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[3.1.2][24/7][Mature] Tekkitia - A Small, Friendly Server [30 Slot]

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InGameName: Fondour

About me:
College student that plays mostly nights and early morning


Why Tekkitia?: I've been doing Tekkit for several months now and am tired of just rushing RM. Forestry seems like a good side mission and the community seems friendly enough. Ultimately I'd rather build in the vicinity of others than just get nanoarmor and call it quits.

Do you understand
will get you banned/removed? Yes.

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InGameName: Pomfret1

About me: I am a creative, patient and mature person who just wants to play some tekkit to improve my minecrafting skills.

Location: GMT +0

Why Tekkitia?: I've been searching round for a mature, creative server and I have finally found the one that suits me.

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes, yes I do.


InGameName: BeagleCreep

About me:im just a kid that wants to learn ,ore and play on tekkit

Location: EST

Why Tekkitia?: my dad liked your forum post

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing yes



About me:
Casual, 24y-old player. I do enjoy Tekkit as a whole, i am a constructor. I tend to attempt to solve difficult builds in the most compact/efficient way possible, that's why i play Tekkit as it provides vast variety of possibilities, which gives me the most of joy while playing.

GMT+1/GMT+2 (summer/winter), Middle Europe

Why Tekkitia?:
Because i am in search of peaceful server that has Tekkit expanded with Forestry, which i love. I am playing Tekkify server atm, but i am applying here as i miss Forestry :/

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed?:
Ofcourse, i've never been, nor intend to be, banned at any server i've visited.


InGameName: blazeboy44

About: 16 almost 17 years old. Started out playing vanilla Minecraft. Watching direwolf20's LP I found out about mods like IC, BC, EE, RP. I started to add mods to my vanilla client until I found out about the Technic / Tekkit launcher I've now been using it for a couple months and have learned and discovered every mod in the Tekkit mod pack.

Location: USA, EST

Why Tekkitia: Love the forestry mod! Also have been looking for a server that isnt run by a bunch of 10 year-olds that ban people at will.

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing? Yes. I dislike players that cannot collect resources on they're own so they decide to take from players who have earned them.


IGN: jakeson2000

About me: Ive been playing Minecraft for a while as well as Tekkit. Im 15 years old. I try to keep up and learn every item when its newly released to a mod

Location: EST but i can be on at anytime during the day

Why Tekkitia: It takes me forever to find a server i might be interested in and this one really caught my eye. I really miss forestry and with this I can finally have the chance to play with bees because i have not in the past.

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed: yes this is clear and i will do nothing of the sort

Hope i can join!


In game name: omnissiah19

about me:i love tekkit i finally got into rail craft so i have been honing my skill in that

Location: usa west coast but im up most of the time

Why Tekkitia?: because i want server i can build things with people and have a great time without the fear of being greifed

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? yes


InGameName: ZephyrZx

About me: Out of all mods i like in tekkit, i like buildcraft and IC2 the most, and first time i see a server with forestry too so i'm curious about it.

Location: GMT-4, i think it's the same as EST?

Why Tekkitia?: As i said, i'm curious about a server with forestry too, i'm somewhat experienced with it, and i'd love to try it on multiplayer, plus i've been looking for a mature server for a while.

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? yes.


InGameName: PrettySwag9

About me: Im a tekkit lover who likes to mine and use cool tools like the mining laser and the jetpack. I never grief and i respect others.

Location: Pacific (USA)

Why Tekkitia?: Because im looking for a small community without griefing annoying people and i think this is a great solution to my problems :D

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes i completely understand


InGameName: Bobblybook

About me: I'm fairly new to tekkit, have been playing around on single player with IC2 & BC stuff (haven't used much of the other mods yet). I'm quite OCD about designing my minecraft home, so that has sucked up most of my time so far! I really love creating self sufficient, renewable homes with minimum impact on the surrounding environment.

