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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. You can ignore that message. Does it actually finish starting? If not, pastebin the crashlog.
  2. Its best if you start your own thread, otherwise its very confusing to troubleshoot multiple issues.
  3. Is your launch.bat using your renamed forge-universal.jar or the vanilla minecraft.jar?
  4. Update your forge multipart.
  5. Pastebin the actual crashlog, found in your modpackname\crash-reports folder, and your modpack API URL.
  6. Where did you find your java.exe? and can you post another pic of your launch.bat, with the changes?
  7. change it to something like: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_40\bin\java.exe -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar Bteam.jar nogui pause In this example I am putting the path to my java.exe. You need to find yours instead, and paste it in.
  8. Sorry, had to ask. You never know. Try putting the full path to java.exe in your launch.bat Mine is C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_40\bin\java.exe, depending upon your OS and Java version, it may be different.
  9. Does your computer have Java installed? Launch.bat cannot find the java executable. If you do not, install the 64 bit version.
  10. https://forums.spongepowered.org/t/sponge-dev-builds-now-available/6811 Dev builds are available. Read up on it and try it out.
  11. Big reactors is worth looking into for power. MFFS can accomplish a "copy / paste"
  12. Pastebin a crashlog and modpack API URL
  13. rei's mini-map is client side only. Remove it from the server pack, along with any other client only mods. Also, some mods look a bit old. Consider updating tinkers, AE, and check the others.
  14. Can you post a pastebin of your crashlog? I'm not at a PC now,I can download the pack later when I am.
  15. Have you seem this? Scroll down a bit and read Plowman's response.
  16. When I download from the site I provided, I get .jar files. Downloading from the author's site is always best. What hexxit are you using? What is the API url?
  17. Hexxit is a 1.6.4 modpack. Go back to https://optifine.net/downloads and grab the right version.
  18. Sorry no go. Also need to have a matching version of RE, and there's no way of knowing if there is a working one. We will have to wait for the re-write. Updating modpack now. Give me about 15 min.
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