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I CAN NOT figure out how to build a modpack, I feel like there's little help on this topic and only people who totally understand that tut will be able to make one, so does anyone at all know of a up to date video or descriptive help? I'm getting impatient with it and I'm about to quit server hosting because there's no help.

This is my second or third topic and I hope the third time IS the charm. Thanks guys...

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I'm going to be nice and give you a single chance here to not be simply laughed at. you get one reply to actually convey what parts of creating a pack you are confused about. "all of it" or "everything" is not a valid answer. be specific and you might get an answer instead of a locked thread. no one has the time to play 20 questions to find out what your issue actually is if you're not gonna state it yourself.

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Alright, well, not that I'm honestly making a fool out of anything despite the confusing tutorial, being rather rude is not going to get you anywhere.


Obviously we have seen this below, this is the part where I get rather confused. I haven't ever messed with mods tbh.

"Next, set aside a place specifically for building the pack. Depending on the contents of your pack this portion can vary based on the mods used. The general rule is to install the mod in this area exactly how the mod author describes on their site. If a mod is listed as a core mod, create and place it in a 'coremod' folder. Mods go in a 'mods' folder, and any config files you've created go in the 'configs' folder. The only exception to this is if a mod has files that need to be placed inside minecraft.jar. As you should never redistribute minecraft as per the Terms of Use, you will instead place all of these files inside a 'modpack.jar' you create yourself. A Jar is simply a zip archive recognized by java, so creation of the jar is as simple as renaming a zip as jar. Any archive program can be used to do this as long as the extensions saved as are .zip. Below is a demonstration on the steps used with WinRAR.

Select all extracted files that are instructed to go into minecraft.jar

Add these files to an archive using the program of your preference


Name the archive as modpack.jar in the ZIP format

(Make sure you do not save it as modpack.jar.zip)


Take the finished modpack.jar and place it in the ‘bin’ directory of your custom modpack


Now that you have all of your content organized mimicking a standard minecraft installation including coremods, mods, configs, and your modpack.jar inside the bin directory, we can package the final zip for the platform.

Simply include all the files in their proper directories inside a single zip file, either by creating a new zip and placing them inside, or by using an archive program to create the zip for you.


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what part of "specifically" did you not understand? saying "I dunno, here's the tutorial I apparently can't read" doesn't give anyone anything to go on.

when someone asks for specific information or questions, they are generally looking for the question you are trying to answer. like, "how do I zip up files?" or "what's a winrar?" or even "how do I walk and chew bubblegum at the same time?"

if you have specific questions, those are easily answered. no one is going to simply make your modpack for you though because you can't be bothered to read or understand a very clear and well written set of instructions.

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Alright, well, not that I'm honestly making a fool out of anything despite the confusing tutorial, being rather rude is not going to get you anywhere.


Obviously we have seen this below, this is the part where I get rather confused. I haven't ever messed with mods tbh.

Okay. Step by step walkthrough coming up.

"Next, set aside a place specifically for building the pack.

set aside a place specifically for building the pack.

Depending on the contents of your pack this portion can vary based on the mods used. The general rule is to install the mod in this area exactly how the mod author describes on their site. If a mod is listed as a core mod, create and place it in a 'coremod' folder.

install the mod in this area exactly how the mod author describes on their site. If a mod is listed as a core mod, create and place it in a 'coremod' folder.

Mods go in a 'mods' folder, and any config files you've created go in the 'configs' folder.

Mods go in a 'mods' folder, and any config files you've created go in the 'configs' folder.

The only exception to this is if a mod has files that need to be placed inside minecraft.jar. As you should never redistribute minecraft as per the Terms of Use, you will instead place all of these files inside a 'modpack.jar' you create yourself.

if a mod has files that need to be placed inside minecraft.jar, you will instead place all of these files inside a 'modpack.jar' you create yourself.

A Jar is simply a zip archive recognized by java, so creation of the jar is as simple as renaming a zip as jar. Any archive program can be used to do this as long as the extensions saved as are .zip. Below is a demonstration on the steps used with WinRAR.
so creation of the jar is as simple as renaming a zip as jar.

