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Everything posted by Curunir

  1. About getting Blizz Rods for Cryotheum: I put together a few hints on that in my thread >here. Ender Pearls can be more easily obtained either with Peaceful Table (works only on peaceful difficulty) or using an EE3 setup like >this one. Just make Ender Pearls by combining 4 Iron Ingots with a Minium Stone.
  2. Well, set that into perspective. Which machines are actually taking more than 10.000 RF per tick (or 1.000 MJ, respectively)? Using TE's own dynamos, you need over 100 to saturate a single Redstone Conduit. It is the nuclear stuff that goes bonkers with power output, so technically speaking, the nuclear mods should bring their own high-level conduits and energy storage.
  3. Galacticraft bug. They probably never wanted to make Solars that powerful, it's just the buggy state of that mod interacting with other mods. Use dynamos if you want "normal difficulty" power generation. The primary power system in Tekkit is Thermal Expansion's Redstone Flux (RF). Generators are all called Dynamos, with reactors from the two nuclear mods also plugging into an RF grid nicely. Power transmission and conversion to anything non-RF (mostly MJ) is done via conduits. RF is stored in Leadstone, Hardened, Redstone and Resonant Energy Cells.
  4. I get that "not allowed" message when I try to write the img tags manually. Otherwise, I just get nothing from the image button. I can post links fine, just the image conversion refuses to work.
  5. Since I am experiencing >problems with posting pictures, I will resort to posting links of them. I got around and took a few pictures of my base. First up, an outside view of the Golden Pyramid: link My reactor is most buried in the ground. Two power taps connect to my two main lines running under the floor. link I got a preliminary laser assembly to craft circuits: link And there is of course my >diamond generator. Using lots of technology and a little alchemy, this assembly turns lava into diamonds: link I am planning to get more sophisticated, but first I will look into more mods. Still need to check quite a few out and see what they do.
  6. Well, 403% is pretty good. Looks like they are close enough after all. You can get ~450% with a tighter setup, up to ~500% if you push it. I was expecting this to be more around 200-300%, but I guessed wrong.
  7. I heard others mention it, and when I now tried, it wouldn't work for me either. No matter how I try to use the image function, it won't work. The URL box opens, accepts the image URL, and then closes again without comment. No result shows up in the post. Tested this both with the quick reply and full reply functions, both with a fresh post and editing an existing one. I will resort to links for now, but this is annoying. Anybody else experiencing the problem? I am running Opera 12.16 on Linux Mint 16 (Cinnamon), and last time it worked, I was using Opera 12.16 on Windows 7 x64.
  8. Don't be intimidated by people with limitless time and/or resources. Your idea is good, I just need to make some good pictures of my tech.
  9. I never understood the point of PvP. What is fun about everybody being a griefer? Whatever, I will just continue building. Btw, polls will not matter much concerning the Tekkit roadmap and what is included or not. It is mostly governed by what is doable and works well together, and what the developers envision Tekkit to be, or become.
  10. Thanks for sharing. But one quick note about the reactor design: While this will work okay, it will not yield a very high fertility / core irradiation. This is the percent value in the reactor interface, and getting it above 400% is recommended. It will increase reactor heat, but also reduce fuel consumption dramatically, which equals higher efficiency. Given the already very high efficiency of Yellorium-based energy production, this could be considered a moot point. But some people think that you cannot be "too efficient". Packing the fuel rods more tightly will increase that value. You could even put them right next to each other, provided there is a potent coolant in the non-column blocks (your Cryotheum is already optimal). A simple and straightforward setup is the "plus shape" with five columns. I don't mean to say your reactor is bad. Just wanted to point this out.
  11. We had a question about a specific pack, and some answeres, >recently. The issue here is that Tekkit is rather huge and relatively fast-moving. Since a texture pack only has merit if it covers all, or nearly all blocks in the modpack, it is quite hard to make a good one and then keep pace with further development. I cannot name any current and complete packs right now, but I would also be grateful for hints if there are any. Do note that since Minecraft 1.6 (which we are on now), they are called Resource Packs, and can contain more than just textures.
  12. Something from Extra Utilities can supposedly carry more, never tried it myself. And Tesseracts, being infinite point-to-point connections, have no limits (but only if connected directly). You can of course just create more power taps and run several separate main lines with Redstone Energy Conduits and Resonant Energy Cells.
  13. It's not like we really lack generators as it is. If anything, we already have too much cheap power available with Yellorium reactors and turbines. I am always for adding variety if it does not add lag, but that particular suggestion sounds like a solution for a problem we do not have.
  14. If it only stops when you are away, it is probably just not chunkloaded. Place a chunkloader or Dimensional Anchor near it to make sure it does not get unloaded. This of course only works if your server allows players to use chunkloaders.
