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Tekkit/Technic girls wanted ! Guys too actually...


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Well it seems im the first guy to say something that isnt about girls and the internet. I would like to join ur server sigma. Ive been looking for a somwhat mature person to play on servers with and ur the first one in the world i could find. Maybe we could make a server and make it public msg me back and maybe ill give u my email.......maybe........................


I find it funny that the only girl who has posted here is brunswick and she said &quote:As a female I find this thread fucking hilarious. You call this 'sexism'? OH DEARY MY PRIVILEGE IS SO VIOLATED

pfahaha :&quaote

I find this extremly funny :D

about half the people posting in this thread are of the fairer sex. way to go, captain clueless.

I had actually forgotten about this thread, and now I'm sad that I did. by the end there I couldn't even be bothered to read the half caps rants the OP was going on. I think the best part was that he couldn't stand the females posting even more than the males, despite his whacked out pipe dream of how women act and/or play minecraft.

just in case anyone else reading this thread also believes that you need boobs to make pretty houses, there are and have been innumerable great and famous male artists and architects. it's not what's between your legs people, it's what's between your ears.

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about half the people posting in this thread are of the fairer sex. way to go, captain clueless.

I had actually forgotten about this thread, and now I'm sad that I did. by the end there I couldn't even be bothered to read the half caps rants the OP was going on. I think the best part was that he couldn't stand the females posting even more than the males, despite his whacked out pipe dream of how women act and/or play minecraft.

just in case anyone else reading this thread also believes that you need boobs to make pretty houses, there are and have been innumerable great and famous male artists and architects. it's not what's between your legs people, it's what's between your ears.

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Yep, girls make the best houses, it's in the details.

That house deserves a [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅1)̲̅$̲̅]

Are you both talking to me or somebody else?

It hadn't occurred to me before, but I wonder how many people assume I'm female because of my avatar. Or assume I'm gay, or six years old. (I'm none of the three, by the way.)

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Are you both talking to me or somebody else?

It hadn't occurred to me before, but I wonder how many people assume I'm female because of my avatar. Or assume I'm gay, or six years old. (I'm none of the three, by the way.)

I was talking to you, since you're the only one who posted a house on this page. Also, I only call someone a girl if she said it. Otherwise, everyone is a dude for me :).

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Are you both talking to me or somebody else?

It hadn't occurred to me before, but I wonder how many people assume I'm female because of my avatar. Or assume I'm gay, or six years old. (I'm none of the three, by the way.)

I never knew you were a gay 6 year old girl, jakj! 6 is young to be a psychopathic creativity rapist, I'm impressed!

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Government mind-control fluoride in the water combine with BPA in her sippy cup, catalyzing a mutagenic mental growth spurt that gave her the mind of a 30-something man with a short tempter for stupidity.

Remember, only homeopathic cures can prevent your toddler from being poisoned by evil government mind-control and other evil conspiracies against you. Always keep your naturalistic healing crystals in proper feng shui alignment or your poor innocent children can turn into complete crazies or worse, meat eaters...

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As far as sexism goes, this thread has it, but it's fairly tame. This level is less offensive and more just tiresome. But people who think being told you don't exist isn't offensive should try it for a while.

As for remaining gender anonymous on the internet, I do it because I never know what kind of reaction I'm going to get. Sometimes it's acceptance, sometimes it's the lame jokes, and sometimes it's being told to get off the net and back into the kitchen, or degenerating down to threats of violence.

Always be skeptical of a female on the Internet until you see his profile picture.

Yeah, that crap is pretty old as well.

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As far as sexism goes, this thread has it, but it's fairly tame. This level is less offensive and more just tiresome. But people who think being told you don't exist isn't offensive should try it for a while.

As for remaining gender anonymous on the internet, I do it because I never know what kind of reaction I'm going to get. Sometimes it's acceptance, sometimes it's the lame jokes, and sometimes it's being told to get off the net and back into the kitchen, or degenerating down to threats of violence.

Yeah, that crap is pretty old as well.

Pretty much this. Seriously.

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As far as sexism goes, this thread has it, but it's fairly tame. This level is less offensive and more just tiresome. But people who think being told you don't exist isn't offensive should try it for a while.

As for remaining gender anonymous on the internet, I do it because I never know what kind of reaction I'm going to get. Sometimes it's acceptance, sometimes it's the lame jokes, and sometimes it's being told to get off the net and back into the kitchen, or degenerating down to threats of violence.

