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Everything posted by Adlersch

  1. How much would hosting the boards cost? Along with funding the development of a whole new game, it can really cut into his income.
  2. Either way, the person at fault did horrible things to our innocent references. :(
  3. The obvious references are the references. You have literally taken our tongue-in-cheek references, strangled them to death, thrown their lifeless bodies into the dirt, and stomped them into unfunny nothingness.
  4. 64 coal equals one diamond in Equivalent Exchange too. It takes 64 items of equal value in EMC to coal (128 EMC) to create one diamond. That is, 256 charcoal, 64 nikolite, 32 iron, 4 gold, 8 silver, any of those would work. If you need my math... Iron bars are 256 EMC Gold bars are 2048 EMC Silver Bars are 1024 EMC Charcoal is 32 EMC (Same as wood in raw form) Nikolite is 128 EMC One diamond is 8,192 EMC If you're going to make an argument about balance using numbers, at least check the math on both sides and make sure the other side doesn't have numbers that match up in exactly the same way. EDIT: It also does require at least one obsidian for access to a philosopher's stone, transmutation tablet, or even an energy condensor.
  5. Yeah. He has a new kid though, I can't really blame him too much for getting as much money as he can until he can make a new game and/or get more steady income. Having no steady paycheck + a newborn = one hell of a nightmare.
  6. Beware the treacherous terrain on your journey! You must pass through thick crowds of idiots, stupid newbies, and even traverse the deadly Box of Whales before you arrive at Moredork! ...They say if you even take one wrong step, make on blunder, you are trapped in the Whale Box forever...
  7. But don't worry, your faithful companion sctwise GamJay? is always by your side!
  8. Damn you, and here I thought I had finally stopped you, once and for all! Yet I see in this thread you have claimed yet another victim! When will you stop, you damn Hacker Viking!
  9. Lord Sourpuss and his army of dorks have taken all of the other rings of power, and the only way to defeat him and save the world from eternal, nightmarish griefing is to destroy the One Ring! Alas, your only equipment is your trusty Minecon capes to keep the rain off, a cauldron for cooking, and Stab, your magical diamond sword your uncles Bill and Bo left you. The diamond sword will glow blue when danger is near, so be wary!
  10. It's worth the $4, it's even worth the $10 I originally paid for it. I snagged it in late alpha/early beta and I've loved every minute/hour/day/week of it. The dark caves, mining for gold, silver, demonite... It was all fantastic and addictive. There aren't going to be any more updates, but supposedly it'll go open source. Also there is 'supposed' to be a big bugfix update, but I don't think it'll happen. The community is to this day extremely active and fun to be around. There also isn't a lot of the drama and such that the Minecraft community is - many of the least mature players there would at least lend you a hand figuring out what qualifies as a house (Trust me, your first real hurdle playing Terraria) and will help you defend it on your first night. You'll get hooked on it, it's very pick-up-and-play, and it's a more adventurous game than Minecraft is - that is, the focus is more on loot, monsters, bosses, and combat. Let me know how it goes, I'm feeling an urge to play it right now. ...In fact, I want to play it right now. Very badly. Good night everyone, I won't be getting any sleep. :)
  11. It is said that only in the fires of Mount Moredork can it be destroyed, the source of all lava dumped into houses, all flint and steels used to burn property, and all tnt traps placed to end the lives of new or ignorant players! Beware, however: The road is dangerous, filled with creepers, and guarded by the most immature of Tekkit players! Bring your best equipment, but follow other players not, for the hearts of juveniles are easily corrupted, and even one glance at the ring will turn them against you!
  12. To be fair I just scolded him twice within minutes for something he did twice within minutes - before he could have possibly responded to the first one. Anyways, Oh good Guthix, read this. It's under MANDATORY READING, and it's the only thread in there. And in the future, make a point to read anything at the top of any forum with a little push-pin symbol next to it. And now to let the thread die forever. RIP little zombie thread.
  13. Woah... what? I think you mistook my message entirely, lol. I was making a joke at the number of threads debating EE being overpowered or not. Relax. I have no desire to derail this topic about EE anyways. It's a mod, and this is a texture pack thread. So, as they say, take a step back and relax. Edit: "As they say" meaning as Cheap Shot says here. Also, I am very, very rarely entirely serious. Nine times out of ten if something seems sarcastic and hostile from me, it's tongue-in-cheek jest. :)
  14. Jun 12, 2012 That is the date of the last post before yours. This conversation in this thread is very obviously over. Why did you have to post, to add nothing at all to the conversation?
