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[3.1.2] The Big Trio Tekkit [PvP] [30 Slots] [Open] [Factions] [EE Mostly Enabled] [No Lag]

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It has been some time. I might host a back up while the server is down to let people play on a server at leased. Its only going to be up if this one is down. Il put it down If you don't want it. It might lag a lot because I don't have the best internet.


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  "Vath said:
It has been some time. I might host a back up while the server is down to let people play on a server at leased. Its only going to be up if this one is down. Il put it down If you don't want it. It might lag a lot because I don't have the best internet.


That is a local IP so only those on your connection will be able to connect. Go to: ipchicken.com : and you must open the port 25565 on that ip and then give that IP to others.


Moderator Application:

IGN: Souih

Why do you want to be a moderator? I Would like to Become a Moderator to Teach New Players, And Existing Players How to Use And/Or Play Tekkit, I Find it Enjoyable to Show Someone the Ropes, or Just Refresh their Memorys of The Game, I Would also Like to Keep the Server Nice and Non Violent Or Rudeness (Flame) To an All time Low.

How would you moderate the server? I Would Try Not to Use my Permissions/Powers as A Moderator for Bad, But only To Filter out The Disrespectul People, Who May need a Short Time in Jail, a Little Mute or For me to Contact An Admin to Help with the Situation, I Personally Think that it is Fair that Everyone Gets a Second Chance incase They Just Happen to Be In a Bad Mood With Someone.

What is your experience as a moderator? I Have been A Moderator On Many Servers, Not Just for My Skill as a General Moderator, But because Of my Grammar, My Spelling and My Kindness, I Am Respected On Nearly all Of The Servers i Have Playn Including This One.

What Timezone are you in: I Live in The United Kingdom ( UK ) So my Timezone is +00 , i Am Normally on Skype And/Or Minecraft Throughout the Day, Unless im at School, Or have gone Out.

Hopefully i Am The Sort of Person You As a Whole Would look Forward to See Moderating The Server

Thanks, Souih


Moderator Acceptances:





All others are pending for now.

Edit: World corrupted again from Nova catacylsms, I'm banning them, but the world must be reset, and I'll keep your inventories.


  "iwantmyfile5 said:
Moderator Acceptances:





All others are pending for now.

Edit: World corrupted again from Nova catacylsms, I'm banning them, but the world must be reset, and I'll keep your inventories.

Any reason the server stays on then goes off then back on? Also, I have more pictures to send you file.


Well if there are no boundarys... How would you find or raid someone... and 10k blocks is more than enough for the players file has


I just felt a brain cell die. Seriously people, how do you guys make these assumptions? The server has been crashing due to a large amount of entities that someone left. So whenever those chunks load, we crash. The new IP was posted over 20 days ago, but Poke never checked here for the new IP and didn't get my message on minecraftforums. Don't just assume crap that you know isn't true.

On an unrelated note, please thank murphy3333 for the donations that helped us reach our goal to support the server for another month. Also, I will get your donator package to you once I see you in game.


Well, must have been a brain cell since the server is down when you say it is up, and since you don't seem to be able to clear or find the chunks causing the issues. Also, I noted that IF it was a new IP. No assumption their...

Fact: the server was down...

Congrats murphy3333 :D


I've stated the server keeps crashing due to a chunk that gets loaded when I'm offline. Since I'm not there to witness the problem, I can't identify the chunk. NoLagg is slowly working its magic on the chunks causing problems, and the server is returning to a very stable condition.

And when I say its up, it is up. Look at the timeframe that I make the post in. If I say its up, then go to bed, and its down, I'm not going to magically sense its down, wake up, edit my post for 2 minutes, turn it on again, and re-edit the post.


No Lag implies server lag. Not framerate. If its their internet connection, they're just going to get disconnected, not experience lag. You better learn what things mean yourself before posting an uneducated comment defacing a server.


  "iwantmyfile5 said:
No Lag implies server lag. Not framerate. If its their internet connection, they're just going to get disconnected, not experience lag. You better learn what things mean yourself before posting an uneducated comment defacing a server.

Umm You better learn... Latency is caused by an overworked server not lag .. Google is your friend...

Lag is a common word meaning to fail to keep up or to fall behind.[1] In real-time applications, the term is used when the application fails to respond in a timely fashion to inputs.[2][3] The most common use regards online gaming when the game doesn't respond in sync with the player's controls, usually due to a slow internet connection, server latency or overworked hardware.

Lag is also often used in reference to video games to describe the delay (or latency) between an action by a player and the reaction of the game.[4]

In distributed applications (such as MMORPGs), lag is often caused by communication latency, which is the time taken for a sent packet of data to be received at the other end. It includes the time to encode the packet for transmission and transmit it, the time for that data to traverse the network equipment between the nodes, and the time to receive and decode the data. This is also known as "one-way latency". A minimum bound on latency is determined by the distance between communicating devices and the speed at which the signal propagates in the circuits (typically 70–95% of the speed of light in vacuum). Actual latency is often much higher because of packet processing in networking equipment, and other traffic.

The term lag is often also used as a synonym for communication latency.[5] This can be misleading because there can be other causes for the symptom.


Okay, well in trying to determine the problem, the server.properties corrupted. Waiting for it to be fixed. The temp map will only run today, or until we determine the cause of the memory leak. And I need you guys to play on that map so that we max out the slots for a while. Then we can determine if its the map, and we can look into fixing the old one.

"This can be misleading because there can be other causes for the symptom."

In the most general term, lag is perceived as a problem with the host or server in this case. You're clearly just a troll trying to persuade players to not come on our server by telling them that we'll have lag. We don't have any server side lag issues, so its all connection issues or framerate. We run 20 tps 99% of the time, which means we have no lag. Goodbye troll, you won't get another response from me. You also gave a technical definition that covers three things as lag. That's not how a normal person would define lag.


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