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So I am creating a custom mod pack with a idea in mind to create a server for it later.

Now I have gone through problems with unzipping errors but learned I accidentally put a bod into my forge modpack.jar. So I fixed that. Now more to the point. I click "play" on the Technic launcher and my mod pack begins to download and then boot up. Now when Minecraft opens to the main menu at the lower left it says 1.6.4. Which makes sense since I am running 1.6.4, but usually it will also say what mods are loaded if I am not mistaken. Also when I run single player the world seems to be the same. EX No oil from buildcraft, ToEnoughItems is not showing up when I look at my inventory, damage indicator seems to be non-exsistant, ect. So essentially I am running vanilla. So can anyone help me out on when I am setting up wrong in my modpack.zip? I have just "mods" and "bin" no "config" because I am to much of a noob to know what to do to use that folder and run my stuff in a forge client, but that a different issue.


Thanks in advance


The modpack.jar file is not working correctly try compressing it with the basic windows compresser


Right click and go onto 'send to' then 'compressed (zipped) folder'

Windows Compressor is bad, use 7zip instead


The modpack.jar file is not working correctly try compressing it with the basic windows compresser

Right click and go onto 'send to' then 'compressed (zipped) folder'

Opps I accidentally just quoted with no reply...damn phone thanks a lot for the help I will try that tomorrow and I will use 7-zip like the other contributor suggested I will let you know if it works(: thanks again


The modpack.jar file is not working correctly try compressing it with the basic windows compresser


Right click and go onto 'send to' then 'compressed (zipped) folder'

No dice. I did what you asked and got a Winrar Compressed .ZIP I then remade my "modpack.zip" file and put it into my public drop box and then updated the link in Technic. once again it opened as regular mine craft 1.6.4 ..what am I missing here? 

Here is the list of mods in my "mods" folder I am using right now (I picked random ones from my list just to test out making a modpack and these are the ones im having trouble with right now)