  15. That's like building a quarry/mining well/mining turtle/what-have-you, macerating and smelting the ores, then using those ores just to build more quarries/mining wells/mining turtles/what-have-you, until their combined production is so massive that any progression in the game is broken and it ruins the modpack for you. It's all about self-control. EMC is a resource, even if it is a universal resource. Just because it collects that resource doesn't necessarily mean you should use that resource to increase production to a broken level.
  16. Oh dear Guthix not another "EE is OP" thread?! Seriously, they're everywhere. Please, please don't attract them here or they'll ruin this thread forever.
  17. Oh dear Guthix, there's a way to get beta now? I'm totally willing to pay the $40 for the game now (And that other stuff is great too). It may normally be a free game, but I'm not afraid to throw money at them.
  18. How other men/women treat their significant others isn't my problem: As long as I treat mine right, I'm all good. Plus if everyone else is a dickbag out there, it makes me look that much better. Also if you forgot her birthday then you might be a dickbag. Gotta learn to listen to each other. I could kiss you right on the mouth that was so funny. Oh wow, never thought of it that way. That's hilarious but actually pretty true about the forum and how we go off-topic, on-topic, off-topic again, more off-topic, way off-topic, then back on-topic before the thread dies.
  19. Post your own bug report, and maybe someone can actually help you.
  20. So let me get this straight. One person was able to abuse the hell out of the mod and get to the endgame quickly. How is that the mod's fault? Even if everyone is able to abuse something it doesn't mean everyone will, or should. It may point out a flaw in the mod, but doesn't mean it's ruined and needs to be scrapped (Ruining the play experiences of a silent majority who are too busy playing the game either in SSP or on private SMP servers to be bothered with this argument).
  21. Maybe your friend could post a bug report and log from his computer instead, so we can actually help him.
  22. Oh goodness someone needs to get a ladyfriend (Or guyfriend). Anyways, this looks interesting but the shapes of the building/tech/whatever don't appeal to me. I dunno, if I find time I may check it out, but frankly I'm too busy to check out new games right now.
  23. Frankly I think he is just an asshat for ratings; instead of being a polite reasonable person stating their beliefs (Setting aside whether I agree with him or not), he's a raving lunatic who hates on everyone who even remotely disagrees with him. This stirring of the pot, as it were, is more interesting to 'the masses' than a polite debate with one side stating their beliefs, the other stating theirs, each giving rebuttals, then they're done. People who are looking for that are either already doing that themselves or already have found an obscure channel or other niche on the internet to get that. However, those other/obscure channels/niches don't attract what TAA often does: People who share (At least most of) his beliefs but don't feel strongly enough to sit through 20 minutes of boring discussion and debate that doesn't really give too much more than affirmation of one's own beliefs. He gives them a little show to sit through, someone to laugh at, laugh with, get mad at, get mad with, etc. while simultaneously providing insight and/or affirmation upon his viewers' beliefs. Honestly this is speculation, however, and I've never seen or met him in reality, so I can't presume to know how his daily life goes, but I speculate it's rather normal in the grand scheme of things, and his internet asshattery is all a show. That and I know he and I share the name (In reality) TJ.
  24. Treating people who are disrespectful idiots how they treat others isn't wrong. It's what they deserve and frankly it is (As we have seen) often the best thing for them and their self-improvement. Treating people who are perfectly lucid, polite, and reasonable is wrong. And that is where the difference (And a damn important one at that) lies, setting aside all other catagories including beliefs, sanity, etc. Jay? is a wonderfully abnormal person (As are most people here, and I mean that in the nicest way), while TheAmazingAtheist is just an abnormal person. Edit: Either I'm being a(n) pervert idiot after just coming home from work, or Jay? is making a joke.
  25. Lol, I love how you put that. Anyways, I was born and raised around Columbus, Ohio, so I speak "TV English" as Columbus is supposedly 'the place' where news anchors, weathermen, show hosts, etc. all go to get rid of their accents.
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