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Everything posted by TokiWartooth

  1. I've been tweaking the values of the power input to the reactors, and I think ive settled at about 55mj/t each, but I have not done a test run to test for power out suffice it to say when it is fully operational the short answer will be "a lot." even with the inputs set to 100mj/t on the reactors I was still filling about two extra redstone energy cells on 4 stacks of deuterium, so with the power input better controlled and lower im expecting at least double that, the system has about 3 million MJ's in the backup system and the storage system should store 12 million a layer, im hoping with 20 reactors running I should be able to fill that 12 million in under 30 minutes.
  2. Have you tried soloing a walker castle? it is doable but fairly challegning to figure out and there are a ton of mobs inside each one, Pirate bosses are also quite a challenge to solo. Tbh Diamond armor kinda still gets you chunked pretty hard against some of the project zulu rarespawns, also give twillight forest a try, those bosses are pretty challenging as well.
  3. Meant to post this about a week ago, but been too busy to really get in game here is a gallery to some of the pics of my fusion reactor design, it is a 4 reactor setup, My main reactor tower will probably contain 5 layers of these reactors, also there are some picks of my energy storage room I think, I may edit in some other shots if imgur quits being dildos. Enjoi, give feed back thoughts questions here, will check back either late tomorrow night or thurs(dep/pt tomorrow) http://imgur.com/a/usEwh Another pic from above :http://imgur.com/kSpFLgC What it looks like without the water/turbines/walls (from creative testworld): http://imgur.com/kXusGby One more for now My energy storage tower so far *power plant not yet in full swing: http://imgur.com/edYYPGk
  4. actually there is a lot of good reasons to drop support, such as moving forward, not spending the time, focusing on a small set of main modpacks would save a lot more than just the time to put them together as well, such as not needing to answer quite as many asinine questions. The entire point of tekkit lite was getting tekkit updated with what it could into 1.4.x so people could use updated mods, the whole point of tekkit is to get people into the updated version into 1.5.x but this also allowed them to cut some of the mods that were holding back support without making people unhappy about it. so I for one would love to see them go forward with just tekkit, screw the old ones, if people love em they can deal with it themselves, update it for themselves, as far as I am concerned anymore there is Tekkit - that is it lite and classic were great but they will not be moving forward with the rest of minecraft, too many things they rely on are dead and buried.
  5. well durrrhuuurrrr, but to truly just "mix them" some of those mods may not have all the features they have in 1.5.2 therefore it would not be a lossless conversion, sure he could make a custom modpack, and edit a ton of configs and get everything working happily and it still wouldn't be just a mix of tekkit and tekkitlite, but then again if he could do these things and knew how he likely wouldn't need to ask here, and I wouldn't have needed to type this. w/e you can try. Also I would point out besides IC2 crap and pneumatics what exactly would he be missing out on by just moving to tekkit? what is there to do in lite that isn't in tekkit?
  6. no - 1.4.7 mods will not be compatible with 1.5.1-2 mods no or ever.
  7. probably not, Tekkit as it stands now is pretty well balanced, with a few more mods added in the forseeable future and the ones we have update to where they have planned the pack is more than filled.
  8. mid game power for me was steam engines attached directly to each device, I then made a tree farm and biofuel power plant, all it took was a couple trips to the nether for blaze rods, and you are pretty much set. once you have a power plant, everything else is easy.
  9. you make an ink mixer, then pull link panels from it, you then go to the book binder and make a unlinked linking book from a single link panel, also all age books should now start with a linking panel. Mystcraft is now slightly harder but now also slightly more logical, if the damn ink mixer didn't take a whole bottle of ink for each linking panel....
  10. Viv, you may wanna lurk more. If he couldn't instantly tell when spawning the difference between hexxit and vanilla just by looking around, he likely wouldn't have the brain cells to make this post. OP what likely occurred here is you launched vanilla instead of hexxit, otherwise you wouldn't be getting a vanilla world, make sure when you load to the main minecrat menu that the bottom left corner shows that you have mods loaded. The only other thing that could have this happen is if you loaded hexxit from a previous save that was vanilla.
  11. Try testing the oil fab in creative, and testing it's output, the thing isn't designed to be efficent for oil creation, and the thing with the power, well if it works like other MFR stuff you will see the power rise until there is enough to perform 1 work, and if the oil gen is hooked up to and output you may not see the output move if the it is all output instantly, but test it in creative, you can get a measure there and check it against your work.
  12. Lol all these people are trying to play tekkit classic in tekkit. As though things never change. Hits me with a hearty Guffaw
  13. I'M NOT YOUR DOG. But seriously forestry is not now nor will it ever likely be back in, redpower doesn't get updated enough and everything (except pneumatics) has been thoroughly replaced, and as has been pointed out multiple times, which you really didn't need to pile onto, IC2 is not coming back it is a dead mod, that mod is pining for the fjords, it is an EX mod, that mod is pushing up daises, it has sung it's last. I think my point is here we are entirely flogging a equine which has since passed on with this thread and everyone like it, unless you have something truly new and exciting to say about IC2 and and redpowers removal, please kindly do keep it to your self.
  14. What he was stating to the person who said there are dev builds was that the only way a mod gets into tekkit is with a stable build, a "release" from the actual devs, He more than knows that IC2 and forestry aren't going back in tekkit anyway he was just informing that person that only release builds will make it into an mod pack release. Also he was trying to make it clear that this is not new information, and changes nothing about the situation. He was not insisting on a full release, saying that "we" the tekkit community, and the tekkit packers, only care if there is an actual release.
  15. jesus dude go back to whatever rock you crawled out of and take another nap, your asshole level is off the charts.
  16. uhhhh thats not what the person you quouted was saying, like at all. you may want to try reading both his post and the person he is replying too again.
  17. Generators don't request power. Ever. requested power only works on machines that have inputs, the generators don't have power inputs.
  18. Hes not, hes simply informing the other people that the dev builds will never be added to tekkit, also, forestry will never be added to tekkit stable or not. If your intent was to reply to two separate people you may want to edit for clarity.
  19. Ahh my mistake missed that. Haven't really messed with fission too much of an issue to deal with.
  20. Forever I would recommend tesseracts they are waaay better than phase pipe, with fewer issues.
  21. steam vents don't work, the turbines need to be directly over the water and the water must be one block and only one block from plasma.
  22. Because I want my hexxit character to be some amalgam of conan and john constintine and I like a good holy gun to shoot the undead hordes.
  23. clearly you don't get the acronym >.> im trying to be more subtle about it at least.
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