Select all extracted files that are instructed to go into minecraft.jar

Add these files to an archive using the program of your preference


Name the archive as modpack.jar in the ZIP format

(Make sure you do not save it as modpack.jar.zip)


Take the finished modpack.jar and place it in the ‘bin’ directory of your custom modpack


Select all extracted files that are instructed to go into minecraft.jar

Add these files to an archive using the program of your preference

Name the archive as modpack.jar in the ZIP format

(Make sure you do not save it as modpack.jar.zip)

Take the finished modpack.jar and place it in the ‘bin’ directory of your custom modpack

Now that you have all of your content organized mimicking a standard minecraft installation including coremods, mods, configs, and your modpack.jar inside the bin directory, we can package the final zip for the platform.

Simply include all the files in their proper directories inside a single zip file, either by creating a new zip and placing them inside, or by using an archive program to create the zip for you.


include all the files in their proper directories inside a single zip file, either by creating a new zip and placing them inside, or by using an archive program to create the zip for you.

EDIT: Please note that this is all copy and paste. Please learn to english better.

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I can of course read the tutorial, you do not need to show me what I posted, I was wanting a easier tutorial with more explanation. If someone posted a video step by step on how to make and use the new platform, that may be, you know, more helpful. And along for my english I don't think that's very well help, there's alot of people needing an attitude ajustment rather than just calling people out, I posted for an answer, not the typical internet.

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I can of course read the tutorial, you do not need to show me what I posted, I was wanting a easier tutorial with more explanation. If someone posted a video step by step on how to make and use the new platform, that may be, you know, more helpful. And along for my english I don't think that's very well help, there's alot of people needing an attitude ajustment rather than just calling people out, I posted for an answer, not the typical internet.

Woah there, you don't understand. We're not here to make an extensive tutorial for you in spite of the fact that simple enough ones exist, like the one I linked one of your previous threads. We're here to help you with specific problems. The tutorials are good enough, and if nobody wants to make an absolutely perfect one, you don't go continually posting that someone should, instead, you should do what you can with what you have and, failing that, ask for help, giving as much information on your problem as possible.

A good way to start might be uploading your files to a file hosting thingie and letting someone have a look.

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I can of course read the tutorial, you do not need to show me what I posted, I was wanting a easier tutorial with more explanation. If someone posted a video step by step on how to make and use the new platform, that may be, you know, more helpful. And along for my english I don't think that's very well help, there's alot of people needing an attitude ajustment rather than just calling people out, I posted for an answer, not the typical internet.

Gee, maybe if you would do something beside tell us to rewrite the DETAILED STEP BY STEP GUIDE for you, you'd get some answers. Until then, you'll just have to make do with ridicule.

What you're doing is akin to going to a bug board and just shouting "I DON'T UNDERSTAND." instead of filling a bug report.

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We're not here to make an extensive tutorial for you in spite of the fact that simple enough ones exist, like the one I linked one of your previous threads.

That is not entirely true, as you are about to witness.

I can of course read the tutorial, you do not need to show me what I posted, I was wanting a easier tutorial with more explanation.

Perhaps I can help. :cracks knuckles: I'll be "re-explaining" Jay?'s tutorial in a more clear fashion.

set aside a place specifically for building the pack.

What this means is to allocate a place in your computer to put together ("pack", if you will) your modpack. Now, allocation can be defined as the distribution of resources for a particular purpose. Therefore, what this step indicates is that you must create a fresh (meaning "empty") folder in your computer's harddrive where you will place all the mods to go. Make sure there are not additional files, for they may corrupt your pack's installation and that would be a very, very distressing outcome to your hard work.

install the mod in this area exactly how the mod author describes on their site. If a mod is listed as a core mod, create and place it in a 'coremod' folder.

This may be one of the more confusing steps. In this section we will be going to the mod author's webpage in which they have listed the mod and it's description. These pages, normally hosted on a website known as the "Minecraft Forums", generally contain instructions for the installation of your mod. Now, this may confuse some people who are newer to installation of software, but you must make sure to follow the installation process and not the uninstallation process, otherwise you would create a catastrophic error and you may be left severely confused, for the instructions will instruct you to perform actions that cannot be performed without the prerequisite steps the installation instructions you hypothetically failed to find would have provided.

Mods go in a 'mods' folder, and any config files you've created go in the 'configs' folder.

