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[3.1.2]Server of the Oblivion[PvE][20 Slots][EE][Essentials][LWC][WorldGuard][PermissionsEx]

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  "Oblivion said:
Bergman, i just added you again to the whitelist.

It should work now.

Hope to see you soon on the server.

Im very sorry for the delay.

ok see you there

IGN: Taroyra


AGE: 20

EXPERIENCE: I've been playing tekkit since it was a full release launcher. I was a moderator on two regular minecraft servers, but once tekkit came out I left them. I have not played on a tekkit server yet, I've been looking a very long time for good white-listed servers.

REASON TO JOIN: I've been trying to find a good server without everything banned that doesn't have too many people on it. I'm tired of playing technic by myself and figured it was time to find a server. I like playing with other people, the more the merrier. However the larger servers have a tendency to be chaotic. This server also gives me the confidence that I won't be harassed constantly and if anyone were to harass me, then they would either be kicked/banned or reprimanded. I've played technic/tekkit alone and sure it's only fun for a while, but nobody can see my creations, nor enjoy them except for screen shots. I'm fun to play with and I have a very open mind so things that normally bother others don't bother me. I would love to join and I'm a great asset mainly because I know a lot about tekkit. If I don't know something, I'm not afraid to admit it, nor am I afraid to ask. I have a very powerful gaming pc so running any extra stuff (if you have any like Skype, recording programs, or vent) is not an issue. I love to build and I love seeing other peoples creations without disturbing their creativity.


IGN: mitzr


AGE: 15

EXPERIENCE: I have played tekkit for about 1 week and minecraft for around 2 years.

REASON TO JOIN: I am looking for a nice community to enjoy tekkit to it's full extent.


IGN xantan0


AGE 19

EXPERIENCE year of minecraft, few months of tekkit

REASON TO JOIN just looking for a fun build server and community


IGN: Fleeping


AGE: 15

EXPERIENCE: Over a year of Minecraft, 6 months of Tekkit

REASON TO JOIN: Im looking for a smaller server with limited access, want to play a Tekkit server


  "Sukminedik said:
IGN SukMineDik


AGE 18

EXPERIENCE 2 years of minecraft half year of tekkit

REASON TO JOIN seems like a decent small server excepting to bloom

  "Taroyra said:
IGN: Taroyra


AGE: 20

EXPERIENCE: I've been playing tekkit since it was a full release launcher. I was a moderator on two regular minecraft servers, but once tekkit came out I left them. I have not played on a tekkit server yet, I've been looking a very long time for good white-listed servers.

REASON TO JOIN: I've been trying to find a good server without everything banned that doesn't have too many people on it. I'm tired of playing technic by myself and figured it was time to find a server. I like playing with other people, the more the merrier. However the larger servers have a tendency to be chaotic. This server also gives me the confidence that I won't be harassed constantly and if anyone were to harass me, then they would either be kicked/banned or reprimanded. I've played technic/tekkit alone and sure it's only fun for a while, but nobody can see my creations, nor enjoy them except for screen shots. I'm fun to play with and I have a very open mind so things that normally bother others don't bother me. I would love to join and I'm a great asset mainly because I know a lot about tekkit. If I don't know something, I'm not afraid to admit it, nor am I afraid to ask. I have a very powerful gaming pc so running any extra stuff (if you have any like Skype, recording programs, or vent) is not an issue. I love to build and I love seeing other peoples creations without disturbing their creativity.

  "Mitzr said:
IGN: mitzr


AGE: 15

EXPERIENCE: I have played tekkit for about 1 week and minecraft for around 2 years.

REASON TO JOIN: I am looking for a nice community to enjoy tekkit to it's full extent.

  "xatan0 said:
IGN xantan0


AGE 19

EXPERIENCE year of minecraft, few months of tekkit

REASON TO JOIN just looking for a fun build server and community

  "Fleeping said:
IGN: Fleeping


AGE: 15

EXPERIENCE: Over a year of Minecraft, 6 months of Tekkit

REASON TO JOIN: Im looking for a smaller server with limited access, want to play a Tekkit server

Added to the white-list: (please check if your launcher is set on 3.1.2)

- SukMineDik

- Taroyra

- mitzr

- xantan0

- Fleeping

Questions, please keep them to a minimum and don't spam the chat. New server rule is 1 question is fine. 2 questions gets anoying. 3 questions something bad will happen to you...


IGN: PastorMacca


AGE: 18

EXPERIENCE: Been playing tekkit for about 6 months and I've got great knowledge for many of the mods!