  15. The thing is, Tekkit has a lot of stuff that offers shortcuts, so some people will certainly tell you that your approach is inefficient, because you could use this or that mod to get things done easy. But the way I see it, you are playing an open world game. And last time I checked, games were about having fun, and open world meant making your very own fun, by your own rules. So, go ahead with your plan. One note about power generation, though. Magmatic Dynamos work well, but for late-game power, you should look into reactors. I prefer to turn all that lava into diamonds with my patented >EE3 method, and use Yellorium for power. Have fun adventuring.
  16. Also, while 9 fields is the limit for white/blacklisting, it does support ore dictionary and some more advanced features. So if you want, say, all copper to leave the duct at a certain point, whitelisting just one type of copper and turning on ore dictionary should mean that both types of copper get sorted. Not just the one you specified. You can do the same for liquids using Fluiducts. While it should not be so common for several liquids sharing the same pipe, you can filter in-/outputs by clicking with a bucket of the to-be-filtered liquid into the sorting grid. That way, you could separate oil from water, among other things. Or make sure only oil goes into a Refinery. For all of these, use a Crescent Hammer to control directions. Right-clicking on a piece of TE pipe will cycle the colour modes, where green is preferred route, red is non-preferred route, orange is round-robin mode and clear is default (iirc). Right-clicking on a pipe in-/output will cycle through default, force extract (red arrow) and input (blue arrow) modes. A redstone signal is required to force-extract, or you can set it to work only when no redstone signal is present. But for that, a pneumatic servo must be installed. The only things TE piping can't do is keep a certain supply level and request items only when needed. You need another mod for that, but I forgot its name.
  17. The quarry does its own chunkloading, which means that it will update even when you are not around. If your piping extends away from the quarry, then it may be too far away and require a chunkloader of its own to keep working when you are not around. I like the Dimensional Anchor for that, it is simple and straightforward to use, and not too expensive. However, if your pipes are indeed destroyed when you return, that points to a more fundamental problem. If you encounter that, please report the issue on the tracker, so the developers can see if what you encounter is a bug. Keep in mind that Itemducts will not successfully connect to a quarry, so you need to use either different pipes, a buffer chest, or maybe a Tesseract to connect to it.
  18. And if you have added it manually: Steam Boilers from Railcraft.
  19. Before everybody starts searching frantically for that drum: Those are only enabled in 1.2.9, so you won't find them in the current recommended build 1.2.8e.
  20. Turning the firewall completely off is not recommended, you just need to create a port forwarding for the port used by the server (I think 25565 is default). You also might still have a second firewall running without being aware of it, maybe the Windows built-in one. Also, I found that using Hamachi for gaming has mixed results. With a Minecraft client hosting and another connecting, a standard internet connection should work fine. Just find out your public IP address and tell it to your friend. Hamachi is chiefly for LAN-only games that won't connect via internet in the first place. P.S.: By the way, you should make sure that both of you are actually using the Technic Launcher, and also the same version of Tekkit. You should look up which you are using (cogwheel icon in launcher), and tell your friend to use the same. Only matching versions can play together.
  21. The problem is that "all your stuff" will certainly include a large number of blocks and items that simply do not exist in current Tekkit. Migrating is theoretically doable, but will require huge amounts of mapping and editing, to the point that it would be far easier to just cheat-insert the stuff into a fresh Tekkit world (the stuff that does exist, at any rate). I have a dear old Tekkit Classic server myself, but I never seriously considered migrating it. Not really worth the effort, no matter how nice your monuments may be.
  22. Some random machine inventory picking the items up would have been my guess, but since you already checked that, no idea. I have never had an item gone missing with TE ducts, either with me present or absent (and the duct being chunkloaded). It might be an issue with only parts of your setup being chunkloaded, but that's about all I can think of right now. If this was a bug, more people should experience it.
  23. Thinking about decoration... Octuples would make up a fine 2001-style monolith. I know you could probably get the same look with black rockwool or something similar, but knowing that millions of stone blocks are compressed in that artifact would certainly add some gravitas. Or maybe the Kaaba of Mekka. A place of pilgrimage on your server. ^^
  24. If there is a limit of loaded chunks per player, the Dimensional Anchor should display this limit in its interface. I have been using a DA to keep my base loaded, and all production chains would keep running fine. So it definitely works for TE Itemducts, Fluiducts and most other things. P.S.: Mistake in thread title: the quarry is from Buildcraft. IC2 is gone from Tekkit. A minor thing, but it might confuse some people.
  25. Well, it would basically mean setting up huge batteries of cobblestone generators and automated compression chains. And then waiting for them to do their thing. Not exactly my type of challenge. However, I do like the look of Octuple and would like to use some for decoration, so I'll probably make that chain on my server. Just not for that much of it. :-)
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