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Everything posted by Neowulf

  1. Couldn't get it to work, even with hamachi. But single player did start working after getting those mods in, and it's definitely a good start. From the "MS bought MC" thread: http://terasology.org/ So far it looks good and is further along than minetest, but the basic shaders are way too much for an MC replacement and would need to be modded back (real water and lighting effects). I do like the roadmap for it, with them planning unit recruitment, kinda like some MC mods.
  2. See that's what we'd have to really debate on when it came down to it. Minetest is more accessible modding wise, but that extra level of abstraction would limit the possible audience with the extra power requirements. One HUGE benefit would be modding wouldn't be limited to the "chosen few" as it is in minecraft. No more flowerchildren with overinflated egos because they can do something most can't/won't. Terasology's modding interface is much better than minecraft and without the extra abstraction of the LUA interpreter it would run much betetr (especially once someone mods in sane simple shaders), but it still relies on modders knowing java. So many points to consider, and we don't even know if it's going to be necessary. Though the whole game branching out is still a good idea, even if we stick with minecraft. Like KSP.
  3. Any talk of replacing minecraft is academic at this point. We don't know what the future brings, just that an event happened that is closely associated with unknowns and is therefor scary. Luckily academic discussions are quite stimulating and promote learning, which you should never stop doing. Each of the clones has some good points and bad points, and if we have to move to one to fill the virtual legos gap left by MS eating MC then we can decide what has the easiest to fix flaws. I know minetest has the LUA modding api going for it (tons of computercraft/opencomputers users would be able to write mods/plugins for it, already knowing the programming language), but on the other hand the C++ core does pose some cross platform concerns. Mainly the possibility of the maintainers having a platform bias. Terasology looks cool and the java focus does keep it platform independent, but those visuals do look really hard on the old graphics card and apparently the modding api is lacking from what I see. Others I haven't seen yet, but I suspect most are like terasology, exercises in making a "better" minecraft without taking the possible users into account.
  4. In notch's defense, I suspect the guy is having the same issue many lotto winners have. The idea of being obscenely rich is so alien to him his brain is incapable of comprehending what the money actually means and has defaulted to something it could handle. Every couple of weeks some lucky schmuck in the US wins $40-300m and is presented a choice, take a lump sum that cuts off somewhere between 30-50% of the jackpot, or get it all as an annuity over 30 years. What they decide is a good indication of how their brain is confusing the situation. Lump sum: Their brain sees a big number and it just keeps going, all the way to infinity. They cannot comprehend ever using it all up so the choice between infinite now and much less than infinite every year is a no brainer. Annuity: It can't be happening, because big numbers like that exist for other people only. So there's no difference between what they currently make and that number with a couple wrongly placed zeros, and they need to maximize it and keep it as tightly guarded as possible because one wasteful decision cans end you right back to the poor house. I'm guessing notch falls into the second group, he just cannot comprehend how much he actually can do with this money and sees it as less than it actually is. I get that idea from a quote they had of him on npr. Apparently the guy took the deal because he doesn't want to be part of the big game biz and plans on using the cash to make a couple more small games. The guy could hire his old team with million dollar salaries and putz around with any game idea they felt like, dedicating as much as any AAA title out there, and still not dent his cash reserves for decades. And he expects it will let him personally make a couple games... Personally I find psychology interesting. It's what keeps me with minecraft, the drama it runs on is just ripe with all flavors of neurosis, complexes, and full on delusions. As for the future, I know KSP could use a good mod installer/manager and minetest looks like it just needs some love for it to completely replace minecraft.
  5. Won't let me connect for some reason. Even let it sit for like 4 hours at connecting. Won't let me do anything but the minimal test world anyway so ah well. Looks not too bad. Starts up instantly and I have no clue how deep it goes. Dug down over 500 blocks and still saw caverns below through a block face glitch. Minetest with the mods minecraft has would be pretty darn epic.
  6. Entries here need to have a platform entry included. It doesn't have to be your own entry, but it does have to be your own server and it does have to be a technic client accessible pack. FTB client packs doesn't count.
  7. Aww, I JUST got off work and was about to try it...
  8. Posting it here would be against the rules. This is voltz discussion. Platform Potluck is where you advertise your custom packs.
  9. Do you know how this ready to someone who actually knows what voltz was created for? "This pack created to showcase an alternative to IC2 is pretty fun, but you know what would make it awesome? Adding IC2 to it so we can use IC2 instead of not using IC2!" Seriously. Voltz was created by calclavia to show off his universal electricity core and the mods that have been built using it, which as you can see is a well rounded and fully integrated game experience. The idea was to show what a unified power system could do for the gaming experience, compared to the 3 separate power systems with only one crossover mod that was the norm for BC/RP2/IC2 based modpacks. You might as well be complaining about the lack of mcdonalds burgers and taco bell burritos at a fine dining restaurant. Also: 100% stable? What did they do, release an empty mod?
  10. Hrm, I kept thinking infiniminer whenever someone mentioned minetest, which was stupid of me. That looks like it has the capability of replacing minecraft should something happen (like say MS buys mojang and guts non-console minecraft as a way to push xbox sales). I'm going to have to take a look at it this weekend. The LUA modding API looks like fun times and has built in drama deterrence.
  11. I think you should read Kalbintion's reply and realize this isn't the correct place for this. And OP should know being new is NEVER an excuse for throwing up a thread in the wrong spot.
