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Everything posted by dwwojcik

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dwwojcik


      Is it? Why?

    3. Pugsley


      You buy a 300 dollar graphic's card, don't you want to get a half decent mouse and keyboard? Check out the razor website and get yourself a decent gaming mouse if your going to dump that serious amount of money into a computer! :)

    4. dwwojcik


      A mouse and keyboard is easier to upgrade than a graphics card. I've been using cheap peripherals my whole life- this is an upgrade.

  1. All hail the new President of the United States of TECHNIC FORUMS ART: My new spray!
  2. Actual mining!
  3. It's been a few months. When's the new platform coming out?

    1. ThePagan


      When it's ready

    2. Doomzzday01


      Why can't it come out when it isn't ready?

    3. dwwojcik


      Well, yes, obviously it won't come out until its ready. I'd think it would be getting closer to that point by this time.

  4. You can do whatever you want, you just can't call it Tekkit Lite.
  5. You get a roll of razor wire, but it is so ridiculous that it instantly cuts your fingers off the instant you take it out of the package. I wish trees had blue leaves.
  6. You get a nuclear submarine, but the Russian Navy wants it back. I wish I had an ingot of platinum.
  7. Oh, yeah. I forgot about SC2.
  8. If you can't afford a tesseract, then you should use Thermal Expansion Portable Tanks. I feel like there should be a minecart with a tank.
  9. I hear Asus is nice.
  10. Desktop > Laptop
  11. Hammer is amazing

  12. Big Reactors fissin power plants are early game. All you need is some iron, graphite (smelted coal) yellorite, and a handful of other materials you'll get within a couple of hours mining.
  13. This is really cool. I've heard this sort of stuff was possible, but I've never seen it done before. I look forward to seeing where this goes! Your English is fine, by the way.
  14. That's mean! But yeah, we don't really do these here! That's ok though!
  15. No they're there. Keep looking.
  16. There's going to be a map called cp_snowplow in the TF2 EOTL update!

    1. Mooseman9
    2. dwwojcik


      End of the Line! It's going to be about trains! HYPE HYPE HYPE

  17. I think they start up on their own.
  18. ICBM is a Universal Electricity mod, and Tekkit is Buildcraft/Thermal Expansion themed.
  19. They do, but there are ways around it. Other than rebooting on motion, computers are fully compatible. What I'd do is add to the startup program. The computer could listen over the wireless network for orders from a server that would keep track of the elevators position relative to the destination.
  20. This isn't viable because the vast majority of modpacks are distributed as a sealed .zip which the platform can't look inside of.
  21. It is the basis of and is distributed with Project Red, but they are separate mods. You probably didn't find any information specifically on FMB because it's so simple from a gameplay perspective- cut up blocks with a saw to make smaller blocks.
  22. Project Red had a bug that increased memory usage, that's fixed now.
  23. You could add it yourself.
  24. 4GB isn't a whole lot, you can get more really easily here.
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