REASON TO JOIN: Looking for a small server with great people to play with. And I got bored of playing singleplayer, haha.


IGN: NexusRavens


AGE: 13 (please don't not pick me for this as i am very mature mentally)

EXPERIENCE: about a year but i'm not a all seeing wizard

REASON TO JOIN: want a small tekkit community where i can build some stuff on a non griefed landscape


IGN: xephosbot

age: 13

why should I join?: I love tekkit servers and I would like to build some awsome stuff before the server kickes me out for no reason

Have I ever been banned before?: I have been banned because one of my freinds got banned and I told a mod and he said that I swore at him when I did not then I got banned.


IGN: The_chinn


AGE: 18

EXPERIENCE: i have had about 10 months experience with tekkit and played other whitelisted servers

REASON TO JOIN: looking for a good serever that isnt laggy and i can play on with other people


  "NexusRavens said:
IGN: NexusRavens


AGE: 13 (please don't not pick me for this as i am very mature mentally)

EXPERIENCE: about a year but i'm not a all seeing wizard

REASON TO JOIN: want a small tekkit community where i can build some stuff on a non griefed landscape

  "Xephosbot said:
IGN: xephosbot

age: 13

why should I join?: I love tekkit servers and I would like to build some awsome stuff before the server kickes me out for no reason

Have I ever been banned before?: I have been banned because one of my freinds got banned and I told a mod and he said that I swore at him when I did not then I got banned.

  "The_Chinn said:
IGN: The_chinn


AGE: 18

EXPERIENCE: i have had about 10 months experience with tekkit and played other whitelisted servers

REASON TO JOIN: looking for a good serever that isnt laggy and i can play on with other people

Added to the white-list: (please check if your launcher is set on 3.1.2)

- NexusRavens

- xephosbot

- The_chinn

Questions, please keep them to a minimum and don't spam the chat. New server rule is 1 question is fine. 2 questions gets anoying. 3 questions something bad will happen to you...


IGN MrRobotman


AGE 13

EXPERIENCE I'm very experienced in both buildcraft and EE, not quite as well on IC2 and almost nothing on Railcraft.

REASON TO JOIN I've been looking for a nice simple tekkit server with most items allowed and this looks like it fits the bill! :)


  "MrRobotman said:
IGN MrRobotman


AGE 13

EXPERIENCE I'm very experienced in both buildcraft and EE, not quite as well on IC2 and almost nothing on Railcraft.

REASON TO JOIN I've been looking for a nice simple tekkit server with most items allowed and this looks like it fits the bill! :)

Added to the white-list: (please check if your launcher is set on 3.1.2)

- MrRobotman

Questions, please keep them to a minimum and don't spam the chat. New server rule is 1 question is fine. 2 questions gets anoying. 3 questions something bad will happen to you...


IGN: Major_Creepist


AGE: 16

EXPERIENCE: Been playing tekkit for about a year now.

REASON TO JOIN: Looking for a smaller server. Too much lag on large servers.


  "Mooseman9 said:
IGN: Major_Creepist


AGE: 16

EXPERIENCE: Been playing tekkit for about a year now.

REASON TO JOIN: Looking for a smaller server. Too much lag on large servers.

Added to the white-list: (please check if your launcher is set on 3.1.2)

- Major_Creepist

Questions, please keep them to a minimum and don't spam the chat. New server rule is 1 question is fine. 2 questions gets anoying. 3 questions something bad will happen to you...


  "MrRobotman said:
I just tried to get on the server and it said I wasn't whitelisted. Can you help?

Added you again, so must work now. Maybe there was a server restart after i added you to the whitelist.


IGN: marshmellow50


AGE: 16

EXPERIENCE: Been playing tekkit for about 7 months now. I know nearly everything about tekkit but there are a couple of things I get confused about but I can just look it up if needed.

REASON TO JOIN: Looking for a smaller server. Looking for a server that is FULL of buildings so it is impossible to build and that has protections! Plus minimal PvP


  "marshmellow50 said:
IGN: marshmellow50


AGE: 16

EXPERIENCE: Been playing tekkit for about 7 months now. I know nearly everything about tekkit but there are a couple of things I get confused about but I can just look it up if needed.

REASON TO JOIN: Looking for a smaller server. Looking for a server that is FULL of buildings so it is impossible to build and that has protections! Plus minimal PvP

Added to the white-list: (please check if your launcher is set on 3.1.2)

- marshmellow50

Questions, please keep them to a minimum and don't spam the chat. New server rule is 1 question is fine. 2 questions gets anoying. 3 questions something bad will happen to you...


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