  12. http://games.slashdot.org/story/14/09/06/1323225/dmca-claim-over-gpl-non-compliance-shuts-off-minecraft-plug-ins Different drama. Wolverness wrote a good chunk of bukkit and his code is GPL. That code that was written to interface with non-GPL code, making it a copyright violation. He filed a takedown to stop distribution of GPL non-compliant code. Or in other words, his crop is ripe and he's looking to reap a massive harvest of pure unadultered Sweet Scandanavian Dramapoppies and cook himself up enough smack to last years.
  13. Tekkit lite is a modpack, not a mod. So I don't know what you mean by modowner. And since you know tekkit lite isn't being updated anymore, why did you post this in the first place? No updates mean no updates. The admins moved on to tekkit for MC 1.5, then 1.6, and now have eyes on 1.7. The admins aren't going to waste time by going back and adding stuff to an outdated modpack just because a guy who writes like a manic chipmunk decided it would be a great idea to create instability in a pack that hasn't been touched in over a year.
  14. Tekkit lite is frozen, no new changes or updates will be done to it because no one is bothering to write updates to MC1.4 mods. The only reason it exists still is so many people refuse to let go and actually update to tekkit for MC1.5+.
  15. Migrated to a mojang account, linked twitch, not working. Adding explusions for all relevant files, folders, and URLs don't change it. Guessing there is something wrong with how the launcher deals with a mojang login, or mojang has a block setup for the launcher for that particular feature for some stupid reason.
  16. So one of your servers actually has minigames. How exactly does that affect the other servers? Should does not equal does.And the post I linked to started off with "The minigames are so cool! Was doing it for hours! Man it was cool." How exactly is that not a bald faced lie if he's talking about hours of playing minigames that don't exist? Neat trick for players. Setup a simple 20 tick clock connected to a lamp. Count the pulses over a minute and you know the heartrate of the server without having admin access.There's an entire 99-block long edge of my island I can't go near without that heartrate dropping a few TPS. Which is odd because all I see are normal abandoned starter islands. If your knowledge of AG skies is so limited, then why are you claiming all other servers are horrible? The only reason I tried yours out is the server I was playing self destructed, and all the other servers are either running old versions or have annoying rules. But none of them have a problem with TE fluid/item ducts and energy conduits glitching out and completely jamming your entire automation setup. I'm not going to go into the psychology of advertising here, but your raw number of "1 message every 5 minutes" doesn't even begin to take into account perception weighting or message dilution.Short explanation is when that message is pretty much all you get to break the monotony of an empty chat, plus it contains an eye grabbing character, then it becomes more prominent than raw numbers would suggest. jbrown's post wasn't flaming, it was a pretty standard criticism post pointing out both good and bad parts. Your reply to it was maniac dismissal of points he didn't make in his comment. Which suggests that if he had done this via PM then you would have dismissed and ignored it anyway. All in all I'd say you really should take some time and find a PR person. Someone who won't come off as a postal worker who is one bureaucratic day away from coming to work with a high velocity resignation letter.
  17. Where? I just sat through the couple minutes of wasted time waiting for the help command cooldowns and I see no mention of any minigame plugins. And spawn has nothing about minigames. Not that it would matter, the server is so low pop you couldn't get a game going anyway. But as someone who has spent two weeks trying the server out, I'm going to have to stick with "It's a lie" Ooo, swing and a miss. You may be less laggy than some of the popular ag skies servers (barely), but that doesn't make you lag free. One major issue is every other ag skies server bans fluids flowing into the void, but the apoc server doesn't. I asked one of the staff how they made the fluid thing a non issue and all I got was "LOL i dunno". Now considering every other server tracks down and bans people for a single column of water into the void, and they can do it via lag meters, it doesn't surprise me things slow down when a couple people are all on and loading 9 islands each because everything is so crowded. Also, worldgen isn't all lag is. So add a warning that spam bumping will become counter productive. Did I say it was a whitelist? What they've got there is considered a grey list. You can log on and play to a certain degree, but full 100% only unlocks when you apply. Sure the 100% is just starting kit, but it counts and is perfectly legal around here. You on the other hand have over 1000 bump posts thinly disguised as status updates. I get it, you're defensive about your servers. Granted I'm guessing because you're trying to defend a revenue stream, which is why there's a constant stream of reminders to pay you money, plus half the links in the MOTD are adfly links, but that's not against the rules here. But if you can't defend against a bad review without coming off as a maniac to the readers then maybe you should put someone else in charge of public relations.
  18. We can hide or delete it (both have the same effect for non-mods), but it's too late. Google will have indexed it by now. If anyone does a search on Mr Mostat here, this thread or atleast a cache of it will show up. Since we lowly mods can't do anything I'm content highlighting this as what not to do when trying to wipe your online presence so future employers and whatnot can't find out you like to play an extremely popular game and socialize with others.
  19. Funny thing is this is his only visible post. Chances are this account wouldn't even show up in a search if not for this thread.
  20. Eh no different that a whitelist. Now unlike the constant bumping you used to do until I warned you about it, these astroturf reviews aren't technically against the rules. Though bald faced lies like mr snarkstomper's >post in the ag skies thread I could easily use as justification to slap someone around. Bottom line, if you're going to astroturf for bumps, atleast take the effort to make it believable.
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