maxymunte Posted July 12, 2012 Posted July 12, 2012 "ngwoo said: I'm using the 128x texture pack, Nether Ores textures aren't working properly: Oddly, the correct textures are in the zip file. (NetherOresSprites folder) its a bug in the texturepack you have to rename the terain.png into block0.png becouse the mod loads only block0.png
ngwoo Posted July 13, 2012 Posted July 13, 2012 "maxymunte said: its a bug in the texturepack you have to rename the terain.png into block0.png becouse the mod loads only block0.png Did the trick. Thank you very much!
TheOriginalPnS Posted July 14, 2012 Posted July 14, 2012 Downloaded both of these., Technic isn't running them. I've got MC Patcher, where am I messing up?
leddy231 Posted July 14, 2012 Author Posted July 14, 2012 "TheOriginalPnS said: Downloaded both of these., Technic isn't running them. I've got MC Patcher, where am I messing up? the mc patcher part, technic does already have optifine so thats not needed, its a common problem
TheOriginalPnS Posted July 14, 2012 Posted July 14, 2012 Ok, so download, dump into technic texture packs, don't patch, enjoy prettiness? I'll give it a whirl and report back.
TheOriginalPnS Posted July 14, 2012 Posted July 14, 2012 It's beautiful! Much better than the version I had previously, thanks mans. Filled in a lot of the missing textures, although the rotary macerator is still invisible, and causes chunk errors through the world. I'll take a pick but any ideas on that? I read something about tweaking mcloader to get it to re render, but as you've proven that was a load of old hewy!
leddy231 Posted July 15, 2012 Author Posted July 15, 2012 "TheOriginalPnS said: Ok, so download, dump into technic texture packs, don't patch, enjoy prettiness? I'll give it a whirl and report back. exactly
TheOriginalPnS Posted July 15, 2012 Posted July 15, 2012 "leddy231 said: exactly Well, as previously stated, it worked near perfectly, and super thank yous! As far as I can find, other than a few other textures still missing (Apatite etc), the only thing still wrong is the Rotary Macerator. I've got the pic now: That should be two rotary Macerators Any thoughts, anyone? All help appreciated. EDIT: Ok, so the picture didn't work. I'll keep trying, but please take this link instead until such a time that I get it working.¤t=Macerators.png
leddy231 Posted July 16, 2012 Author Posted July 16, 2012 "TheOriginalPnS said: Well, as previously stated, it worked near perfectly, and super thank yous! As far as I can find, other than a few other textures still missing (Apatite etc), the only thing still wrong is the Rotary Macerator. I've got the pic now: That should be two rotary Macerators Any thoughts, anyone? All help appreciated. EDIT: Ok, so the picture didn't work. I'll keep trying, but please take this link instead until such a time that I get it working.¤t=Macerators.png i have no idea how to fix that, what version do you use? (of technic/tekkit)
Biomasters2 Posted July 16, 2012 Posted July 16, 2012 "leddy231 said: i have no idea how to fix that, what version do you use? (of technic/tekkit) I have the same problem, and I'm using technic version 6.0.7. Also the top texture for the LV, MV, and HV solar array doesn't show up either.
camadas Posted July 16, 2012 Posted July 16, 2012 Guys don't know what is wrong it this ... I have an I7 930, 6G DDR3 Triple channel, GC 460GTX 1G, and from time to time I get extreme low FPS for like 1 min, and I rly don't why this hapens -.- I have set up 4 Gb to the game and still get this extreme low FPS from time to time while doing rendering ( have only put it far )
leddy231 Posted July 17, 2012 Author Posted July 17, 2012 "camadas said: Guys don't know what is wrong it this ... I have an I7 930, 6G DDR3 Triple channel, GC 460GTX 1G, and from time to time I get extreme low FPS for like 1 min, and I rly don't why this hapens -.- I have set up 4 Gb to the game and still get this extreme low FPS from time to time while doing rendering ( have only put it far ) try setting java to a higher priorety, and, what is a I7 930? and the other stuff? my computer hardware skills is only level 1
camadas Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 "leddy231 said: try setting java to a higher priorety, and, what is a I7 930? and the other stuff? my computer hardware skills is only level 1 I7 930 its first gen of I7 ( when I7 started at the market, search intel website and u will find it )
Biomasters2 Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 So on the technic launcher I set the game to 512 MB of memory, and it works fine for me. Later on I set it to 1.5 GB, and I couldn't even start minecraft. I also read this on the optifine page on the minecraft forums: "5. Launch Minecraft with less memory (yes, really). It needs maximum 256 MB and runs fine on all settings with the default texture pack. By default java allocates too much memory (1GB?) which may get swapped to disk and the overall performance may suffer a lot." It actually works.
