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This thing again. Awesome. To quote this from their site once again:

This is a GREAT alternative to the technic pack and tekkit because you don't have to have there shitty spout installer. So if you don't like spout or have a cracked Minecraft account you can still use this pack and run minecraft just fine.
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This mod pack includes as of Better Than Technic v1.0

I can't parse this, what does it mean


Tekkit eh? Do they have a server to? Let me guess, is it called the DNS Tekkit Pack? :haw:


Right now there is no texture pack with this modpack - will update soon!!

This pack now also comes with the Sphax 64x Texture Pack. And includes Addon for many of the mods in the above list.



To be truthfully didn't see or blatantly didn't pay any attention to those lmao. Well I find that pretty interesting . How by chance is Technic's Installer shitty, when it compiles multiple amazing mod packs into one location, each with their own complexity. Low blows unneeded i haven't seen any problems with ID conflictions makes me only question how did a group of pompous asses manage to get their 1.2.5 with the same Mods, out before Technic?

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  "Mikara65 said:
To be truthfully didn't see or blatantly didn't pay any attention to those lmao. Well I find that pretty interesting . How by chance is Technic's Installer shitty, when it compiles multiple amazing mod packs into one location, each with their own complexity. Low blows unneeded i haven't seen any problems with ID conflictions makes me only question how did a group of pompous asses manage to get their 1.2.5 with the same Mods, out before Technic?

Technic has had builds out for 1.2.5 for awhile now. They have just been marked as development builds for several reasons. Nothing is stopping you from using them though.


It is only shitty when they are too lazy to search our forums for 3.8 seconds for problem solve and instead create a DNS (Da' nasty shit) Pack which takes hours if not days to create. Also the "spout shit" is much faster and easier to get updates/select different mod packs/select certain mods in those packs. and let us just say their pack is at 1.2.3. You have to downgrade your own .minecraft, which is a pain to do, from 1.2.5 to 1.2.3. And our sexy spout launcher used by only bosses and fancy, cool people does it all for you within like 2-3 mins. Also this is from their site: " Technic - For being all around ASSHATs and creating a modpack with so many problems." Well I guess so many people hate us and the mod pack, I mean we only have the Yogscast using it and nearbygamer and godcraft. Who is using the DNS pack? I'll check youtube . . . Ok the only guy doing it is dragonkaines, with 47 subs?! Wow he must be the true brick force behind the DNS packs prosperity.


  "Pulse95 said:
It is only shitty when they are too lazy to search our forums for 3.8 seconds for problem solve and instead create a DNS (Da' nasty shit) Pack which takes hours if not days to create. Also the "spout shit" is much faster and easier to get updates/select different mod packs/select certain mods in those packs. and let us just say their pack is at 1.2.3. You have to downgrade your own .minecraft, which is a pain to do, from 1.2.5 to 1.2.3. And our sexy spout launcher used by only bosses and fancy, cool people does it all for you within like 2-3 mins. Also this is from their site: " Technic - For being all around ASSHATs and creating a modpack with so many problems." Well I guess so many people hate us and the mod pack, I mean we only have the Yogscast using it and nearbygamer and godcraft. Who is using the DNS pack? I'll check youtube . . . Ok the only guy doing it is dragonkaines, with 47 subs?! Wow he must be the true brick force behind the DNS packs prosperity.

actually, they have a direwolf20 modpack, i think i might "casually" mention that to direwolf himself in irc....


  "Pulse95 said:
It is only shitty when they are too lazy to search our forums for 3.8 seconds for problem solve and instead create a DNS (Da' nasty shit) Pack which takes hours if not days to create. Also the "spout shit" is much faster and easier to get updates/select different mod packs/select certain mods in those packs. and let us just say their pack is at 1.2.3. You have to downgrade your own .minecraft, which is a pain to do, from 1.2.5 to 1.2.3. And our sexy spout launcher used by only bosses and fancy, cool people does it all for you within like 2-3 mins. Also this is from their site: " Technic - For being all around ASSHATs and creating a modpack with so many problems." Well I guess so many people hate us and the mod pack, I mean we only have the Yogscast using it and nearbygamer and godcraft. Who is using the DNS pack? I'll check youtube . . . Ok the only guy doing it is dragonkaines, with 47 subs?! Wow he must be the true brick force behind the DNS packs prosperity.

Kinda wonder where you got your info at since the DNS Tech Pack is more up to date, has more mods, and is a hell opf a lot more stable then than that stupid ass Spout bullshit you use. And our installer is more stable and allows for including any mod pack someone wants to make.

So take your stupid hating asses and go crawl back under the rock you came out from.


  "Joe Blower said:
So take your stupid hating asses and go crawl back under the rock you came out from.

Not for nothing but you had to crawl out from under a rock to come to our rock to say this.

Congratulations on your fork. I'm happy there is someone that's willing to support the people that refuse to take the 1 minute of searching that would solve any problem.

A little advice, though - you might want to get someone who actually speaks English to handle the copy on your site.

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  "Joe Blower said:
Kinda wonder where you got your info at since the DNS Tech Pack is more up to date, has more mods, and is a hell opf a lot more stable then than that stupid ass Spout bullshit you use. And our installer is more stable and allows for including any mod pack someone wants to make.

So take your stupid hating asses and go crawl back under the rock you came out from.


  "vibur said:

Congratulations on your fork.

That's being quite generous. It isn't a fork so much as its the old Yogbox installer with a bunch of mods thrown in it like Technic and Yogbox was, or how like you can still get the Voxel pack if you'd like.


