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  1. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Soupa in Tekkit (fan?) Art   
    Welcome to 1.8!

  2. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Curunir in Removing IC2 and RP3 wasn't fully compensated   
    You're bringing up some worthwhile points, so let's try some more on-topic.
    The basic question here somewhat revolves around what a game is.
    Is your generic console shooter with heavy scripting, cutscenes, tube levels and (if you're lucky) two different possible endings a game? Most would call it that. Now, is Minecraft a game? It's certainly extremely different from aforementioned console shooter. Being what is commonly called a "sandbox (game)" now, there is no clear-cut progression as in the scripted prison that is a console shooter. Of course, the lack of freedom has its merits. It allows designers to deliver a narrative, and get it across with methods invented for movies or television. We tend to expect being led by a leash there.
    Compare the freedom of Minecraft. Even when not in Creative, you can basically ignore most "rules". You probably should punch wood and build a shelter, but you don't have to. You could take a vow to never break a block, and see how far you get with this. You could try never fighting, just using tamed wolves as your personal bodyguard. The options are overwhelming, and many people love Minecraft (and other sandbox games) just because of this.
    Now, why did I make that excursion? A mod adds blocks to Minecraft. The author probably had some ideas on how to use them, but players will most likely surprise him with the ways they end up using them. Did Pahimar think about fully-automated diamond factories when he wrote the code for the Minium Stone? Probably not, but together with Thermal Expansion and other mods, these factories were built.
    Which leads to the real key point: Mod interaction. A modpack is in the favourable position to combine several mods and allow players to find synergies and cool cross-uses for them. Most of the long-term fun in Tekkit comes from that. Thermal Expansion is great, but without Extra Utilities, Minefactory Reloaded and even BigReactors, it would be entertaining for a few days before it turns stale.
    IndustrialCraft tried more than other mods to be its own game inside the game. It brought a broad range of power generators, along with machines that needed the power, and the wiring to connect both. It had its own (freedom-limiting) progression through its internal tech tree, which was made rather well as game design goes, but not without its quirks and pitfalls.
    That completionism came with a price. When the time came to overhaul everything and migrate it to a new Minecraft version, nobody was able or willing to do it. Even the somewhat-alive new IC version that still exists has a very tentative status.
    What really came together in the meantime was teamwork. Based on Chicken_Bones' excellent groundwork with Forge, mods have begun to work together in a way that I had not thought possible. I'm not a coder, but I know enough of them to know that organizing them is like herding cats. Expecting them to self-organize without a dictator (project manager) overseeing them is brave at best. And yet, things work out more often than not. Of course these mods will not offer a well-designed structure and progression path like old integrative IndustrialCraft did. They are different mods, and cooperation between them has its limits. But they all work. The tools may be a bit littered around the sandbox, not neatly arranged, but does that really hold us back?
    Half the fun is in finding out how things work, and the other half in giving shape to your ideas, especially the crazy ones.
    I know that all this can be overwhelming (as can a wall of text, so I'll stop now). Maybe you will find my >newbie guide useful, which offers a first progression, to empower new players to make their own decisions.
    Have fun in the sandbox.
  3. Upvote
    TheBytemaster got a reaction from Yumadome in I need help with 64-bit Java   
    Try using the windows 64-bit installer from here: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
    Don't go too crazy giving minecraft all that RAM though. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but Java essentially barfs if you give it too much ram. I'd stick with around 2-3 GB depending on the pack.
  4. Upvote
    TheBytemaster got a reaction from Kocken926 in Music 'N' Stuff   
    I see your men without hats and raise you two men with helmets.
  5. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Melfice in Music 'N' Stuff   
    I've gotten quite fond of this song recently.
  6. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Valkon in Music 'N' Stuff   
    Have some Amiga 500 game music.
  7. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Dentcat in Music 'N' Stuff   
    Chiptune is good, but no one can argue with a true classic. I present to you:

  8. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Soupa in Tekkit (fan?) Art   
    I fell on my cintiq and finished it.

  9. Upvote
    TheBytemaster got a reaction from Dentcat in Music 'N' Stuff   
    Partially because the DJ is down for maintaince right now.
    So... uh.
    Done with an NES.
  10. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Soupa in Tekkit (fan?) Art   
    Just battled some mean adware
    Accurate depiction of what happened:

    Also cintiq news:
    Hodgkins, IL, United States 08/01/2014 10:51 P.M. Departure Scan
    Next Scheduled Event:  Monday,08/04/2014 by 10:00 A.M.
    Why does it take two days
    ​To go from Illinois to Michigan.
    Goddamn weekends.
  11. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Neowulf in Where do you get the technic MODPACK (newer the better)   
    Yup, company policy. When I read your message I personally walked over to the pack control office, swiped my security card, queued the deployment cluster to extract the harddrive with the old technic files, and slapped a magnet on it. It's gone forever and you made me do it.
    I hope you're happy.
  12. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to dwwojcik in Moonbase Commander   
    I redeemed my code on gog.com and never installed it, I feel bad now. I'll get around to playing it with you guys, promise.
  13. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to planetguy in Moonbase Commander   
    Anyone up for a match some time?
  14. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to GenPage in Technic Modpack Server Utility   
    Hey guys,
    I've been working on a little project to make updating Technic Modpack Servers a little easier. 
    This will allow server owners to directly download or "install" (unzip) modpacks to a specified directory on their servers.
    Its currently in a beta state. I thought now would be a good time to release it and get some feedback on it.
    Here are some examples of the program:

    Displaying Pack Info:

    Downloading all packs (default recommended builds)

    Downloading a specific pack

    Downloading latest build of a specific pack

    Downloading a specific version of a pack

    Checks if build exists in the list

    Checks if the modpack is still available

    Let me know what you think!

