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[Always latest] Shnoop's roleplay server [PVP] [20 slots] [Plugins and mods are default] Keep on shnoopin'

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-player section-


Minecraft username:marbvb


Why you want to play on this server:i am just searching for a awsome server to play 

How you found this server:with the technic forum site

Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?:no 

How well do you know the mods?:i know nothing about it

How often do you play?:never 

Why do you feel you should be accepted?:its cool to have a good server to start role plaing

I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes


-Roleplay section-


Role-play character's name: Monkey.D.Saures

Character's background story: Monkey.D.Saures is the only dinosaur who survived the astroid rain and found an opportunity to become king of the dinosaurs

after getting the title king of the dinosaurs mankind showed himself Monkey.D.saures had no other chance to survive them so he had to hide until 50 milion years later he found a opportunity to strike back and get his title back of king of the dinosaurs.In all that time he learned to speak there language.But he is still looking like he is a young dinosaur

Character's age:52 million Years 

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Minecraft username: Akkilles


Why you want to play on this server: Cause i would like

How you found this server: Technic forums

Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?:no

How well do you know the mods?:pretty well

How often do you play?: almost everyday

Why do you feel you should be accepted?:Cause the more the merrier

I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes/no

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Ok so here is the deal... It appears we either caught a virus, were hacked, or possibly both. I am working hard to resolve this issue, and it is possible that the next update will fix it or my administrative team will come up with something to try and it will work. As of right now though, the server is officially down until further notice. I am really sorry, but I couldn't get it running for more than a few seconds and without a proper crash report (It won't fully crash, just not connect right) the community most likely won't help me. I am up for suggestions on what to do but as of right now the server just doesn't seem to wanna cooperate which is weird because I have messed with this kind of stuff for years and never have seen, heard, or experienced this issue. I know it is disappointing but try to bear with me. You can check back for updates on the situation, but as of right now it isn't going well, and I really might just hold out till the next recommended build, figures crossed that some of the new files fixes it.

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Trying to think of things to suggest, but this bit is throwing me off a little - when you say it wont connect right, does this mean the server wont connect to the internet or any local network if you're running one , wont start the operating system, or the minecraft server program wont start up?

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The .bat file still runs, but we are unable to join for more than a few seconds. Once we are "kicked" we can no longer re-join as well as anyone else... just like a crash occured. BUT! there is no crash, so I can't submit anything to the community for help. The .bat file works, everything is the same, and there is no crashes, no port or IP changes, I have double checked everything, and to my knowledge it should work without any problems. I still have some things to try with the other admins, but it is not looking good atm. Sorry about that.

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Oh man i hope it comes up soon, but i have patience! Also, why not just make a new world? I know that would up set alot of people including me, but if it's the only way to fix it until the problem can be resolved, or if you can that is, save the world now, or the last saved world you have, keep that and make a new world until then. Just a suggestion :)

Edited by PyroChillzGamer
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Minecraft Username: archsoc2001

Why you want to play on this server? I would like to play on this server to be able to explore more about the modpack and enjoy the modpack with friends because the modpack isn't that fun by yourself.

How you found this server? I found this server on youtube and the URL is: 

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Minecraft username:Astonyen


Why you want to play on this server:I ve been playing DW20 modpack lately and im into building with details and witchery and Atack of the B-Team is the best pack for it.(Also watchinh all the youtubers :P) Your server seemed kinda cool and i hope you have 15/24 hours a day players like me :)

How you found this server:shnoop123's youtube channel

Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?:Never

How well do you know the mods?:Ive been playing FTB mindcrack,direwolf20 and some more modpacks for 2 years

How often do you play?:5-15 hours a day

Why do you feel you should be accepted?:I really love to play minecraft and show the things that i build like everyone, every server i got in became ghost town everybody decided to quit the server even admins.

I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes!

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  • 1 month later...

Okay so I THINK it is back up and running. Only done a local test not an online one yet. But... I think it is working again. But... the administrative team has been coding a server for another game while this is down and we want to run that some. So... I will run this some, I will run that some. Keep us on our favorites, and depending how each goes we may make one our main thing we run. IDK what I want to do... its been nice not running a server on my computer. But we will run it some at our convenience so feel free to keep us added and check up on it every now and then. Also in about a week I will go through all the applications that happen sense the message and after the server crashed. So I will accept people in about a week just give me some time to make sure it really is working. Didn't want to jump the gun but I wanted to inform you of our current situation.

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-My minecraft ursername is: bobby807

-Im 15 years old ill be 16 soon

-I would love to play on this server because its no greifing (which is nice every time i start getting good someone takes my stuff) and its role play. ive always wanted to play on a role play server. i can also play on a server that will let me do what i would like to do. 

-I found this server while i was looking for a good server to play on. I searched "good attack of the b team server"

-I have never been banned on a server before and never plan on it

-I know the mods pretty well

-I play almost every day if possible sometimes i cant

-I feel u should accept me because im nice and i try my best to help people. Im also good with the mods and im pretty go at building things

-yes i have read the rules


Role-pay characters name- Ray

background story: as a young boy he lived in a place where he was surrounded by death and murder where the only way to survive was to become a hitman.

age: 22

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HI Shnoop.



MC Name- Dolbinater

Age- 31

Reason to join- Ive played on afew servers and none have been roleplay which is what ive been looking for.

Found- I discovered your server on the AOTB forum.

Mods- I know afew mods abit more than other mods.

Playing Time- I play about 3hrs a day, abit more at the weekends.

Reason to pick me- Well im 31 so im very mature, always willing to help where I can, always stick to the rules, really love the idea of roleplay and love building castles.

Rules- Yes ive read the rules



Roleplayers name- Jungle Jim

History- A former solider who has crashed landed on this planet.

