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Minecraft Username: INFAMOUSxPYROx


Age: 24


A bit about yourself: hmm were to begin well lets keep it current i live in V.A i work part time and i attend collage classes part time also so one day i can design/make games. also i own 3 game consoles a 360,Xbox One and a PS3. i do have skype also


Why should you be invited? i like to think that i'm pretty helpful guy who knows a lot about tinkers construct, getting to the moon,a little thermal expansion and enhanced portals

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Minecraft Username: FatAlbert8MyKFC

Age: 16

A bit about yourself: I am a very laid back minecrafter. I play on and off, but mostly single player.

Why should you be invited? I have played minecraft for a very long time. I mostly play single player, and I am starting to get bored of it. I think I could have a lot of fun on this server.


2 Prospects Here:



Minecraft Username: dougiebone
Age: 27
A bit about yourself: Trombone player, got into Minecraft thanks to wordpainter and then modding. Minecraft is my way of un-winding at the end of the day and B-Team just seems to be more fun with more players. 
Why should you be invited? Minecraft is fun, but after playing with word and my brother I've noticed it's way more fun to play with other people instead of by myself.
Minecraft Username: wordpainter423
Age: 24
A bit about yourself: I've played Minecraft since it was beta but didn't start modding until after dougiebone started playing. I'm a musician and Star Wars nerd who enjoys building and creating. :-)
Why should you be invited? I'm a fair player, just wanting to build and explore. I've played in private servers in the past and sometimes it's just more fun to play with others than on your own.



Minecraft Username: JDezo13 (J & D are both capitalized)


Age: 30


A bit about yourself: Work as a cable installer, married and have 2 kids, attend Devry fulltime and love to game. Been into MC for a few years now and have played AotBTeam a bit too


Why should you be invited? Im an honest trustworthy community oriented kinda guy looking for a server that will have active players who are close knot and basicly adhere to the rules listed



Minecraft Username: SatanicAsch


Age: 16, almost 17. 


A bit about yourself: Long time, peaceful MC player. I not fond of PVP and raiding. I'm pretty quiet but I am a p-rad builder. In the real world, I am a studying animator/writer. I'm very friendly, I don't judge at all, and I love reading manga, homestuck and cookingggg. 


Why should you be invited? I could be a helpful member to the community? Not entirely sure what to put here besides that I am good company. 


Minecraft Username: Banana_IBlitz


Age: 17


A bit about yourself: I've been playing Minecraft for a couple of years now and love AOTBTEAM. I've been looking for a small whitelisted server that is stable for a few weeks now. My favorite mods in the pack are Thermal Expansion and MineFactory Reloaded


Why should you be invited? - I am proficient with most of the mods in the pack and will generally help other people out.


Minecraft Username: Mills16

Age: 19

A Bit About Myself: Mature, responsible player who just loves to build. Been an admin on many servers, just looking for a small, chill, mature server for my friends and I to play on.

Why Should I Be Invited To Play: I am an eexperienced player, with much experience as an admin. Excellent builder guaranteed to bring creative builds to the server. Easy to get along with and just looking for some cool people to play the game with :)

Posted (edited)

MineCraft Username: Sherbet1999


Age: 14/15


A Bit About Yourself:  i'm a girl who loves Minecraft (and any game really) ,sports animals and well this Mod Pack and i have been looking for a smallish friendly server just like this one... i hope     oh and i am Australian :D


Why Should You Be Invited?: i believe i should be invited because well i'm a nice person who doesn't grief or try make someone upset, i love working with other people and i get along with other people

Edited by Sherbet1999

Username: Bigmac7151998

age: 15

About me: I would like to play on a server with a small community that wont grief or steal.

Why I should be invited: I wont grief I am a very active player and I want to learn more about AOTB

Posted (edited)

Minecraft Username: iPwnKatkat


Age: 13


A bit about yourself: I like Cheese! :D My favorite colors are Black, White and Red. I Hate Pie (Sorry if you like pie) on Minecraft I love to Mine for fancy ores or just cobble, LOVE To Build! Explore Too! and.... PVP!!!! I won't kill anyone randomly though, I would ask and make sure both parties are ready to fight :D


Why should you be invited? Because I would just love to play AOTB with people so I wouldn't be a loner


Just in case: My Skype is iPwnKatkat

Edited by iPwnKatkat
Posted (edited)

Minecraft Username: Emoorhouse


Age: 14


A bit about myself: Minecraft is my favorite video game. I like to mess around with command blocks. I run no servers of my own, but i will get realms shortly. Command blocks are my favorite minecraft feature, aside from modding. I love PvP, it's very appealing to me. I am not a genius redstoner, but i do know how to make some advanced contraptions.


