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Mod Edit: Offline Mode exists now so everyone can shut the fuck up. Yarr.

Edit 2: This doesn't mean "GO AHEAD AND START TALKING ABOUT PIRACY!" It means what it says, stop talking about offline mode and piracy at all. You still need a real copy of the game to make use of the launcher. It just doesn't work with a pirate account. Not an anti-piracy measure, it's just literally the only way it can work. If you want to talk about piracy, this is NOT the place to do it. Goddamn common. It's still in the rules post. That didn't change.

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Why are people so bent on not buying the game?? It is only $27 and change.. OMG it wont break the bank. You can borrow $10 from 3 people to pay for it! Geeze... just buy it and get over it. Besides.. purchasing the game gives you easier access to update/downgrade your minecraft for modding which I believe you have to do weird workarounds for the cracked version..


Quoting from Cheap Shot- "Yarrr!"

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Yea, but there's backseat modding, and then there's backseat modding. Telling people that they may not stand on their head while posting is bad, but telling them to go read the rules or else they'll get slapped down is another thing altogether.

At least, that's my take on it.

Fixed. Sorry lazy pirates really make me mad.

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Fixed. Sorry lazy pirates really make me mad.

I can't remember what you posted, but I remember thinking it was rather amusing.

What I actually meant was that the only places that this board has had bans/probates it when people have made up their own rules and tried to enforce them, not when they've done something helpful, like telling pirates to get lost.

Although, I can see how my post could have been read. "Another thing altogether" does often mean "much worse", doesn't it. I didn't mean that though. For a native English speaker I do make some pretty dumb mistakes.

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I just said he needed to get off his "lazy pirate arse" and figure it out himself and to read the rules.

The I said I omitted some backseat modding prayet thing to call on cheapshot to lock this.

I got keller'd for saying "you will be punished" to someone. So I am worried about doing it again.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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This is a sigh battle! sigh longer than hindos'


indeed it is... because some people never learn and never read what must be read, I've thus decided to give up on the stupid side of humanity .

Now then..... *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *longer sigh* *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

*sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *long sigh* *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

*sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *enduring sigh* *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* * I think i've developed an eternal sigh*sigh**

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indeed it is... because some people never learn and never read what must be read, I've thus decided to give up on the stupid side of humanity .

Now then..... *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *longer sigh* *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

*sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *long sigh* *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

*sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *enduring sigh* *sigh * sigh* *sigh* *sigh* * I think i've developed an eternal sigh*sigh**

And lo' Hindos did sigh long and hard, for on that day a keller posth thus "How doth I play thine pack if thou is not premium in the eyes of Mojang?" And the angels did weep, for written upon the Stone of Rules and Guidelines was thus "Thou shalt not illegally obtainith thine Minecraft but shalt get a job and fork over thy approximately $26.00 USD at time of writing to the house of Mojang."

~Except from the New Book of Technic

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When did pirates become so fucking stupid? "Huurr, I know what I should do. I should go ask publicly why my illegal copy of something isn't working!"

Is piracy becoming such a norm that people are forgetting to be sneaky about it? Kids are learning how to download before they're learning what "tact" means. I'm not ready or equipped to deal with a generation of self entitled retards.

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When did pirates become so fucking stupid? "Huurr, I know what I should do. I should go ask publicly why my illegal copy of something isn't working!"

Is piracy becoming such a norm that people are forgetting to be sneaky about it? Kids are learning how to download before they're learning what "tact" means. I'm not ready or equipped to deal with a generation of self entitled retards.

Plus you also got a lot of people who misunderstand Notch's stance on pirates as being "PIRACY IS A-OK KIDS!" and not the he simply sees pirates as potential customers or people who might lead there friends to buy the game and that services, not DRM, is they way to defeat piracy. Using advances powers of critical thinking I am able to understand he is saying "Piracy is bad, but it is pure evil, better service for legitimate users instead of crippling DRM and legislation is they way to combat it." Sadly most people can not comprehend more them soundbites now a days and read it as "Notch is not against piracy, so I can pirate games."

My big question is, why do most younger Minecraft players have this inability to READ? Oh the irony that a game made by a MENSA member (go check his homepage, Notch IS a certified genius) is played by so many idiots.

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When did pirates become so fucking stupid? "Huurr, I know what I should do. I should go ask publicly why my illegal copy of something isn't working!"

Is piracy becoming such a norm that people are forgetting to be sneaky about it? Kids are learning how to download before they're learning what "tact" means. I'm not ready or equipped to deal with a generation of self entitled retards.

Someone ban this guy he broke a rule, read the global rules thread yah newbie DOING DOING!

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When did pirates become so fucking stupid? "Huurr, I know what I should do. I should go ask publicly why my illegal copy of something isn't working!"

Is piracy becoming such a norm that people are forgetting to be sneaky about it? Kids are learning how to download before they're learning what "tact" means. I'm not ready or equipped to deal with a generation of self entitled retards.

Judging by kids of my parents friends e.t.c. I think your right on the money. X_X

Worse, it's also creating a group of people who do naught but spurt the word 'entitlement' around in an attempt to look like their 'not like those kids'.

It's like every annoying group comes in twins. X_X

Then again, last time a kid like that got on my nerves, I just recoded one of the areas in my game so that that specific user would fight nothing but the 'Giant Indestructible Turnip'... a already can see you like that approach ;)

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When did pirates become so fucking stupid? "Huurr, I know what I should do. I should go ask publicly why my illegal copy of something isn't working!"

Is piracy becoming such a norm that people are forgetting to be sneaky about it? Kids are learning how to download before they're learning what "tact" means. I'm not ready or equipped to deal with a generation of self entitled retards.

That's not something that has developed recently.

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