Age- 31

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't been accepting applications lately, there's just a bunch to go through. I hope to get through them sooner or later though. Now this is an announcement for everyone that is already on the server- After today the server will shut down for an entire week GASP! yes I know some of you are sad but I literally won't have access to it for a week so there is nothing I can do. Sorry for the inconvenience, enjoy playing today at least, and  remember... Keep on shnoopin'!



Edited by shnoop123
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Minecraft username:9012784365

Why do you want to play on this server: I like small organized servers so that everyone can have fun but there isn't 1,000 other people just greifing everybody

How did you found this server: On youtube:

Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?: No

How well do you know the mods?: I know how to use almost all of the mods but it is my first time using them for most of them

How often do you play?: Most of the time once a day but im starting to take breaks

Why do you feel you should be accepted?: I think I should be accepted because i'm just trying to have fun with other people 

I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes




Role-play name: Jimmy(Not real name)

Age:17(Not real age)

History: Its starts in 2014 Jimmy is 14(Not my real age or name) and is amazed with the technology that he has. He starts making inventions that can 3d print and make hologram video chatting. Then a couple years later new technology is released to the public and someone named Niter is using it to try to take over the world and when Jimmy trys to go and stop him on the moon with his new invention the "Frepazalot" that can make lasers 50 times hotter then the core of the sun Niter blasts him back to planet that nobody ever knew about called B-Team. When Jimmy landed most of his memory was gone except for Niter. This is now when I join the server and try to get to the moon. Tada!!!!!!  

Edited by captain9012
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Player thingy


Ign : Saleenmaster1

age : 16

why i want to play on this server: Im searching for a server which isnt griefed and still freebuild. Kinda like the server bdubs and keralis are on. And since this server is whitelisted i guess i found the right one to play on.

Found: youtube search

Banned: banned on 2 servers: 1) cause the admin got hacked 2) same reason as nr1)

Mods knowledge: Still learning but the basic stuff like sorting system and tinkers and project red i do know

Presence: almost daily but only at evening  GMT+1

Accept reason: Im a calm player who is usually nice to everyone. I also like to roleplay a little soo yeah..

Rules: yes i´ve read them and i accept being banned if i break em


Roleplay part


Name: Nakopa (may change that if u dont like it)

Background story: Since the nuclear fallout and the death of his family, this fellow person seeks to find clarity in his life, leading him into dangerous situations and stuff. Thinking he found the clarity, he finds himself in the jungle,living alone only with statues and ocelots.(kinda short srry)

Age : 24



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~Server Application~


Minecraft Username: meerkat004


Age: Personal


Why I want to play on this server?: I would like to play on this server, because I have similar griefing experiences like you and hate having to hide all of my good builds. Also I would like a not so crowded server where I can peacefully play Attack of the B team without having to worry about much.


How I found this server?: I found this server by going on youtube and searching "WhiteListed Attack of the B team server" and found this server most appealing.


Have I ever been banned from a server? If so why?: I luckily have never been banned from a server, because I follow all of the rules and try to stay away from that.


How well do I know the Mods?: I know the Mods fairly well now, because I tend to watch "Lets Plays" of Attack of the B team on youtube to learn more. The Mods I am most used to are Advanced Genetics, Carpenters Mod, Tinkers Construct, and TropicCraft.


Why I feel I should be accepted?: I feel I should be accepted on this server because I am very friendly towards people on servers, and always try to make friends with other people. Also I feel I should be accepted because of my server devotion and knowledge towards Attack of the B team.


I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them?: Yes




~RolePlay Section~


RolePlay Name: Draco ColdHeart


Backround Story: Since Draco ColdHeart was a young boy he loved the thought of Magic and Machinery. Draco always admired his fathers works as a Mechanic and his Mothers work of Sorcery, he wanted to be just like them. Then one late night he heard a strange noise. He was scared and wanted someone to comfort him, so he went to go and stay in his parents room. When he arrived in the room he saw no trace of his parents. He looked all around the house, and still could not find them. Then as he started going outside to look for them, he found that the forest was filled with giant spiders! All holding limp web sacks which appeared to have people inside of them. Then he suddenly noticed his mother and father cornered by three of the biggest spiders. He ran to help them, but he noticed the spiders dangling above him waiting to pounce. His parents saw him and tried to save him, but then the spiders attacked. With the last amount of magic energy his mother had, she teleported him to an village. With all the young boy had encountered, he couldn't stand it and knocked out cold. Later, he awoke in a kind villagers house. A man who was a Wizard had taken the Draco in. During the years Draco lived there, the villager was like a father to him, and shared his magical skills with him. Even though Draco was young when the Attack happened, he never forgot and swore to take revenge on the spider queen.


Characters age: 17

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-player section-


Minecraft username:marbvb


Why you want to play on this server:i am just searching for a awsome server to play 

How you found this server:with the technic forum site

Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?:no 

How well do you know the mods?:i know nothing about it

How often do you play?:never 

Why do you feel you should be accepted?:its cool to have a good server to start role plaing

I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes


-Roleplay section-


Role-play character's name: Monkey.D.Saures

Character's background story: Monkey.D.Saures is the only dinosaur who survived the astroid rain and found an opportunity to become king of the dinosaurs

after getting the title king of the dinosaurs mankind showed himself Monkey.D.saures had no other chance to survive them so he had to hide until 50 milion years later he found a opportunity to strike back and get his title back of king of the dinosaurs.In all that time he learned to speak there language.But he is still looking like he is a young dinosaur

Character's age:52 million Years 


You are accepted, but your roleplay is invalid, sorry but it just won't work out for that to be your roleplay character!

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