arguing and insulting someone. Why? So they didn't form the question right or whatever the reason for them being beneath you. It makes these forums look bad and this will be my only post ever to them because of it.

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Technic forums have a clearly defined set of rules.

Obey the rules, you're treated like a human being.

Disregard the rules like 99% of first posters do, you get mocked.

This isn't the MCforums, there are no popularity contests, memes are banned, and thread hijacks/wrong area posting is mercilessly mocked until the poster either leaves or wises up (either way, the forum stays cleaner).

Please point out the thread you speak of, anyone here can tell you exactly what the original poster did wrong to deserve their mocking.

But to answer your question, Kakermix is God here.

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There are 45,000 users contributing over 100,000 posts in almost 14,000 threads. All of this in what, 6 months?

What exactly do you expect the mods to do?

Or are you just pissed your google search for "tekkit dun werk" didn't answer your problem perfectly on the first result with flowers and rainbows and free +1 diamonds for all?

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kakermix is the main man, but I don't think you talking to him will do you any good. these are not the kind of forums you are used to. by "forming the question right", I'm gonna guess you mean using the bug report format. we insist on that because we need to know more than, "is brok, fix pls" in order to do anything.

let me give you an analogy. let's say that you run an auto repair shop. a person calls you and says they have a problem with their car. upon asking them what is wrong they say simply, "it doesn't work". you try to ask them what the make and model of the car is only to be told it's "the latest" and "a good one". the customer also refuses to bring the car in because "it's broken". how much help do you think you could be to this person? if you said "absolutely none", you'd be right and that exactly how it is when people post their problems without the supporting information needed to figure out what they're talking about.

from the sounds of it, you are simply not the kind of person that this forum is for. this forum is for people with a brain who know how to use it. that clearly just isn't you.

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I would like to speak with them.

this will be my only post ever to them because of it.

But the forums are not clean they are full of back and forth nonsense. Anyway my point was made.

But you promised!!!!

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Cheap's image is proof they're planning on adding the HeroBunny, BushyBrows, Dual Wieldy, and McWeinerschnitzel mods to the next version of technic.

Why else would he draw a bunny with huge eyebrows holding a hotdog in one hand and a steak in another?

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It makes these forums look bad

thats why i love it so much :D

this will be my only post ever to them because of it.

when you use tekkit/technic/yogsbox you will get to a certain point that you HAVE to use this forum or you wont be able to fix any bugs/errors. the support for technic launger is low at the bukkit, pmc and mc forums so welcome to the technic forums!!

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Neowolf, it is dangerous to pull back the green curtain.

It's more of a half asleep stumble through them than a deliberate pull.

Been waiting for the McWeinerschnitzel mod to be added forever, nothing more fun than building a Weinerschnitzel hut up to full spec then sitting and serving sporadic rushes of NPC's for 8 hours at a time. And if you have iconomy setup it'll even simulate you having to deal with management trying to screw you out of minimum wage.


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But to answer your question, Kakermix is God here.

I would like to expand on that:

To me, kaker is that layback, wealthy, pinstripe suit guy taking a tan near his swimming pool. In other words, he's a celebrity.

Cheap is that down-to-earth, artistic/cosmetic artist who makes rainbows and unicorns and other pretty stuff.

But if you mean "who make Launcher?" then you wanna talk to the wizard behind-the-scenes Agelian.

If you mean the "who is most active on the forums?", then you want Jay?. I would, however, strongly recommend to avoid Her. Her powers grow for every OP/poster she banishes.

I have no idea who sct is and how he was made admin( maybe he won a popularity contest?).

So you see, OP, there is quite a selection of people "in-charge" of this place.

Why YOU, of all the posters in this forum, MUST speak to the leaders of this place, is beyond me. But so far this thread has gone quite nicely, nobody's hurt and no one is screaming, yelling and kicking like little school girls.

Who knows, maybe Kaker/cheap will see potential in me and make me mod and part of the leadership of this place...

#Absolute silence, birds chirping in the distance...

What? It could happen...?

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I have no idea who sct is and how he was made admin( maybe he won a popularity contest?).

Well I mean someones gotta give Kaker blowies :colbert:

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Cheap's image is proof they're planning on adding the HeroBunny, BushyBrows, Dual Wieldy, and McWeinerschnitzel mods to the next version of technic.

Why else would he draw a bunny with huge eyebrows holding a hotdog in one hand and a steak in another?

can i ask what are the mods the've made? also, links are really helpful, thanks.

Disregard the rules like 99% of first posters do, you get mocked.

I think the best thing to do is just think before posting, because most of the first posters are here just go get answers and then go. not checking the rules, that's why they're being mocked. And research is good.

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well i have a few questions for you.

  • who are you, how did you suddenly become admin
  • why has jay? been inactive for tha last few weeks?
  • what is your role with technic, tekkit and the launger
  • who/what is aglan?

"Suddenly"? You must not have been paying attention, because he's been admin for a long while. Jay?'s activity is none of your fucking business. The other two questions are acceptable, I suppose.

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"Suddenly"? You must not have been paying attention, because he's been admin for a long while. Jay?'s activity is none of your fucking business. The other two questions are acceptable, I suppose.

1. hmm i just never noticed him (edit) i have been gone from tekkit/minecraft for some time as well :/

2. D: i just noticed she's gone, and am wondering why she is

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1. hmm i just never noticed him (edit) i have been gone from tekkit/minecraft for some time as well :/

2. D: i just noticed she's gone, and am wondering why she is

Gone? What the heck are you talking about, her last post is from today.

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