leddy231 Posted July 17, 2012 Author Posted July 17, 2012 "Biomasters2 said: So on the technic launcher I set the game to 512 MB of memory, and it works fine for me. Later on I set it to 1.5 GB, and I couldn't even start minecraft. I also read this on the optifine page on the minecraft forums: "5. Launch Minecraft with less memory (yes, really). It needs maximum 256 MB and runs fine on all settings with the default texture pack. By default java allocates too much memory (1GB?) which may get swapped to disk and the overall performance may suffer a lot." It actually works. ok, noted
Allen Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 "Biomasters2 said: I have the same problem, and I'm using technic version 6.0.7. Also the top texture for the LV, MV, and HV solar array doesn't show up either. Same issue here with solar arrays and the apatite texture is a no show.
Pheonix_Fury Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 Is this texture pack in HD? I've been using the x256 version on mine but i noticed some of the ores and weapons and stuff are not textured like theyshould be, recently i found out that my version is for the vanilla version and not for technic/tekkit, so now I must find a x256 version for the technic pack so if i could receive some insight on that. does x64 still look crisp smooth or does x128 look a bit better? if so I will download whichever one of these links youve given.
leddy231 Posted July 18, 2012 Author Posted July 18, 2012 "Pheonix_Fury said: Is this texture pack in HD? I've been using the x256 version on mine but i noticed some of the ores and weapons and stuff are not textured like theyshould be, recently i found out that my version is for the vanilla version and not for technic/tekkit, so now I must find a x256 version for the technic pack so if i could receive some insight on that. does x64 still look crisp smooth or does x128 look a bit better? if so I will download whichever one of these links youve given. in the 64 version some stuff will not be so good, like the crosshair. but in the 128 version you need a very powerfull computer to run it. otherwise there is almost no diferense betwen them, you decide what you think is best. EDIT: i will not update the 128x anymore so you will have to get the 64 one when technic/tekkit updates to get the new stuff.
Mmm-Raisins Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 Do you have a 16x version, sorry my laptop is not the best.
leddy231 Posted July 20, 2012 Author Posted July 20, 2012 "Coldfist said: Why won't you be updating the 128x version? most computer can't handle it and the 64x one works better and is almost as good
leddy231 Posted July 20, 2012 Author Posted July 20, 2012 "Mmm-Raisins said: Do you have a 16x version, sorry my laptop is not the best. sorry no, no mod textures suports 16x, you can try to rescale it your self but i just don't have that time
JerryMac Posted July 21, 2012 Posted July 21, 2012 any chance you can add logistic pipes texture to this pack? edit: i switched from optifine 7 back to optifine 6 and i got it working as default texture, still would be nice to have a smooth sphax texture sorry for the trouble!
cjrhoades Posted July 21, 2012 Posted July 21, 2012 "leddy231 said: most computer can't handle it and the 64x one works better and is almost as good Says who? Not all of our toasters have integrated graphics and CPUs from the dark ages. In other news, I'm getting a lot of texture errors after visiting the nether. Runnin technic 7.2 dev.
leddy231 Posted July 22, 2012 Author Posted July 22, 2012 "cjrhoades said: Says who? Not all of our toasters have integrated graphics and CPUs from the dark ages. In other news, I'm getting a lot of texture errors after visiting the nether. Runnin technic 7.2 dev. 1 alot of people have told me that they lagg as crap so i had to change resolution 2 strange, does the problem apear in 7.1 too? (my pack is not fixed for 7.2 yet)
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