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Everything posted by Doomzzday01

  1. Whew, I thought this idea had long died. Glad to see that it's still in development! I'll try and download / test / etc. as soon as I can.
  2. Google Image Search the different kinds of buildings you want (i.e. skyscraper, lighthouse, bridge, highway, town hall, etc. etc.) and take general ideas from these buildings. Don't bother trying to clone them, just take bits and pieces, especially things that look easy to replicate with blocks. Also, try Carpenter's Blocks in addition to microblocks, if possible.
  3. Try downloading it for the second time. Also, I'm fairly sure this belongs in the Tracker.
  4. Buy a new premium Minecraft account, reset (not restart) your system, and reinstall the Technic Launcher. When the box comes up asking for your username, put in the new information.
  5. That moment when you first discover why adamantium ore is arranged in tubes....
  6. I have both fusion.hosthorde.net and the IP on your Enjin site as servers in the server list, hosthorde.net can't connect at all, the direct IP (from the Enjin site) gives the outdated-server error. Entering the direct IP you gave me (that ends in 835) into Direct Connect just makes it say java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: No further information. If I set it as the IP for a regular server in my list, it pings it for a second or so then says it can't connect.
  7. Will you be adding any computer mods such as ComputerCraft or OpenComputers? [EDIT] Anyone else getting 'outdated server' messages when trying to join the server? Also, the listed IP doesn't work for me, only the one on the Enjin site.
  8. Powerpin hosts two servers, GoldenGear and BlackGear. Yours is called DarkGear. There is a pretty clear similarity there.
  9. What if that is the real technicpack website and this is the fake one?
  10. Here is my take on your questions, in order of appearance: 1) The place to go to repot [sic] this is not here. technicpack.net didn't pass the Internet Police's accreditation test last month and now they aren't certified. Sorry. 2) What to do? Find a new server. 3) Where to go? A different server. 4) Who to talk to? Players on a different server. (Ok I think you get it now.) Seriously though, just cut your losses and add a new IP address to your server list. This server doesn't look like it'll be around long. As for the bit about donations, I don't think donating (emphasis on donating) money to a server and not getting the promised returns is grounds for a lawsuit. TL;DR : If everything in your post is true, you don't need help. This server is killing itself quite well without any assistance.
  11. Anytime. Also, you might try cutting out the second computer and putting in a wired modem instead. Connect a wired modem on the reactor computer port to a wired (not wireless) modem on the monitor computer, and use the reactor as a peripheral. Saves you from having to run two computers or deal with wireless communication.
  12. It looks like your main loop runs once every second (if that is how long the sleep(1) function runs, I can't remember for sure. I think so.). With a few if-then statements, you should be able to get the functions to call at only certain values of i. repeat if i=5 then do function1() end function2() until i==0 You could try it, at least. You might also try looking into the parallel API on the CC wiki.
  13. The issue is with line 21 of the first script. The function tries concatenate a string and the variable 'message'. Since the error says that you're trying to concatenate string and nil, the problem is with this variable. The variable is created on line 2, in another function. Herein lies your problem: Functions can't access each others' variables. This is a concept called encapsulation (if I remember correctly) and it allows similar functions to share variable names without interfering with each other. Change the getMessage() function to return the message variable, and use the function as a variable whenever you call it. This should solve your problem.
  14. The word "local" in front of each variable indicates that the variable is specific to that script. It is just the standard method of creating variables in Lua. Also, could you give us the exact error report that the computer gives you? Also, does the program run but then crash at a certain point or refuse to run at all?
  15. Hello. Could you add me to the whitelist? My IGN is Doomzzday01.
  16. I usually try to not get owned by common mobs, because I haven't bothered to make a sword or armor.
  17. Tekkit Main (for RiM and Big Reactors) Big Dig (bloated ore gen and ICBM go nicely together)
  18. Not to criticize your choices (that's for the modpacker to do, and that certainly isn't me), but I see a lot of magical mods, utility mods and... galacticraft, a tech mod? Why the lone tech mod? Anyway, good luck with your modpack. [Autocorrect tried to change 'modpack' to 'mudpack.' Maybe I should just start letting it.]
  19. I started 4-5 (?) year ago, not sure what version but I remember being excited about snow golems coming out.
  20. There are a lot of different definitions for 'griefing,' but in this case your best move would be to either contact the administration of the specific server your son uses or to find a new server.
  21. I can't connect to the gamersparadise site either. I don't know if this is just me, or if everyone is having this problem. Keep trying, you're bound to find something that works eventually!
  22. There are lots of companies that specialize in vanilla and modded Minecraft servers. Could one be adapted to work as a 'website' for this program? I don't know anything but the bare, dry bones of HTTP, so this might be impossible.
  23. Anyone else having trouble connecting to http://ccwp.meximas.com/ ?
  24. Where can we find the beta when it's released?
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