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Technic Battles Redux

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why not just pace world anchors along the turtle's route, but have them hidden?

Three reasons:

1) That would require literally THOUSANDS of chunks to remain loaded at all times, doing nothing, which would use up more RAM than all of the people on the server combined, even at peak hours. That is really really wasteful. A turtle carrying two anchors for itself keeps 18 chunks loaded, by comparison, and even then, only when making a delivery.

2) That requires a lot of infrastructure to be built.

3) That is a major security hazard. Just like tubes or turtles that return home, it would be very easy to follow a line of world anchors. You say they'd be "hidden," but they can't really be. They only keep 9 chunks loaded, so the next one over in the chain is going to be less than 30 blocks away. If anybody finds even one, it would be a simple matter to use mercurial eye, for example, change every basic material to wood, and burn it away, revealing the other world anchors, and pointing a straight line to the person's base, as well as your warehouse. And then when they find your warehouse, they can follow the lines to every other base.

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I'm confused right now. are we going to have a restart or not ? because if not i think i would be very unfair when some of the companies aren't griefed will have a huge advantage against other companys.

We are restarting this afternoon.

Yeah following turtles is kinda a major problem, there.

Urist McGriefer orders 1 pair of woolen socks, follows turtle, and now has access to unlimited UU, etc.

Oh also, Andrew, speaking of locations and security, how do you feel about installing something like worldguard, and then simply making the entire End dimension a "secure" area, available only to mostly-trusted members of the community who have been around for a bit? Everyone else just gets teleported to spawn or something when they set foot there.

Just an idea, which would allow us to be a little looser about who we invite as new members, but still having a place to build nice pretty buildings and things without worrying about having to roll back every 4 hours when our nicest stuff gets destroyed.

Also, rollbacks wont fix miniblocks and things like that, so having a place like that offers additional security for delicate builds and machiery that rollbacks alone can't offer. If it WERE to be wrecked anyway, you'd still get your basic raw materials back and most of the block positions, but it would still be a good deal of work to fix complex or delicate things, so it'd be nice to have essentially a graylist/whitelist extra layer of trust like that.

The reason I suggest the End is that:

A) it's really easy to set up a worldguard location that covers all three entrances, and there's no other way to get in.

B) There's no resources (other than end stone) that you can ONLY get from the End, so it's not depriving "graylistees" from doing anything. Only depriving them of a little peace of mind and a place to build cool stuff without hiding underground from griefers.

B. I don't like the idea. I don't like restricting anything, and most often, how hard are micro looks to replace.

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B. I don't like the idea. I don't like restricting anything, and most often, how hard are micro looks to replace.

They're probably about 75% of the actual building time in a miniblock intensive, creative structure... But that's fine. This doesn't have the be the place to build things like that.

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They're probably about 75% of the actual building time in a miniblock intensive, creative structure... But that's fine. This doesn't have the be the place to build things like that.

Yeah. The castle I want to build would look really nice with miniblocks, but that would be the last thing I would do, as it takes a lot of time. So I would build the main structure first, maybe put machines in it, then decorate it with miniblocks.

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I know you are not whitelisting anymore and that you can only achieve entry through invitation, so I would like to post my resume here


A little about me: Freshman in high school, want to major in computer science, learning C++, I love tekkit. I am a fan of apple computers, and am running a computerrepair/upgrade/building bussiness (facebook.com/HecomComputers).

Other favorite games: Civ 5, Flight sim games, Age of empires, most LOZ games.

Mods proficient in: EE, IC2, RP, RP Control (I can only use RP control with MS Basic),BC,

Other skills: Good at PVP, good at hiding things while still making them look good on the interior, good at mining

As an employ: Completely loyal to leader, follows orders, and does not start a feud with another company without permission from higher ranking person

Time zone: Pacific Time Zone

If you want another company employ check out my resume please!

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I know you are not whitelisting anymore and that you can only achieve entry through invitation, so I would like to post my resume here


A little about me: Freshman in high school, want to major in computer science, learning C++, I love tekkit. I am a fan of apple computers, and am running a computerrepair/upgrade/building bussiness (facebook.com/HecomComputers).

Other favorite games: Civ 5, Flight sim games, Age of empires, most LOZ games.

Mods proficient in: EE, IC2, RP, RP Control (I can only use RP control with MS Basic),BC,

Other skills: Good at PVP, good at hiding things while still making them look good on the interior, good at mining

As an employ: Completely loyal to leader, follows orders, and does not start a feud with another company without permission from higher ranking person

Time zone: Pacific Time Zone

If you want another company employ check out my resume please!

Well, I don't want to be tooting my own horn here, but if you do get accepted, you should join Minational. So far it is only me, and it would be great to have another person by my side helping me run the best company on the server. So please, consider joining me!

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I know you are not accepting requests anymore, but I thought that you were still accepting via invites, I did not know invites had to be on an IRL level, sorry.

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