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Everything posted by Richs_Yard

  1. As the all-mighty creators of the Technic Pack have stated, they do not like the Kitty Jailer's attempt a trolling to get Whale Box threads, and therefore most of us do not really attempt to troll them anymore.
  2. You are invited to join The Teckerton's, Technic's version of The Pinkerton's. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheTeckertons

    1. Kocken926


      *Googeling "The Pinkerton's"*

    2. Richs_Yard


      If you have played Bioshock Infinite, Booker is an ex-Pinkerton.

  3. You are invited to join The Teckerton's, Technic's version of The Pinkerton's. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheTeckertons

    1. SXScarecrow


      Thanks! Together we shall preserve the rights of Technic and fight, as proud warriors of KJ!

  4. You are invited to join The Teckerton's, Technic's version of The Pinkerton's. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheTeckertons

  5. You are invited to join The Teckerton's as a "Ambassador" from your corporation. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheTeckertons

  6. You are invited to join The Teckerton's. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheTeckertons

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. TheBytemaster


      I'm pretty sure those are outside the confines of the land if the mods/admins have no control.

    3. dwwojcik


      Well, in-game in Technic modpacks are part of the realm of Technic, right? And the mods are only in charge of the forums.

    4. TheBytemaster


      How do we control something even the admins don't care/have the tools to police?

  7. Proud leader of the Teckerton's, Technic's version of the Pinkerton's.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dwwojcik


      I thought you were a bad guy? You are captain of the SS Mataroyale.....

    3. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      He had a bad past. So did I... but I'm got some debts to be repaid.

    4. Richs_Yard



  8. omaorb is bringing sexy bache! them other pokemon dont know how to achte

  9. Come hither! There is a city over yonder bridge!

  10. There is a city over yonder bridge! Come hither to it!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheBytemaster
    3. Richs_Yard


      May the SS Friendship rest in peace in the vast oceans of Technic Packs love...

    4. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
  11. Even though I am not a modder, do I make you smile o' sweet god of mine?
  12. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/unusable-directory-ill-go-ahead-and-use-it-anyways-mac-only.42348/ Probably the happiest moment in my Technic Career
  13. Do not listen to them! They will not ask about the diamond thingy! They will just sacrifice you to the evilness and continue on! LISTEN TO ME, OLD OMAORB, IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!
  14. My speakers have nobs, but not buttons
  15. I seem to have lost my helmet, so please do not make me facespike because of your posts.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheBytemaster


      now i'ts says i dont have enough rams but i downloaded 100 rams! HALP ME CUZ IM MAD THIS CRAP IS BROK AN I WANT 2 PLAY.

    3. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      Are yu rlly a pokEmon?

    4. TheBytemaster


      i tink hes a deformed spheal.

  16. Welcome. As a seasoned veteran of this forums, I shall pass onto you one rule that I found out able that didn't seem to be in the rule book. -The mods don't like it when people ask others to find servers for them. Have fun with tekkit.
  17. 1. Are you using your minecraft username and password? 2. Do you have a premium minecraft account?
  18. You forgot to cube the square root of Watermelon before squaring the chips!
  19. 2-3 months since the previous reply is a definite necro
  20. 1. I don't mind if this thread is necro'd 2. If you're going to post please post a joke along with it I don't care if its pasted.
  21. I am just a hungry Somalian pirate out to get Richs for my family.

    1. Richs_Yard


      Please note: I am not an actual Pirate, or tech pirate. But why does no one understand the fact that I am just out to get riches for my family?

  22. As a member of this fine community, I am going to so kindly suggest that you never sign your posts.
  23. As a member of this fine community, I am going to so kindly suggest that you never sign your posts. And do not pull the "Sorry for trying to follow the english language rules" Because, in my efforts to find the rule, that does not yield results.
  24. As I secretly stared at the face of the guy I thought was cute, I realized something... He wasnt as cute as I thought

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