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Why "No Adf.ly links"?


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The rules say:

No Adf.ly links - This board is an adf.ly free zone. This is a catch all and includes adcraft or anything else that gives someone money for clicking a link. You will be banned for posting any links like that.

I'm just curious why a lot of forum sites do this. What's wrong with Adf.ly? I don't really use it myself because I'm a lazy unproductive **** with nothing to offer in link form but I'm sure someone who makes a mod or something would benefit from getting a cent or two per click. :P

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If someone uses the Adf.ly link for something that isn't their work, then we get in trouble for allowing such to happen. It is a risk to allow it on a public forum filled with dumb fucks such as myself. Kinda like giving a 3 year old a nuclear warhead.

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If someone uses the Adf.ly link for something that isn't their work, then we get in trouble for allowing such to happen. It is a risk to allow it on a public forum filled with dumb fucks such as myself. Kinda like giving a 3 year old a nuclear warhead.

What kind of trouble...? SOPA much? o_O

Btw nice cylon. :D

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Gaining income from work which isn't your work is illegal in pretty much every country that isn't 3rd world.

Although it is petty bullshit on the internet using adf.ly, The creator of the item can request to take the link to his content down which would annoy the hell out of Kakermix and all the other bees that run this hive.

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Well let's say some idiot grabs the AdvancedMachines Bukkit port download off MCPC, then throws up an adf.ly link for it on here for people who want the bukkit version of AdvancedMachines without getting the entire tekkit pack. AtomicStryker could find out and would be a little mad that his port is making some idiot money so he'll request the link be taken off these forums.

With the rule in place our forum team can then say to Atomic "It's not our fault he's a moron and didn't read the rule, we'll give him the stupid newbie tag then put him in a sack and beat him with a board."

Also I'm pretty sure it's spelled psilon, but I could be wrong.

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Well let's say some idiot grabs the AdvancedMachines Bukkit port download off MCPC, then throws up an adf.ly link for it on here for people who want the bukkit version of AdvancedMachines without getting the entire tekkit pack. AtomicStryker could find out and would be a little mad that his port is making some idiot money so he'll request the link be taken off these forums.

With the rule in place our forum team can then say to Atomic "It's not our fault he's a moron and didn't read the rule, we'll give him the stupid newbie tag then put him in a sack and beat him with a board."

Also I'm pretty sure it's spelled psilon, but I could be wrong.

I see. Yeah I'd be pretty pissed too. I'd want all the moolah for my brainpower too. >.<

I watch the Netflix version and all the subs say Cylon, but I've seen them spell 'Baylin' like five different ways on Kyle XY... XD

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Well let's say some idiot grabs the AdvancedMachines Bukkit port download off MCPC, then throws up an adf.ly link for it on we'll give him the stupid newbie tag then put him in a sack and beat him with a board."

Adfly is a straight up ban. The primary reasons being that

A) It's bullshit to force people to sit through ads, people will pay for work they support.

B) Adfly don't screen their ads well or at all, so you can get all kinds of nasty shit from following an adfly link.

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Merchant has the correct answer here. in addition to those reasons, adf.ly and other services like it are a major reason for why the MC modding scene and "community" is as stupid, shitty, and drama filled as it is. do you really think people would get their panties in such a bunch nearly as often as they do in MC over mod packs using their mods if they didn't have dollar signs in their eyes?

that's not something we want to encourage.

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It's just straight-up terrible across the board. There is a reason adf.ly is blacklisted on many sites.

There are lots of ways to make money on the internet, adf.ly isn't one of them.

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Adf.ly is such crap. In addition to all the terrible surface negatives like poor malicious ad screening, bullshit payouts, and forcing people to click them and view ads to get to free content, there are the deeper reasons as well. Adf.ly has been a major contributing factor to the overall poor quality of the modding community. If you look at modding communities like the Elder Scrolls games, or Garys mod, they're a lot more of an actual "community". Much more open exchange of ideas and co-operative efforts. With the minecraft community its the exact opposite. Everyone clutches onto their "ideas" like bread for a starving man, and co-operation is only recently starting to enter peoples vocabulary. The best example is any time Eloraam tries to do anything positive. She gets hoards of idiots screaming at her for "stealing ideas" and other bullshit like that. I remember the igniter block drama. Like Flower Child thought he invented starting fires or something.:bravo:

Anyone who is inspired to make an addon for someone elses mod gets bullied and harassed by the original mod maker instead of supported. Don't forget the "fans" who feel they need to turn every little perceived offense into a passionate all out war.

