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Minecraft 1.3.1


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Everything I've heard about 1.3 indicates it runs an internal server process and uses IPC to communicate with it. Note that "server process" =/= "listens on a TCP/IP port for connections".

If you can refute that, provide a link.

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server process does NOT mean listening on a tcp/ip port. If it had to listen on a port it would require a separate application for the server up and running all the time before you even launch the client. And on the same machine you wouldn't communicate internally via tcp/ip even if the handshake was on localhost

now, having said that the new 1.3 client could in fact run the "world" on a separate process than the client's interaction with that world much in the same manner as you would to a remote server. This might be done to achieve two things. One is a more reliable means of world saving in the event of a crash/power/outage/whatever that is the usual culprit of corrupt single player worlds. The second is a coding difference to be in more line with that SMP compatibility mandate. If both SSP and SMP save and interact with the world file in the same manner it makes things much easier on the code end.

And please, let's refrain from the:

Everything I've heard...

as well as the idle threat:

If you can refute that, provide a link.

You can't come at me with a "I heard this" crap and then put the burden of proof upon me. I do have 20 years experience and a degree in my field to know the various meanings "server" can be taken upon. My clarification is perfectly acceptable and correct for the term and usage.

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My goodness, and I thought I had an angry personality. You think that was a threat? Time for some coffee, bud.

As for the first sentence of your reply, that's exactly what I already said, as "=/=" is "is inequal to".

As for the rest of it, yes, that's obvious. I don't have 20 years experience, but I -am- in this field, so we can agree we both have the basics. If I don't feel like downloading and decompiling 1.3 (since I have no intention of even playing it, let alone developing for it, yet), and you don't feel like pointing me toward anywhere that has a discussion of this, I guess the conversation's over.

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My goodness, and I thought I had an angry personality. You think that was a threat? Time for some coffee, bud.

As for the first sentence of your reply, that's exactly what I already said, as "=/=" is "is inequal to".

As for the rest of it, yes, that's obvious. I don't have 20 years experience, but I -am- in this field, so we can agree we both have the basics. If I don't feel like downloading and decompiling 1.3 (since I have no intention of even playing it, let alone developing for it, yet), and you don't feel like pointing me toward anywhere that has a discussion of this, I guess the conversation's over.

yes, coffee ran empty...just sat back down with fresh mug :)

from http://mcupdate.tumblr.com/post/28481708267/minecraft-1-3-1

Minecraft 1.3.1

+ Single-player now runs a server internally

+ Publish the single-player instance to LAN

+ Automatically detect LAN worlds in multi-player screen

That's as in depth as they provide from the horses mouth.

What I find intriguing is its going to publish your SSP game up onto your lan ( and probably hamachi) and folks can join you whether or not you want them to?

I too have yet to play 1.3 as I'm just going to waiting on technic to get to it first.

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I've tried publishing a 1.3 game to LAN via hamachi, and my friend claimed he couldn't even find the game on their server list, and entering my hamachi IP did nothing. He had connection problems at the time so that might be it, but in my little bit of experience with 1.3, LAN play seems to dislike hamachi. I haven't had an opportunity to test LAN via my actual wifi network yet, and probably won't find that opportunity in the forseeable future.

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Me and my five friends have all been playing on the same game through lan thanks to hamachi. Our one friend was the one who found a tutorial on how to do it and he set everything up. Since he has the fastest connection we all connect to him, even our friend from Arizona connects with us with no problem at all.

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yes, coffee ran empty...just sat back down with fresh mug :)

from http://mcupdate.tumblr.com/post/28481708267/minecraft-1-3-1

Minecraft 1.3.1

+ Single-player now runs a server internally

+ Publish the single-player instance to LAN

+ Automatically detect LAN worlds in multi-player screen

That's as in depth as they provide from the horses mouth.

What I find intriguing is its going to publish your SSP game up onto your lan ( and probably hamachi) and folks can join you whether or not you want them to?

I too have yet to play 1.3 as I'm just going to waiting on technic to get to it first.

You seem like you're clever XD. I dont know exactly how an internal server differs from a regular server, but the ability to publish any singlplayer into a multiplayer must mean that there isn't really a singleplayer only mode now and that they've merged.

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It will be awhile before we see any mods for 1.3 and to make matters worse it looks like they are about to release minecraft 1.3.2 which appears to be a 0 feature bug fix update. So hopefully they do not pull another 1.2.0 to .5 again and the modders have time to get all their mods out for a single version of minecraft.

Now to make matters worse they just released a snap shot for minecraft 1.4 that adds a few awesome things.

For example zombie villagers that you can cure and spawn naturally or have a random chance to spawn when ever a zombie kills a normal villager. Also mattering on your difficulty level zombies, skeletons, and pigman will spawn with different weapons and armor to make them harder to kill.

Along with the new enemy enhancements they are also adding 2 new blocks the command block and the beacon block.

The command block will be a uncraftable block that map makers and server admins can program with server commands that can be activated with a red stone signal. So for example it can disable the weather or change the game mode of who ever interacts with it or a wide array of other functions. Like oping a player or even kicking/baning them if they are dumb enough to mess with it.

Now as for the beacon block it will be craft able and will allow players to build power pyramids that will provide area of effect buffs. To use it you need to build a pyramid out of 9 to 164 iron, emerald, gold, or diamond blocks and than select a buff and sacrifice something to the minecraft gods. As for the effects you can pick one between speed, haste, resistance, jump boost, and strength as well as choosing a secondary power to either buff the primary or to provide regeneration. Now for the area of effect it varies mattering on how big you build the pyramid and can go from a 16 block radius all the way up to 40 blocks at max size. As a bonus it will ignore your Y axis so you can build them in the sky to supply the buff to the whole chunk, but the block needs a unobstructed view of the sky to work. Also for added effect the beacon block will emit a column of light when active that can be used for navigation.

No word yet about the mod api or anything else but they still have a lot of time before 1.4 is expected.

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The info on the mcwiki says it DOESN'T ignore your height, but factors that into it, and it also says that the /op and /kick commands have been "nerfed" for the command block so that you can't, say, place a command block that automatically kicks everyone on the entire server whenever it gets a redstone signal.

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Notch also said they'd release the source code to modders. Notch also said he didn't think a modding API would actually be a good idea because most of us would find it inadequate so it would be a waste of Mojang's resources. Notch also doesn't work there anymore.

Notch is irrelevant.

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Notch also said they'd release the source code to modders. Notch also said he didn't think a modding API would actually be a good idea because most of us would find it inadequate so it would be a waste of Mojang's resources. Notch also doesn't work there anymore.

Notch is irrelevant.


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