This is a further explanation of the previous step. In the previous step, we discussed the installation of mods, which the author of said mods usually provides instructions for the aforementioned installation process. Now, in the last step the "Core Mods" folder was also briefly mentioned, though the juxtapositioning of that portion may have provided confusion without the context of this current step, so I decided it would be better to discuss this here. During the installation process, you may see the terms "/mods folder", "/coremods folder", and "/config folder" mentioned. These may confuse those newer to installation of mods, so I figure I should take my time explaining this. The terms in question refer to the respective folders that you must create within an empty folder- you may now remember that in the very first step of this process we allocated space for the pack. This is where that step becomes important, for this allocated space is where these folders will be made and then subsequently filled with the mods you have downloaded and wish to install into your pack. Be sure not to install anything mentioning "minecraft.jar" just yet, we will be discussing that in the next step of the tutorial. But I digress; on with the current step. When you have created these "mods", "coremods", and "config" folders in your allocated space, you must place the mods where the instructions provided by the mod author indicate. Be sure to put the right mods into the right folder, or the final installation of your pack will, regretfully, not function.

if a mod has files that need to be placed inside minecraft.jar, you will instead place all of these files inside a 'modpack.jar' you create yourself.

Since this is a rather important and complicated step, it is going to be split into three sections - that is to say, we will be taking the steps one at a time, explaining each in full detail to make certain that the instructions are followed correctly and there is no chance of error within our installation. Now, on with the installation instructions. In the procedures you will undertake whilst following the instructions provided by the mod author on their Minecraft Forum mod post, you will find that there are select few mods that cannot be installed in the mods or coremods folder. Such mods include important "mod-loading" mods such as the popular "Minecraft Forge" - be sure to install this, or else your modpack will not be able to function, for it is what allows the mods in the mods and coremods folders to be loaded into Minecraft in the first place. For now, this tutorial will assume that you already have identified which mods must be installed into the minecraft.jar file. Now, you must "unarchive" the files which you downloaded. In the folders created by the "unarchiving" process, there will be several files called "Java Class Files". In the spirit of this tutorial, I would normally explain what these are and how they work, but as I am limited on time I will be forced not to. What a shame this is. Continuing on with the current step, you must collect all of these "Java Class Files" into a singular location, preferably separate from the other mods and mod folders in order to prevent mixing of unnecessary files into the file we will be creating in the next step.

so creation of the jar is as simple as renaming a zip as jar.

While this step may indeed be "simple" for a seasoned mod installating veteran, a new user will most likely be confused by such terminology. Then again, that is the sole purpose of this tutorial - to explain as clearly as possible the steps which you must take in order to install mods and create your very own modpack. Once you have finished the previous step (be sure you have not skipped any steps, as that would be a true shame and may induce unwanted results when you attempt to install the pack), you must select all of the "Java Class Files" (remember, these are the same ones previously mentioned in the last step). To do so, you have a few options. For instance, you can "Drag select" multiple files by holding down the mouse button and dragging it over all the files (be sure not to select a file when performing the initial click, or you may accidentally move the file into a place in which it does not belong). You could also click on the first file in the list and then hold down the "Shift" key, located to the left of the Z key or to the right of the / key on your keyboard, and select the files individually, if you so wished. However, be sure that you do not miss a file whilst doing so, or your install will fail to run and you will have to repeat the tutorial. Once you have selected all the files (be sure that it is indeed all the files and not some of the files) you can "Right-Click" (the right-click button is located to the right of the button usually used on your computer's mouse) on any of the files you wish. Then, select the compression software of your choice to add the files to an archive (this tutorial, for the sake of brevity, will assume that you already have experience with the use of archiving software and therefore also have archiving software installed). Now, we are going to deviate slightly from the normal installation tutorials provided by the creators of mods - we will be archiving these files as "Modpack.jar" instead of "Minecraft.jar", as this file will not contain the main installation of the game itself- distributing that would be piracy, a terrible, horrible, evil, vile, disgusting, putrid act that clearly only the most terrible, horrible, evil, vile, disgusting, putrid people would ever have reason to perform. But once again, I digress. Whilst saving the archive as Modpack.jar, be sure that its file format is a ".zip" file, or otherwise the file will fail to function once you have installed it into your copy of Minecraft.

