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Villages wont generate even when I put on Generate Structures

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Are you searching in biomes that can have villages?

What seeds exactly are you trying?

Did you enable Biomes O' Plenty?


More information can help others help you :)

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If you want to make sure the generation is working (usually it is and you're just having bad luck), create a superflat world, fly around a bit, if you find a village then they're spawning properly.


If they're spawning properly, the next step is to look for them - as Turgle said they won't spawn everywhere and in some areas that they can spawn they won't (they can't spawn if they're on something like water or too steep a hill, but they will tolerate a very steep hill by default for example).

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I did'int enable biomes o plenty and the seeds that I use have villages in the videos. But and yes I'm searching in biomes. I will go into a superflat world right now and check. It works in super flat but not in default. do I need biomes o plenty on???

Edited by LegomanAust
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Let me know if you struggle, I'm off for a few hours (sleep) but post back here and I'll give you my world seed and a map to a village (I'll need to test it first as it was generated a few versions ago if it comes to that, need to make sure it behaves the same).

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If my world starts working anytime soon, I can give you my seed and village coordinates. I know my Village is in new chunks, since I moved there after updating to 1.0.10.

Edited by Turgle
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