Location: Australia, GMT+10, I usually play afternoon/evening.

Why Tekkitia?: I'm looking for a non-laggy (eg. fairly small) MP tekkit server to have fun building on. I've never played with forestry (which really annoyed me because there is a lot in it I think I would enjoy). Most of all I would like a server without griefing or reckless use of items which increase server load & lag, and without constant server wipes (usually due to the above).

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Of course!


InGameName: Exilles998

About me:
(brief intro to you): Mature and very creative builder.

(timezone works) Europe, Slovenia

Why Tekkitia?: I really want to play on a server that's grief free and share my creations with others, improve my skills..etc.

Do you understand
will get you banned/removed? Of course.


InGameName: amandus0

About me: I'm 22 years old, and I'm fairly new to tekkit/technic. Regarding vanilla Minecraft I've been playing since 1 year back.

Location: I'm Swedish. That's CET (Central European Time)

Why Tekkitia?: I've been looking around for a good stable server. What I'm looking for in a server is a Mature player base, good management, and stability(least possible lag).

With emphasis on Maturity in the overall player group.

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed?:

I fully expect you to ban me if i do something wrong, in that magnitude. And i also fully expect this to apply to everyone else. I accept and understand.

Thanks for reading.



About me: i love playing tekkit but im still learning abot it all the time

Location: uk kent

Why Tekkitia?:im looking for a fun small place to start and spend my days there

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes I understand


Upgrading within the new few hours, meaning more slots and a better server.

Message me if you've already replied but haven't heard from me, apply if you want to join.

We'll have room for more soon.


InGameName: jdog318

About: 16 years old and have been playing minecraft since alpha and love tekkit and the mods involved with it.

Location: Est

Why tekkitia?: I really like playing on a server that is hosted by players that know what they're doing...and of course FORESTRY!

i understand the rules of the server and what actions can remove you

please consider me


  "Bewood said:
Upgrading within the new few hours, meaning more slots and a better server.

Message me if you've already replied but haven't heard from me, apply if you want to join.

We'll have room for more soon.


  • InGameName: 5N4K321
  • About me: Mature, friendly, survivalist. I generally enjoy things more if I have to work to get it. (Like crab legs! mmmhmmm!) So I prefer Survival mode, and going from rags to riches, in a way. Also enjoy building elaborate structures and contraptions. Very familiar with Tekkit, mods, and plugins.
  • Location: Pittsburgh, PA (US)
  • Why Tekkitia?: We have a small (4 slot) Tekkit server that a few friends and I manage and hang out on. Aside from having a good time, we're primarily interested in learning, using blocks in tricky new ways, setting up mob grinders, automating just about everything that we can, and also putting time into making nice looking buildings/communities. Not always are we on at the same time however, and it would be interesting to see how others do things. From structures, to machines, or even community and economy. It sounds like this server is what I'm looking for.
  • Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Absolutely. I have no interest in being troublesome or destructive. I'm also not at all interested in PVP.

*Edit* - Just cleaning up the format of my response. Most everything was in bold.


InGameName: SarchXw

About me: My name is Steven, 17 years old and I like to play games with friends or a small group of people, I started playing Tekkit about 5 months ago when I stumbled upon it trough a youtube video.

Location: +1 GMT, Amsterdam.

Why Tekkitia?: I sent an apply to this server because of the small amount of slots, I dislike big servers with 100+ people online, Im looking for a small but friendly community

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed?: Ofcourse, I promise to not cause trouble during my stay on the server.

I hope I can start playing soon

- Steven



About me: New to minecraft and want a place to play and meet new people.

Location: PST

Why Tekkitia?: Seems like a great place to learn and play,

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes



About me:
im advanced in ic2 rp2 and abit of EE and I Am missing forestry from the old days

B.C Canada

Why Tekkitia?:forestry/looking for a nice community

Do you understand
will get you banned/removed?

yes. and i hope anyone who breaks those simple rules gets banned

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