The community should be like a friendly neighborhood, where people help each other and share, and everyone knows the people who live on their street. Currently it's like a private gated community, where everyone stays in their expensive houses or behind privacy fences. If you come to try and borrow a tool, they sick the hounds on you. Very "Fuck you, got mine." mentality. Adf.ly is just one of the factors that keeps the community fenced apart and unco-operative. Which is utterly ridiculous because adf.ly is a really weak source of revenue. There are more passive forms of cash generation that modders could use which would make them much more money then adf.ly ever would, while annoying the end user less. They're ripping themselves off.

ad.fly makes money...just not for the people who think they're making money from it.

Hawww. Nail on the head.

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I must lodge a protest against using Eloraam as a point in favor of openness and cooperation in the Minecraft modding community. I loved her precisely until I noticed the strict prohibition on her site against decompilation and alteration. You know, of her alteration of decompiled Minecraft, also called "a mod".

At this point, the only modder that comes to mind that so far has my full and unwavering support is Krapht. I'm sure there are more good ones out there, but I've not the energy to find them.

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I must lodge a protest against using Eloraam as a point in favor of openness and cooperation in the Minecraft modding community. I loved her precisely until I noticed the strict prohibition on her site against decompilation and alteration. You know, of her alteration of decompiled Minecraft, also called "a mod".

At this point, the only modder that comes to mind that so far has my full and unwavering support is Krapht. I'm sure there are more good ones out there, but I've not the energy to find them.

I didn't use her as an example of openness and cooperation. I used her as an example of the flaws in the communities attitude towards mod improvement and idea sharing. Go soak your head jakj.

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Adf.ly is such crap. In addition to all the terrible surface negatives like poor malicious ad screening, bullshit payouts, and forcing people to click them and view ads to get to free content, there are the deeper reasons as well. Adf.ly has been a major contributing factor to the overall poor quality of the modding community. If you look at modding communities like the Elder Scrolls games, or Garys mod, they're a lot more of an actual "community". Much more open exchange of ideas and co-operative efforts. With the minecraft community its the exact opposite. Everyone clutches onto their "ideas" like bread for a starving man, and co-operation is only recently starting to enter peoples vocabulary. The best example is any time Eloraam tries to do anything positive. She gets hoards of idiots screaming at her for "stealing ideas" and other bullshit like that. I remember the igniter block drama. Like Flower Child thought he invented starting fires or something.:bravo:

Anyone who is inspired to make an addon for someone elses mod gets bullied and harassed by the original mod maker instead of supported. Don't forget the "fans" who feel they need to turn every little perceived offense into a passionate all out war.

The community should be like a friendly neighborhood, where people help each other and share, and everyone knows the people who live on their street. Currently it's like a private gated community, where everyone stays in their expensive houses or behind privacy fences. If you come to try and borrow a tool, they sick the hounds on you. Very "Fuck you, got mine." mentality. Adf.ly is just one of the factors that keeps the community fenced apart and unco-operative. Which is utterly ridiculous because adf.ly is a really weak source of revenue. There are more passive forms of cash generation that modders could use which would make them much more money then adf.ly ever would, while annoying the end user less. They're ripping themselves off.

Hawww. Nail on the head.

I will vouch for the statement about GMod and Elder Scrolls. The two games, both GMod and the Elder Scrolls, both use the steam workshop which creates a less competitive environment. Basically, the steam workshop is just an application to upload community saves/weapons/maps etc. In addition the Steam Workshop forces an up-loader to use the Workshop instead of a more ego producing source such as ad-fly. The authors are an afterthought, the content is what matters. For example, in TF2, there are community weapons (made by an individual coder/texture artist), whose authors receive practically no credit or monetary gains made by sales of the weapons. Do they care? No they don't. We should all learn from the TF2/Gmod/Skyrim community.

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