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[3.1.2] The Big Trio Tekkit [PvP] [30 Slots] [Open] [Factions] [EE Mostly Enabled] [No Lag]

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Moderator Application:

Ingame Name: tbird667

Age: 16

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): Yes, prefer to message it later.

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Private

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: Not very long, I would say close to a week.

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: I would say good but but to some it would be bad as I was being rude to some people because they were being rude to me.

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: I would ask him to stop if he doesn't I would mute him for 5 min unless he/she is flooding the chat then I would first mute them for 5 minutes and give them a warning and repeat. If getting to 3 warnings I would report them to an admin to handle it further.

How would you handle a bug abuser?: I would ask them to stop if they do not I would kick them and give them a warning then go report it to an admin.

Would you ban a player if he griefed/Raided your baseyou?: No I would not as they are allowed to grief and raid. I would just get back at them. (without using any mod commands if you even get any that would help you in this way)

Timezone: Eastern time


So apparently everytime I log into the server, it crashes, or at least I do. I believe it's due to the location that I'm at, which is the "t-room" that snow and I made. If one of you guys could teleport me to spawn or another location, I could actually log in and play. Although I'm not sure if I'm crashing the server with this or not, I'm really sorry if I am. It appears the server has been down the three attempts I have made to log in (after crashing from my location).



Admin Application:

Ingame Name: frogmaster3727

Age: 12.

Skype: Yes but i prefer to tell you later.

Name: Private.

How long have you been playing Big Trio Tekkit: About 2 months.

How would you rate your Reputation on BTT: I am known but not popular.

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: I would ask him to stop, if he doesn't i would mute for 5 mins, if he is flooding the chat i would mute for 5 mins and repeat. If getting to 3 warnings then i would report to a higher rank than me.

How would you handle a bug abuser: I would warn them that there will be a kick or ban unless they stop, if they continue i would kick and report to a higher rank.

Would you ban a player if he Raided/griefed your base you?: No i most definately would not because it is allowed. I would just try and get them back legit.

Timezone: NZ


  "Frogmaster3727 said:
Admin Application:

Ingame Name: frogmaster3727

Age: 12.

Skype: Yes but i prefer to tell you later.

Name: Private.

How long have you been playing Big Trio Tekkit: About 2 months.

How would you rate your Reputation on BTT: I am known but not popular.

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: I would ask him to stop, if he doesn't i would mute for 5 mins, if he is flooding the chat i would mute for 5 mins and repeat. If getting to 3 warnings then i would report to a higher rank than me.

How would you handle a bug abuser: I would warn them that there will be a kick or ban unless they stop, if they continue i would kick and report to a higher rank.

Would you ban a player if he Raided/griefed your base you?: No i most definately would not because it is allowed. I would just try and get them back legit.

Timezone: NZ

You would need to me a Moderator of Big Trio Tekkit for a specific amount of time, before even being considered as Admin. Sorry to let you down, but if you would like to be admin, please apply for Moderator first, and if you are accepted can than re-apply for Admin.



  "forgedtrinity said:
fucking gayest server ever. ruined our base and banned my friend for using converters and saying he was "duping"

that's what happens when you have 8 year old admins i guess...

First of all, calm down. Who banned your friend? And I can assure you, all of our staff members are way over 8 years old. If you want to get your point acrossed, don't bag on the server on the server forums, that will lead to you being banned. If you feel like you were banned for NO reason, talk to me. I'm more than willing to help you.

  "tbird667 said:
o seems like he can post now...

Clearly, he seemed afraid to post the first time for whatever reason, because obviously, he was was able to post before.


Admin Application:

Ingame name: Lucas60

Age: 11

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): Lucas.frahm1

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Lucas Frahm

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: 3 Weeks now

How would you rate your reputation on the server: 6-8/10

*Scenario Testing*

Someone claims another player has Banned items, how do you react?: I ask the one with banned items to give me the banned item so i can throw it away/destroy it and i dont understand the Someone claims but imma reply to what i think you ment: If a person claims your land its allowed cuz he have killed me several times to claim my land

Someone claims another player has a Modded/Hacked client, how do you react?: still dont understand "Someone claims" and if a player have Modded/Hacked client i ask him to stop using the Client else i would kick him and then ask agien and if he doesnt turn it off i would ban him

How would you handle a power abusing Moderator?: I Would tell the Moderator that he doesnt own him and hes items/faction

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: No cus Raiding/Griefing in Wilderness is Allowed

Timezone: Central europe +1 (Denmark)


Admin Application

IGN: Mr_Manateee

Age: 16

Skype: mr_manateee

Name: Patrick (if you need last ill message you that)

How long have you been on Big Trio: 4.5 months maybe its been a while

Reputation: I would say I am a pretty well liked player I am not one to make enemies

Scenario Testing

Someone claims another player has banned items, how do you react?: I would first look in their inventory and see if they had the banned items on them, if they didn't I would watch them and see if they had any.

Someone claims that another player has a modded/hacked client, how do you react? Well I would follow the player first because it is typically easy to tell if someone is using something like x-ray or night-vision

How would you handle a power abusing moderator? First I would chat the moderator and warn him then I would report it to the owners. If he persisted I would demote him then he/she could be re-promoted if necessary.

Would you ban a player if he griefed/raided your base?: No, I have been raided before but that is part of the game

Timezone: EST


@ The past applicants:





The rest of you, mainly all you have to do is apply correctly. Otherwise, we're full for staff atm.

Thanks to all of you who applied!

As of 1-10-13, these are the new applicants below!



Moderator Application:

Ingame Name: RuexMedia

Age: 13

Skype: RuexMedia3

Name: Nick

How long have you been playing on Big Trio Tekkit: about 3-4 Weeks.

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: i think it's good but to others i'm kinda Average.

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: Tell him/her to stop and Mute for 5 Minutes (if Flooding the chat) after a couple times i would report him/her to a Admin/Owner

How would you handle a bug abuser?: i would tell him/her to Stop and kick him then i would report him to a admin/Owner

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: No i would just raid them back that's the Fun of the server

Timezone: EST

if you need anymore info please PM me.


Ingame name: syce_hd


Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this):

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private):you have me added

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: umm about 5 weeks

How would you rate your reputation on the server: 10/10

*Scenario Testing*

Someone claims another player has Banned items, how do you react?:I would go vanish and tp to the player or.... Invsee command

Someone claims another player has a Modded/Hacked client, how do you react?: I got vanish and maybe follow them to see what is going on

How would you handle a power abusing Moderator?: I would jail the mod until another admin or a owner come on and then we would discuss

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: no

Timezone: ermm idk D: I live in Texas tho


  "Syce_HD said:
Ingame name: syce_hd


Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this):

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private):you have me added

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: umm about 5 weeks

How would you rate your reputation on the server: 10/10

*Scenario Testing*

Someone claims another player has Banned items, how do you react?:I would go vanish and tp to the player or.... Invsee command

Someone claims another player has a Modded/Hacked client, how do you react?: I got vanish and maybe follow them to see what is going on

How would you handle a power abusing Moderator?: I would jail the mod until another admin or a owner come on and then we would discuss

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: no

Timezone: ermm idk D: I live in Texas tho

First is it a moderator or admin apply? if its admin u first need to apply for moderator..


  "FinalCorruption said:
@ The past applicants:





The rest of you, mainly all you have to do is apply correctly. Otherwise, we're full for staff atm.

Thanks to all of you who applied!

As of 1-10-13, these are the new applicants below!


1: Final are my Admin Apply denied? 2: Why arent Nightmare_Archer not admin any longer???


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