    If you have any issues with the program, please post them here:
  15. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Sangar in OpenComputers [v1.5.21]   
    Version 1.3.6 is now available. Pretty much a bugfix release.

    As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating.

    Download for MC1.6.4
    Download for MC1.7.10
    Added: setting to disable debug card functionality. Changed: replaced char wideness computation so that all unifont chars are now available. Fixed: sidedness detection (most noticeable via CMEs and remote terminals not working in certain conditions). Fixed: platform architecture detection. Fixed: log spam due to bad mod presence detection combination with some other mods shipping partial APIs.
    Note: this will be the last release for MC 1.6.4. I'm (finally) dropping support, as I've now started work on OC 1.4, which, as the version number may indicate, will have an API change (Java side, existing Lua programs will work without changes). And since, understandably, pretty much nobody else updates for MC 1.6.4 anymore, that means OC 1.4 wouldn't be of much use due to API conflicts anyway. So there you have it.

    Oh, also note that OC 1.4 will be mildly incompatible with OC 1.3, world-wise. It'll load, but fully converting may need some manual action. More on that when I release the first version of OC 1.4. Just in case you're on the brink of getting started with OC in your world and want to avoid some hassle, you may want to wait for another week.
  16. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Soupa in Tekkit (fan?) Art   
    I became an admin on a server

  17. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to EvilOwl in Did you know?   
    Did you know you can right click NEIs search box to clear it out and start typing when your old search was there?
  18. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Soupa in Tekkit (fan?) Art   
  19. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to planetguy in [1.7.10] Remain in Motion - Continuation of Redstone in Motion   
    Finished the 1.7 port, hooray!
  20. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Soupa in Tekkit (fan?) Art   
    Shore you can.
  21. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Soupa in Tekkit (fan?) Art   
    I also made a how to commerce video for mabinogi
  22. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Sangar in OpenComputers [v1.5.21]   
    Maintenance release for OC 1.2, fixing one or two potential crashes.

    Download for MC1.6.4
    Download for MC1.7.2
  23. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Gio² in When is Vanilla going to be updated for Technic   
    Here's a tip:

  24. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to Neowulf in Castrum Gaming Pixelmon Ban Appeal by [DragonGamer_671]   
    I wonder how many times he has contacted apple for tech support on his dell.
  25. Upvote
    TheBytemaster reacted to TrovaGamer in Sharing my "new" idea the "ComputerCraft Web Bridge"   
    Current version: 0.0.1-InDev

    Very important note
    This program is dependendant on OpenPeripherals so you might want to install that mod or ask to your server admin to add to the server modpack sorry for the inconvenient

    Some days ago i posted an idea on this forum (http://www.computerc...post__p__178043)
    (if you dont want to see the post maybe you want to see this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW0LUueZVdM)
    Tonight (00:07 here) im releasing the first dev version of this idea and citing some of what i said, this program its mainly focused for smp servers but if you want let your ssp world opened and then go to school/work/party ... well ...you can
    For now, my main problem is the time, but i hope it can be working (the program) in a few weeks, but i do really want to know what do you think about it

    Instructions for instalation:
    If its disabled, enable (ask to your server admin to enable) the http api of computercraft (just go to the config its very easy) Install on your computer the CCWP Installer copypasteringo ► pastebin get w4DZjPR3 installer Run the installer The installer program will automatically update a file called "installer" with the last version of it and will create/update a folder called CCWP wich contains all the codes to work with CCWP DONT DELETE IT. If you choosed to not have an startup file, you can run the main program with this command: "CCWP/webcontrol" When running it will throw a 10 alphanumeric code that is your "ComputerKey", copy and save it in a safe place Login to http://ccwp.herobo.com/ write your ComputerKey in the input box and click "Get Status" to see all your items in the web page! IMPORTANT NOTE
    Every computer running the program will throw a different Key, so you may need multiple windows if you run multiple instances of the program

    I hope to continually update this project, but i'll always welcome your reviews, suggestions, comments or whatever

    Feature List:
    Online view of connected chests Current Mods supported for storage view: Iron Chests Better Storage Applied Energistics (must connect via cable to a ME Controller) Changelog:
    20/10/14 0.0.2-inDev   Changed (again) the web server to a brand new one Changed web side login system to a simple key asking system, you only need the computer key to access the info Changed a bit the code so it won't overload the web server Still only allows visualization of inventories Edited install instructions on the main post 19/05/14 0.0.1-InDev First dev version of the app Features: Online view of storage Current Mods supported for storage view: Iron Chests Better Storage Applied Energistics (must connect to a ME Controller) WIP
    More mods compatibility Energy net view TO-DO list
    Web-side rs signals toggling
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