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Who is in charge here?

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Gone? What the heck are you talking about, her last post is from today.

I think he's under the impression that whatever he happens to see or notice is the sum total of all events in the universe. Maybe he doesn't realize that the planet keeps spinning even while he's not paying attention to it.

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well i have a few questions for you.

  • who are you, how did you suddenly become admin
  • why has jay? been inactive for tha last few weeks?
  • what is your role with technic, tekkit and the launger
  • who/what is aglan?

Well lets seeeeeee

The new website, these forums and tekkit is what I do here. I suppose it's not much but the blowies make up for my lack of effort. :smug:

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Well lets seeeeeee

The new website, these forums and tekkit is what I do here. I suppose it's not much but the blowies make up for my lack of effort. :smug:

For some reason, I see your name, and I hear "scoot" said in Squirtle's voice. Just thought I'd mention that.

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For some reason, I see your name, and I hear "scoot" said in Squirtle's voice. Just thought I'd mention that.

And now I will forever hear the same thing in my head.

On a side note, maybe a list of the hierarchy that rules the forum would be helpful for some? At the very least, a conversation bit for bored users ;)

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And now I will forever hear the same thing in my head.

On a side note, maybe a list of the hierarchy that rules the forum would be helpful for some? At the very least, a conversation bit for bored users ;)

It's very flat. We put people in charge we trust. If they decide something then its what we would have decided as well. Easy. :colbert:

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well i have a few questions for you.

  • who are you, how did you suddenly become admin
  • why has jay? been inactive for tha last few weeks?
  • what is your role with technic, tekkit and the launger
  • who/what is aglan?

It's true, i haven't been very active at all. There have been stretches of multiple days where i haven't posted. I'd like to be on more, but my real life job can be very demanding sometimes. Besides, this isn't a very big deal, the rest of the mod team is perfectly capable of managing this place without my help, particularly with the recent changes.

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well i have a few questions for you.

  • who are you, how did you suddenly become admin
  • why has jay? been inactive for tha last few weeks?
  • what is your role with technic, tekkit and the launger
  • who/what is aglan?

Sct is a scout boy, he sold cookies to the neighbourhood. Kaker ate one, and instantly made sct admin.

There is a reason we have fake names and funny-looking avatars, it's called Privacy. Don't invade it.

Yes, that Top-Secret "launger" that Sct is working on has made the whole forums whispering in dark corners and alleys. What is it? What does it do? Some believe that it's a copy-cat off the Technic Launcher... Only time will tell when Sct will come out with a release date of the "launger".

No idea

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aglan is agelian or however it's spelled. (sorry man, I can never spell your name right if it's not in front of me) he is responsible for the launcher.

the aglan thing is just "dolan speak"

frekcu pls Mod Edit: Please put more thought into your posts. :)


trzu pls

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There is a reason we have fake names and funny-looking avatars, it's called Privacy. Don't invade it.

im notinvading anyone's privacy. if you think i am, just dont bother me with it and ignore me. i do not ask for any information about your personal life and i dont care where you live, how old you are and what your name is. and i hate that jackon music.

Only time will tell when Sct will come out with a release date of the "launger".

No idea

err hasnt the launger been released a long time ago? when the first version of tekkit (not technic) came out?

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err hasnt the launger been released a long time ago? when the first version of tekkit (not technic) came out?

Did i type half of my post in invisible letters again? SHoot! It happens every time! It must be a funny bug within these forums, when people can only read parts of a post.

On a side note, maybe a list of the hierarchy that rules the forum

Okiedokie! Here goes, from top-notch to less important figures:






Merchant of Menace

Valkon/Freakachu/Torezu/Ragnar Homsar/SimpleGuy/Eldmoor



This list is subject to change in terms of mod behavior and future recruits.

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I like how I'm apparently more important than most of the moderation team for some reason.

Different personalities have different degrees of impact on different people. It may very well be that as many people think of you as the heart of the site, as think of you as nobody at all. Just luck of the draw, really.

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Different personalities have different degrees of impact on different people. It may very well be that as many people think of you as the heart of the site, as think of you as nobody at all. Just luck of the draw, really.

You make it sound as if I didn't put any effort into my list :(

It's based on the time and the experience I've got on this forum, can't remember how long it's been now...

Merchant deserves that spot. Mind you, jakj, I thought of putting you there as well. But changed my mind before posting.

You're not part of the staff, you're part of the Technic forum family

That last part can't be considered a meme? can it?

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