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[1.0.12a] Attack of RaDCraft [Survival][10 Slot][Whitelist][No Archimedes Ships]

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Hello, my name is Cameron( IGN is TheWoWClown). I'm 16 years old, and I believe I could have a ton of fun on your server, especially with having a small community rather than large, overwhelming groups of people. I appreciate the consideration!

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hi I know your no longer accepting but my name is Joe I have a massive experience with attack of the b team and using the mods to build cool houses, dungeons/caves and lairs. I am 17 and have been playing minecraft since it came out. my IGN: VYL8YOURCREEPER. I am looking for a community sever to play in and have fun. would love to join your sever thanks Joe.

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My name in game is Pwnge88, My intent to join is so i can play with my friend on here his information will be below, I am 14 and i have some mediums sized knowledge of attack of the bteam, If you need my skype pm me.



My friends name is Itzz_Joshh, Hes is 13 and knows nothing of attack of the b team and i want to teach him while we play on here if we are accepted.

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