Applied Energistics







here is what happens upon running my modpack as it opens in vanilla 


Analytics Response [runLauncher]: 200
Pack: ohgamings-organized-crime Image Download Worker Calculated MD5: eabe1e61b3977f2fa622627752d711ad Required MD5: bcc076efd8449a12642b9710360d6f18
Starting download of http://cdn.technicpack.net/platform/pack-logos/148001.png?1391784847, with 3 tries remaining
InstalledPack{info=null, name='null', platform=false, build='recommended', directory='null'}
Pack: ohgamings-wild-west Image Download Worker Calculated MD5: dc8305a0c7f6f77bb33f47c2f83f6d72 Required MD5: 4ae0a0cd0ad91c7928be45e79fe49987
Starting download of http://cdn.technicpack.net/platform/pack-logos/136859.png?1391680189, with 3 tries remaining
InstalledPack{info=PlatformPackInfo{name='original-gangster', displayName='Original Gangster', url='https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/263918850/modpack.zip' icon=null, logo=net.technicpack.launchercore.restful.Resource@7ea8ad98, background=net.technicpack.launchercore.restful.Resource@741d171e, minecraft='1.6.4', forge='null', version='1.0', solder='', forceDir=false}, name='original-gangster', platform=true, build='recommended', directory='%MODPACKS%original-gangster'}
Analytics Response [installModpack]: 200
Starting download of https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/263918850/modpack.zip, with 3 tries remaining
Starting download of http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/version/1.6.4/1.6.4.json, with 3 tries remaining
Expected MD5: 2e5044f5359e82245551167a237f3167 Calculated MD5: 2e5044f5359e82245551167a237f3167
Expected MD5: 1372bd4823bb1ef61e7db6724f601150 Calculated MD5: 1372bd4823bb1ef61e7db6724f601150
Expected MD5: 0d622e2ac4368b5a33d540a9e4819e0c Calculated MD5: 0d622e2ac4368b5a33d540a9e4819e0c
Expected MD5: f6a93b7eb8083e4ced92e7e253657057 Calculated MD5: f6a93b7eb8083e4ced92e7e253657057
Expected MD5: 247b45f9d2f0071ad543c14d0ff31d5c Calculated MD5: 247b45f9d2f0071ad543c14d0ff31d5c
Expected MD5: 93730cef2e75762c5a1431c6d7a0c78e Calculated MD5: 93730cef2e75762c5a1431c6d7a0c78e
Expected MD5: 6d9d7d6c163caf74984465694d3566e7 Calculated MD5: 6d9d7d6c163caf74984465694d3566e7
Expected MD5: e9960995974979445b03bc644b9e9853 Calculated MD5: e9960995974979445b03bc644b9e9853
Expected MD5: 7749dd7eca4403fb968ddc484263736a Calculated MD5: 7749dd7eca4403fb968ddc484263736a
Expected MD5: 5f4a710056b492b9cbdff5d3897b402a Calculated MD5: 5f4a710056b492b9cbdff5d3897b402a
Expected MD5: 71b48e6b3e1b1dc73fe705604b9c7584 Calculated MD5: 71b48e6b3e1b1dc73fe705604b9c7584
Expected MD5: 7f97854dc04c119d461fed14f5d8bb96 Calculated MD5: 7f97854dc04c119d461fed14f5d8bb96
Expected MD5: cc07d371f79dc4ed2239e1101ae06313 Calculated MD5: cc07d371f79dc4ed2239e1101ae06313
Expected MD5: f60976b19661c849c5c87433045a9885 Calculated MD5: f60976b19661c849c5c87433045a9885
Expected MD5: 08cce0687047cc068b6f1bdd45b14cf4 Calculated MD5: 08cce0687047cc068b6f1bdd45b14cf4
Expected MD5: ce74486a7687ad7ea91dcc1fcd6977b8 Calculated MD5: ce74486a7687ad7ea91dcc1fcd6977b8
Expected MD5: 6a0eeaf3451ed9646b7d61a9dd8b86cc Calculated MD5: 6a0eeaf3451ed9646b7d61a9dd8b86cc
Expected MD5: 30e99b9386040f387fd94c26c1ac64d3 Calculated MD5: 30e99b9386040f387fd94c26c1ac64d3
Expected MD5: b168b014be0186d9e95bf3d263e3a129 Calculated MD5: b168b014be0186d9e95bf3d263e3a129
Running C:Program FilesJavajre7binjavaw.exe -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.library.path=C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksoriginal-gangsterbinnatives -Dfml.core.libraries.mirror=http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/lib/fml/%s -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory=C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksoriginal-gangster -cp C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachenetsfjopt-simplejopt-simple4.5jopt-simple-4.5.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodecodecjorbis20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodecodecwav20101023codecwav-20101023.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodelibraryjavasound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodelibrarylwjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodesoundsystem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccacheargoargo2.25_fixedargo-2.25_fixed.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccacheorgbouncycastlebcprov-jdk15on1.47bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachecomgoogleguavaguava14.0guava-14.0.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccacheorgapachecommonscommons-lang33.1commons-lang3-3.1.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachecommons-iocommons-io2.4commons-io-2.4.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachenetjavajinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachenetjavajutilsjutils1.0.0jutils-1.0.0.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccachecomgooglecodegsongson2.2.2gson-2.2.2.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccacheorglwjgllwjgllwjgl2.9.0lwjgl-2.9.0.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.techniccacheorglwjgllwjgllwjgl_util2.9.0lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar;C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksoriginal-gangsterbinminecraft.jar net.minecraft.client.main.Main --username CraftingGamerTom --session token:bdb70153fde741a295c716ea6cf6a4dc:d600dc429ec94a0090ff55f486d1c41b --version 1.6.4 --gameDir C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksoriginal-gangster --assetsDir C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.technicassetsvirtuallegacy --title Original Gangster --icon C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.technicassets/packs/original-gangster/icon.png
Analytics Response [runModpack]: 200
 2014-02-10 15:59:03 [CLIENT] [iNFO] Setting user: CraftingGamerTom
 2014-02-10 15:59:03 [CLIENT] [iNFO] (Session ID is token:bdb70153fde741a295c716ea6cf6a4dc:d600dc429ec94a0090ff55f486d1c41b)
 Completely ignored arguments: [--title, Original Gangster, --icon, C:UsersTomAppDataRoaming.technicassets/packs/original-gangster/icon.png]
 2014-02-10 15:59:04 [CLIENT] [iNFO] LWJGL Version: 2.9.0
 2014-02-10 15:59:04 [CLIENT] [iNFO] Reloading ResourceManager: Default
 Starting up SoundSystem...
 Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
     (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL.  For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
 OpenAL initialized.
at this point minecraft is open but it is vanilla
  • 2 weeks later...