  "KakerMix said:
That's being quite generous.

Not really. I was being facetious and using fork pejoratively.

Ergo, vis a vis, concordantly, he can go slip in a puddle of AIDS.


Aww, the DNS pack website is so cute. It's all black and green and "we use foul language cause we're hardcode!".

It's resembles the angst of a 16 year old raging at a group that offended him by not bowing to his every whim. A group that, unlike his parents/friends/girlswhowon'tgooutwithhim/classmates, can't actually fight back in a meaningful way, thus giving him a sense of power, accomplishment, and control.

Oh, wait...


Also, a mod pack should stand on its own instead of claiming its better than some other mod pack.

People play your thing because they want to or because it has good content, you just claim you're better then Technic.


While I do agree with a lot of points made in this thread, competition is not a bad thing. And while DNS does not have the same following as technic/tekkit their popularity is growing. And while the pack may have some bugs still, it was much easier for me to install versus any pack in the techniclauncher (they ALWAYS fail downloading).


In the interest of fairness, i will probably download and fiddle with this for a bit, but it looks as though they've fallen for the "more=better" school of thought that brought us the H3. Half of the mods they added in are hideously mangled or redundant things like the industrial power mod.

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  "bigougit said:
While I do agree with a lot of points made in this thread, competition is not a bad thing. And while DNS does not have the same following as technic/tekkit their popularity is growing. And while the pack may have some bugs still, it was much easier for me to install versus any pack in the techniclauncher (they ALWAYS fail downloading).

We aren't out to 'win' anything, the whole point of Technic was to make it easier to get a balls-out modded Minecraft. We've since moved in different directions, but it is always ease of use, now we have Tekkit, the Launcher, Yogbox, VoxelBox, Hack Slash Mine, because its easier.

I have no idea *why* these DNS guys have a bone to pick with us, probably because we banned them, or they don't actually own Minecraft, whatever. The point is its hilarious to me that they need to latch on to us and then scream and they are better, all while plainly not really having a clue as to what they are doing. Like Jay? said, more does not equal better.

As for your 'always failed to download' that's a common enough problem people have, but its a problem with you, not the launcher. Otherwise nobody would be using it if it were so terrible.


  "KakerMix said:
As for your 'always failed to download' that's a common enough problem people have, but its a problem with you, not the launcher. Otherwise nobody would be using it if it were so terrible.

It's an issue everyone I know has had, if the issue is with the users pc then a fix needs to be more apparent and easy to find. To be honest, while tekkit runs slower than dns for me the downloading problem has been my only complaint and has driven many of my friends away from the pack.

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  "bigougit said:
It's an issue everyone I know has had, if the issue is with the users pc then a fix needs to be more apparent and easy to find. To be honest, while tekkit runs slower than dns for me the downloading problem has been my only complaint and has driven many of my friends away from the pack.

I am going to assume you've went through this?

Because the part about Anti-Virus is always the reason. It's kind of easy to see, and its common 'enough' as in not common for most people, but if they have a problem its not surprising its the one you are describing.

As for your last comment sorry about your luck! Perhaps you and your friends can find better packs elsewhere!


The problem with the people having this problem is that NONE of our regulars have it, and the people who've had it either disappear after it's fixed, or refuse to give enough information to figure out what's happening.


  "Jay? said:
In the interest of fairness, i will probably download and fiddle with this for a bit, but it looks as though they've fallen for the "more=better" school of thought that brought us the H3. Half of the mods they added in are hideously mangled or redundant things like the industrial power mod.

I had thought about trying it briefly and probably would have except for:

So if you don't like spout or have a cracked Minecraft account you can still use this pack and run minecraft just fine.

(emphasis mine)

Anybody that uses that as a selling point for their mod pack deserves to get shit on.


  "Joe Blower said:
Kinda wonder where you got your info at since the DNS Tech Pack is more up to date, has more mods, and is a hell opf a lot more stable then than that stupid ass Spout bullshit you use. And our installer is more stable and allows for including any mod pack someone wants to make.

So take your stupid hating asses and go crawl back under the rock you came out from.

Ok time to use some logic here

1. I have received my information from the DNS site, if you look back on my post you can see I quoted things directly from Da nasty shit packs site

2. You are correct they do have more mods than us, I mean the great mods that add great magnitudes of fun such as Doggy talents, Team fortress 2 mods and, the family favorite, PlasmaCraft.

3. A lot more stable? What does that even mean? Does the DNS pack not spin out of control with its thrusters or . . . I don't even

4. Think about how ignorant you sound in that last statement: Crawl back UNDER the rock you CAME OUT from. Did I go through the rock? If so, which half should I go under?

5. tmi doesnt work.

EDIT: One more thing, the reason we are not "upz to dates liek we arez homeee lolz" is because the creators of the Technic Pack are too busy doing things like getting this forum up and working and improving the clearly "shitty asshat spout launcher."


My favorite part is how it calls itself "Dire's DNS".

Scratch that, it's now called "Better Than Technic". orlynao?

Also, I just went on their IRC for a while and baited them and was gonna get the log for you guys, but when I was banned I couldn't get the chat log :c It was great though, they claimed they were more stable and updated their mods on a "more regulart basis". Also told me that the word Dire wasn't copyrighted and then told me they knew I lived in new hampshire (I don't, but apparently my ip said I did lol) and then threatened to track me further.

Obviously a great pack.


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