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[3.1.2]Acaldra Tekkit Server [24/7][36 Slot][PVE][PvP Disable][Whitelist][LWC][TekkitRestrict]


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IGN: Ramdono

AGE: 15


WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? I like tekkit because it adds an entirely new aspect into Minecraft. I feel as though most of it is very intuitive and simple.

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? I'm already pretty good at regular redstone, and redpower just makes that more fun. I've worked plenty with buildcraft and industrialcraft, and I hope to make interesting and fun machines for everyone to enjoy!

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IGN: benandwill1

AGE: 15

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: I have never been kicked or banned from a server

WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: It is fun and doesn't get old after a long ammount of play.

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?: I hope to build a factory of some sort and maybe start a business on the server.

(Friend of Ramdono)

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IGN: Andre_324



WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?- I like Tekkit because of how much more it adds to the original vanilla minecraft along with it's complexity ( It's fun to work towards something more challenging)

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?- I am looking for a server in which I can actually begin some kind of longer-term project to the server. I'm not here to make the biggest Fried chicken factory in the history of Tekkit or anything, I just want to have fun.

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IGN: Onyx909

AGE: 15

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: I was kicked once because a mod said to stop doing their job and being a mini-mod (it was a creative server and i had gotten World Edit from being promoted and i was asking if people wanted help building walls etc...)

WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? It's a very fun mod/pack and it is very fun making your own inventions

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? a very helpful person who likes to have fun and will build cool things

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IGN: Onyx909

AGE: 15

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: I was kicked once because a mod said to stop doing their job and being a mini-mod (it was a creative server and i had gotten World Edit from being promoted and i was asking if people wanted help building walls etc...)

WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? It's a very fun mod/pack and it is very fun making your own inventions

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? a very helpful person who likes to have fun and will build cool things

Ignore this application as I got this account from a friend who doesn't want it and i just checked the ban list and this account has been banned 10 times apparently so you probably wont accept me

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HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?:I have been banned and kicked from a serevr before but it was only for permission tests, either that or I was hacked because I did get hacked once by somone who wanted to get ranked up but he wasnt allowed so he hacked everyone on the server

WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT: I like tekit because It gives me a new challenge to put my mind on and there is basicly no limit to what you can do

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY: Good friendship, good builds and alot of mistakes. Im being honest Im notthat experienced with tekkit

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IGN: Pairproxy65

AGE: 16


WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: Because it's really fun and i like the complication and it's a lot more fun than regular Minecraft

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?: funny guy that loves to mine and build good looking buildings.

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HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?:I have been banned and kicked from a serevr before but it was only for permission tests, either that or I was hacked because I did get hacked once by somone who wanted to get ranked up but he wasnt allowed so he hacked everyone on the server

WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT: I like tekit because It gives me a new challenge to put my mind on and there is basicly no limit to what you can do

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY: Good friendship, good builds and alot of mistakes. Im being honest Im not that experienced with tekkit

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When kiddies were breaking into other people's homes, I was breaking into mob infested mines. When people were griefing blocks from claimed lands, I was griefing teh Ender Dragon of its egg. When people were making TNTs, I went & made a cake; It was not a lie!

But to answer your original question: NO


Because I've been spoiled by it. It offers an unfathomable structure of complexities that molests your mind and creativity by skull reaming it with wires & tubes until there's nothing left but highways of colorful blocks flying through red-powered tubes. Course I forgot to mention teh fact that your skull is now made of solar panels.




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IGN: Onyx909

AGE: 15

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: I was kicked once because a mod said to stop doing their job and being a mini-mod (it was a creative server and i had gotten World Edit from being promoted and i was asking if people wanted help building walls etc...)

WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? It's a very fun mod/pack and it is very fun making your own inventions

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? a very helpful person who likes to have fun and will build cool things

Unfortunately we can't take that chance. I appreciate your honesty but we take the members security very seriously. I wish you well on finding a good tekkit home though.

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HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?:I have been banned and kicked from a serevr before but it was only for permission tests, either that or I was hacked because I did get hacked once by somone who wanted to get ranked up but he wasnt allowed so he hacked everyone on the server

WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT: I like tekit because It gives me a new challenge to put my mind on and there is basicly no limit to what you can do

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY: Good friendship, good builds and alot of mistakes. Im being honest Im notthat experienced with tekkit

You have 4 total bans from different servers. I can not except none of them are legit. We won't be able to accept your application. I am sorry.

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IGN: benandwill1

AGE: 15

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: I have never been kicked or banned from a server

WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: It is fun and doesn't get old after a long ammount of play.

WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?: I hope to build a factory of some sort and maybe start a business on the server.

(Friend of Ramdono)

You are showing to have a ban for griefing. We can not accept you at this time




[bancount] => 1

[banlist] => Array


[0] => projectphoenixmc.verygames.net .:. grief


[score] => 10

[status] => 2

[output] => 1 bans :(

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Everyone else should have been added minus those 3. Don't hesitate to tell me if you weren't. Also Mayoman. That application is freaking epic. Really looking forward to your sense of humor on the server.

A small PS to add. There will be some plugin updates and routine maintence sometime in the AM. The server may be down for a short period as well as several reboots. No one freak out if they can't get on ;)

That is all.

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Hey. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I got banned from a server for breaking wheat in a a field when i was starving. I believe it was a misunderstanding because I was on a server that was getting heavy pressure (Deagen.tv, from Twitch.tv, was having his first Minecraft experience on a server and invited his stream's chat to play with him) and the mods were just going down the list of people and banning any who had broken blocks recently. I would really like to play with my friends on this server, but I understand if you don't want me because of "Griefing" once.

P.S. I replanted the wheat.

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in short piece of shit server the owner nor mods are never there to do anything meanwhile theres so much lagg if you die you have to wait 3 hours in spawn till the world loads anyone thinking about joining this server dont bother wasteing your time obviously no one cares about it

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Hey. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I got banned from a server for breaking wheat in a a field when i was starving. I believe it was a misunderstanding because I was on a server that was getting heavy pressure (Deagen.tv, from Twitch.tv, was having his first Minecraft experience on a server and invited his stream's chat to play with him) and the mods were just going down the list of people and banning any who had broken blocks recently. I would really like to play with my friends on this server, but I understand if you don't want me because of "Griefing" once.

P.S. I replanted the wheat.

You weren't denied for the one griefing, you were denied for not being open and forthcoming. We don't tolerate any form of dishonesty on this server. Trust is hard to come by in an online community and the members on the server put theirs in the staff to allow trustworthy individuals.
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