I see your problem, you need a coremods folder. You put some of the coremods in your regular mods folder.

Sorry it took so long to reply. Are you sure I need a coremods folder? I heard 1.6.4 no longer uses coremods...I will try this when I get home but I am not sure if this will solve anything. But thanks for the reply.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I am having the same problem as well. (1.6.4)


I have bin, config, and mods with recommended forge universal as an executable jar file in bin and Zan's minimap in the mods folder as a zip file. Then, I turned it all into a .zip file and put it in dropbox to download. It launched perfectly fine, but then said there were no mods loaded at the bottom left of the screen.

  • Discord Moderator

@mw3_bean: You almost certainly do not have the "same problem". Also, don't hijack someone else's thread. Start a new one and provide error logs, crash reports, FML logs or something to detail your issue. Also, provide a link to your Technic pack page and/or API URL.

  • 1 month later...

I don't mean to hijack, but I am having the same problem. Except, mine is 1.5.2, and it all loads perfectly fine, all except for the fact that it also opens in vanilla.

  • Discord Moderator

@Fireles: Dude! Stop hijacking threads RIGHT below someone saying "don't hijack threads". Your problem is different. Start a new thread. Provide relevant information: logs, crash reports, pack links, etc.

Posted (edited)

wow mr sensitive, it IS NOT thread jacking, threads are for people all experiencing the SAME issue to respond and talk to one another to try to solve the issue together. I LOVE how your psychic and with no log or info can tell him that in fact his issue is different, when you offered NO help on this issue or provided and know how or help to even solve the issue. Stop Trolling before i report you. I dont see MOD on your name so chill out mr 2k posts most of which are prolly 2 sentence answers like BOTH of yours on this page, NEITHER of which offered ANY help, and the first member did post a log that you gave no imput towards. So why dont you not post on threads just to troll without offering imput or help. Be nice and help solve the issue or get outta here, your doing way worse than his alleged "thread jacking" by being so hostile and aggressive for no dang reason. Geezium.



Now on to this real issue.  


I am also experiencing the same problem as BOTH the other community members.

I am also MC 1.5.2 like the second member with the no mods loading appears vanilla issue.

I have 2 other modpacks working fine with no problems but when I zip this one and add it to Technic launcher, im vanilla mc.


If anyone finds out why or has a fix to this issue, please let me know. This is local only, funny enough, server of the modpack is working fine... lol


This is kinda an issue as that I am hosting a server not even I can play lol because I can only load the server ect and not login >_<


Any help answers imput would help.


Also, CraftingGamerTom, how did you get that report? The issue is local not server so I have no console, and I went into appdata, there is no crash report, soo.. where do I find that to try to help everyone solve this issue?    - Thanks




Minor FIX - If you are using a mainly FTB modpack sadly I cannot find a fix for use on Technic Launcher, they just break, however if you pick a FTB modpack of the same version (1.5.2 ect) you can completely disable all mods in it and put yours and run it that way. Or go to FTB site and put in a request to get yours on the private list. Hope that helped. I am now on FTB private list with my "private public" pack and can publicly post my code to DL my modpack on FTB.  Hope this helps

Edited by Neko_TheHood
  • Discord Moderator
Posted (edited)


  • Riiiight.
  • Thread jacking is accomplished by making a "I'm having the same issue" post in an ancient thread with no supporting evidence. In all my support here I have never seen a single instance where a post like this actually was the EXACT same issue as the OP. Neither of these type posts in this thread provided any context and there are about a dozen different ways a pack can start as "vanilla". One of the posters actually threadjacked two threads and sent me a PM within a fairly short period of time.
  • Since you obviously know what you are doing and have the experience to offer assistance to folks when folks haven't provided any relevant or contextual information I'll let you handle this thread. Best of luck.
Edited by plowmanplow
  • 3 weeks later...

I've got the same problem too only that i'm using google drive because I can't pay for the dropbox's public share and i've been watching tons of tutorials on how to make it but it just won't work. It's getting really frustrating. I have tried all I could think of for hours and hours to try and fix it but It just keeps launching vanilla minecraft... :(

  • Moderators

Plow, why did you never report these kids? I could've handled them... A bit pointless warning most of them now since most happened months ago

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