Why should I be invited? : I love attack of the b-team. It has a nice mix of mods that go very well together. I'm not a greifer, I take pleasure in making others happy, not angry/sad. I take part in other survival servers (fairly small ones, 20-40 people) and others seem to get along with me.

Edited by dr.minefreak

Minecraft Username: xTharc


Age: 17


A bit about yourself: I'm a very friendly person thats always happy to help people. Im good with redstone stuff alongside with building.


Why should you be invited?

1. I never grief or steal. I've been hosting multiple vanilla servers and i know how much trouble this can cause.

2. Im friendly and i like to play with a nice community.

3. Im looking for a great whitelisted servers.


Minecraft Username: Reqhz


Age: 15


A bit about yourself: Been playing Minecraft since December 2010, this is the first modpack I've played and I'm enjoying it so far. Only played Single Player though.


Why should you be invited? I'd love to be a part of a small community, and see what new stuff i am able to do in Multiplayer that I didnt work in Single Player. I'd say i'm active, cooperative and helpful ^.^


Minecraft Username: cccminer


Age: 16


A bit about yourself: Ive actually been playing minecraft since back in the alpha days but never really looked into mods till just recently.


Why should you be invited?: I want to play with mature gamers. But I am not a super serious gamer. I like being social and working with other people.


Posted (edited)

Minecraft Username: rebel323




A bit about yourself: I only play modded minecraft vanilla is too plain for my liking. Really into building and making things flow together nicely.


Why should you be invited: i enjoy helping out in a community and I want a server that wont be full of griefers and thieves like the other ones i have been in.

Edited by rebel323

Minecraft Username:bobbypig06

Age: 14

A bit about yourself: I'm mature and polite I really like attack of the b team and community servers. I also like to build, mine, and help other people I don't like to use bad words and I am appropriate and good willed :).

Why should you be invited?I really like and appreciate good servers and really really don't like hackers and cheaters and I am very mature and hope to be on this server.


IGN: loki_odinson8803

Age: 25

A bit about yourself: I've played mostly modded minecraft for 3 or 4 years. I'm a quiet guy, though very friendly and fun loving.

Why should you be invited?: I enjoy playing and find that working with others make the time that much more fun


Minecraft Username: ass_kicker11


Age: 14


A bit about yourself: Ive been playing minecraft for 4 years i started playing attack of the b-team when it first came out and i like to interact with people and have fun


Why should you be invited? I should be invited to this server because ill bring alot of fun and pranks to the server not greifing pranks just something that is easy to get rid of and i will help people if they need anything.

Posted (edited)

IGN: jroefk9


Age: 14


A bit about yourself: I love modding. I think it adds so much to minecraft.


Why should you be invited? I more mature than some 18+ people out there so inviting me wouldn't be bad. And also I make a good amount of community projects on most survival servers I play on.

Edited by jroefk9

Minecraft Username: RapidResultz


Age: 30


A bit about yourself: I haven’t been playing minecraft for long maybe 3 months now. I have learnt helps in that time bywatching the youtube channels of other players and also trying my own things out.


Why should you be invited? Im looking for a fun mature small community where I can learn from and help others out with things I can.




IGN : Shipoyo


Age: 24


Bit about myself : i am an average person who just likes to play attack of the b team. I like other games as well but most of my time is mainly on minecraft whether it be vanilla or a minecraft modpack like this one


Why should i be invited ? : i enjoy playing the exploring endless wonders of minecraft and its modpacks and i think playing on a multiplayer server would be fun. I am a generally nice and calm person who understands if someones having a terrible day, i'm also very polite and would never do any harm to someones home (trust me i know what its like working hours and then having it blown up) also i will be very active at least 3 times a week hope to join you guys!



IGN: MrSaturn012

Age:13, But i'm mature for my age

Why I want to be apart of the server: I have been looking for  I get bored playing alone and I feel big servers are alien and impersonal

Am I familiar with Attack of the B-Team: Yeah, I love it

What mods am I the best at: Tinkers Construct, and witchery.

Will you respect other player,stuff, and Builds: Totally.

How long have I played Minecraft: Since beds

Have I ever made it into any other whitelisted servers: No, not yet

How much will you be able to play: 1 to 2 hours, almost every day

What is my Skype: MrSatunr012 or Duncan Alexander












WHY:Because it sounds super aweosme



i bit about myself:i'm just a ordinary guy that will get any resourse you want








I am in high school love playing minecraft. I have good grades not bragging I live in Floridia .


I think I should be invited to the server because. 1. I am very active 2. I love minecraft 3.i love modded minecraft


please e-mail me at maddoxgoodman@icloud.com if you let me on the server thanks bye.


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