Yeah, that crap is pretty old as well.

If you really want to be more gender anonymous, consider changing your username. I don't know about you, but 'pixelkitty' sounds pretty feminine to me. Just sayin'...

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I don't use that joke as a "women on the Internet don't exist" statement. My experience is that it is difficult to find females on the Internet partly for the reasons pixelkitty states, but also partly because so many "females" on the Internet actually are males, masquerading for one reason or another. And what's the point in caring, anyway? The American military (and Starfleet below the rank of admiral, if you prefer a nerdy reference) uses "sir" gender-neutrally, because it's just not an important distinction.

Part of the continued prevalence of sexism is the emphasis on the differences, like how some people get pissed at you if you say "postman" to refer to a female instead of "postwoman" (or even go so far as to want you to say "postperson"), and yet completely neutral words without "man" in them (like "actor" v. "actress") they still get pissed at you for not using. Not that I care who gets pissed at me: I say postman, and I say actor, no matter the gender. If the distinction is important for the conversation, I'll say "female actor" or "male actor", and otherwise I just say "actor" because who the fuck cares.

Honestly, I'm surprised when any females -do- make an effort to make others aware of their gender, because I don't see that it serves any purpose. The Internet would be a lot easier to deal with if everyone were a faceless genderless entity and we all dealt with each other based on our beliefs and opinions rather than who we might happen to be (or pretend to be). Everyone has a right to assert their gender if they feel the need, but I just don't personally see the point.

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about half the people posting in this thread are of the fairer sex. way to go, captain clueless.

I had actually forgotten about this thread, and now I'm sad that I did. by the end there I couldn't even be bothered to read the half caps rants the OP was going on. I think the best part was that he couldn't stand the females posting even more than the males, despite his whacked out pipe dream of how women act and/or play minecraft.

just in case anyone else reading this thread also believes that you need boobs to make pretty houses, there are and have been innumerable great and famous male artists and architects. it's not what's between your legs people, it's what's between your ears.

Oh im sorry freackachu did i make you mad? did you become distempered by my post? are you extremly annoyed at my horrible speling and grammer? well suck it up and go be gay somewhere else............. or dont whaterver u think :P

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Oh im sorry freackachu did i make you mad? did you become distempered by my post? are you extremly annoyed at my horrible speling and grammer? well suck it up and go be gay somewhere else............. or dont whaterver u think :P


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I don't use that joke as a "women on the Internet don't exist" statement. My experience is that it is difficult to find females on the Internet partly for the reasons pixelkitty states, but also partly because so many "females" on the Internet actually are males, masquerading for one reason or another. And what's the point in caring, anyway? The American military (and Starfleet below the rank of admiral, if you prefer a nerdy reference) uses "sir" gender-neutrally, because it's just not an important distinction.

There's also the problem with gender variance being so much more socially acceptable now. I've met a fair few transgender girls who use clearly female handles, but would be considered male by a large portion of the internet.

Part of the continued prevalence of sexism is the emphasis on the differences, like how some people get pissed at you if you say "postman" to refer to a female instead of "postwoman" (or even go so far as to want you to say "postperson"), and yet completely neutral words without "man" in them (like "actor" v. "actress") they still get pissed at you for not using. Not that I care who gets pissed at me: I say postman, and I say actor, no matter the gender. If the distinction is important for the conversation, I'll say "female actor" or "male actor", and otherwise I just say "actor" because who the fuck cares.

I agree with the use of gender-nonspecific words, and for most things there are totally valid gender non-specific alternatives, that don't sound awkward as fuck. (i will never use postwoman, because that is an unwieldy term. I prefer Mail Slave.)

Honestly, I'm surprised when any females -do- make an effort to make others aware of their gender, because I don't see that it serves any purpose. The Internet would be a lot easier to deal with if everyone were a faceless genderless entity and we all dealt with each other based on our beliefs and opinions rather than who we might happen to be (or pretend to be). Everyone has a right to assert their gender if they feel the need, but I just don't personally see the point.
This is a sticky one. On the one hand, letting everyone know that you're female means an instant deluge of "lol show us youre tits" and other things that make meaningful interaction on the internet difficult. On the other hand, there is quite a bit of under- and mis-representation that happens. It can feel a little lonely to someone sensitive. (i take this on very good authority.)
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