Select all extracted files that are instructed to go into minecraft.jar

Add these files to an archive using the program of your preference

Name the archive as modpack.jar in the ZIP format

(Make sure you do not save it as modpack.jar.zip)

Take the finished modpack.jar and place it in the ‘bin’ directory of your custom modpack

The first portion of this step was accidentally explained in the previous step, so if you are confused please refer to it if you are confused by any of the following. When you have your Modpack.jar file (remember, Modpack, not Minecraft- naming it Minecraft will overwrite your game install and cause Minecraft to crash upon loading your pack, wasting your time, which I know is valuable and would never wish to be spent on irrelevant or redundant explanations or actions. That is, of course why I am making this tutorial - to explain to the "layman", as some would say, the actions necessary for the installation of packs as quickly and easily as possible), place it into a folder that will be created alongside the mod, coremod, and config folders. This folder will be called the "bin" folder, as that corresponds to the location in which the Minecraft game files are located in the default installation of Minecraft. Once you have completed this step, along with all the previous steps of this tutorial, you will have completed the assembly portion of tutorial. We will now move on to the final step, which will once again utilize archiving software.

include all the files in their proper directories inside a single zip file, either by creating a new zip and placing them inside, or by using an archive program to create the zip for you.

As mentioned before, this step will require the use of archiving software. You may apply the same method of multi-file selection as described in the step prior to the previous (if the preceding sentence confused you, it merely indicates two steps prior to the current). Once you have successfully "packed" your mods together as a .zip file, be sure to name it what you wish your pack to be called. It is critical that you do this, or you may lose it if you were to place it in a folder that might contain other .zip files, let alone files of another type. Also be sure that its name is exceptionally clear, or confusion may lead you to upload another file by mistake, which in a worst case scenario may cause embarrassment, rejection from society, imprisonment, and, worst of all, your modpack not functioning in the launcher. Once you have completed this step (that is, the portion of this step in which you create and name your modpack's .zip file), you can upload it a file hosting service, one of the most popular of which being known as the "Drop Box" hosting service. Be sure that it is a service in which a direct link will lead to a download, not one in which you must click, or else the file will fail to download correctly into your launcher and, therefore, the pack will as well. Once you have the link to this download, you can share it via the Technic Platform, located at Technicpack.net, as either a public pack, in which hundreds of thousands of people (for relativity sake, that is more than you can count with standard human limbs) can download and enjoy your pack, which I am sure will be perfect and wonderful and everyone will love, or you could keep it as a private pack, only providing it to those whom you choose, giving you the power to select who gets to enjoy your modpack (assuming, of course, that none of the people you share it with share it with other people whom you do not desire to share it with, but I doubt that would happen as that is indecent and rude). The choice is up to you.

EDIT: Please note that this is all copy and paste. Please learn to english better.

This isn't a step in the tutorial, this is simply Jay? being sarcastic and fooling around as usual. When will she learn? Quite clearly not right now, for she has done it yet again! I laugh when I think about the way people often react to her method of assistance, as - despite it's wondrous sense of humor and excellent use of language - people seem to dislike it. Perhaps it is destined to always be this way, though maybe this is not a fate too unfortunate. We moderators share quite a few chuckles at the unnecessary hate we occasionally get, for we have hardy mental constitutions and do not fall to our knees in the face of internet children, no matter how insulting, how common, how unintelligent they can become. But I digress, as this is personal opinion and is not necessary as to the installation of the modpack you will surely create with absolutely no trouble now that you have fully read the tutorial which I have created solely for you, my good friend.

With that, the tutorial comes to an end. I bid you a good day, and I hope that we shall speak again - on equal terms, though, not as mentor to student. I look forward to it. -ValkonX11

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here's the new, more detailed set of instructions:

1) make the place to put the things

2) put the things in the place

3) make sure things are in the right place

4) make the other place to put the other things

5) make sure your stuff look like game stuff

6) put all things together.

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Sir, I find your tutorial the least helpful. Kindly go to the corner and play with your crayons :D

I thought maybe it would work better if I used only words he understands

edit: although, "together" might be a few too many syllables. I saved it for last though so maybe it'll be ok.

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I highly appreciate all that time you took to type all that out, I'm going to save that in a text document and get on that tut as soon as possible.

Thank you very much!

EDIT: I read the part about you guys being mods, perfectly suits you. That's what I enjoy seeing in a mod!

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I highly appreciate all that time you took to type all that out, I'm going to save that in a text document and get on that tut as soon as possible.

Thank you very much!

EDIT: I read the part about you guys being mods, perfectly suits you. That's what I enjoy seeing in a mod!

if that was seriously what you were looking for, I am flabbergasted. who looks at simple, illustrated instructions for a relatively simple task and says, "you know what this needs? about 5000 more words. I just can't handle not spending the next hour reading superfluous instructions."?

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