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Unfair thread deletions on MC forums; Censorship on FTB forums; This is the last place I have


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FTB is starting to turn from joke to scary. "Staff" being able to access any server, this bull with passwords.

This is eerily reminiscent of MCBans.

Can you elaborate on these issues? A friend of mine runs a FTB server that I'd like to start playing on once Redpower is included but if there are security issues I'm not putting that launcher anywhere near my PC.

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Can you elaborate on these issues? A friend of mine runs a FTB server that I'd like to start playing on once Redpower is included but if there are security issues I'm not putting that launcher anywhere near my PC.

currently there aren't any other known security issues with FTB's launcher or server. while the FTB guys seem pretty quick to fix issues as they arise, their track record in terms of number of errors that they've had to scramble to fix is not comforting. if you're just playing some casual MC with your buddy, you're most likely going to be fine though.

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Second paragraph: Interactive web pages are a pain to code (it feels like herding goats trying to make CSS3 and HTML5 and whatever ECMAscript version being used work together) so mentioning a ninth grader versus ten people on a web dev team seems like a personal attack, which isn't doing you nor your argument any good.

Hello I am one (of the two) web developers at feed the beast and I would like to thank you for giving both sides a fair chance I honestly thought if I posted here I would be gunned down but it appears not :) I do have to say our site isn't just one page it contains the main site (which is basically just a HTML page with js effects) the reason for this is to cut down on load for the mundane tasks for downloading etc, we also have a forum and a support site as well as 3 other sites that are currently in development by the two web developers...

I do think I can shed some light on the reason this person is so hostile toward me and FTB, his friend (Jamromhem which he mentions in his post) was developing a small web tool off his own back for use by the FTB Team and after speaking to one of our team about this tool was under the impression that he was part of the FTB Team despite being told by this team member that he was not, he was never given any special access as is evident in the post. He then got into a flame war on our forums in which he said he was a member of the FTB dev team, when he was corrected on this he began to start trolling on our forums etc and after a while of this he was banned and his posts removed thus we are here today. Sylais has only ever made 5 posts on our forums none of which relate to this so I presume the posts that were removed that he refers to are Jamromhem's.

I would like to apologise in advance for any escalation of the thread that may occur because of this post but I do feel that I had to defend my work as it was attacked in such a way.

Note: As I said I am a member of FTB so my opinion is obviously going to be bias that's human nature however I have tried my best to explain what happened from an outsiders point of view keeping whatever else I feel out. Thanks for your time

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Can you elaborate on these issues? A friend of mine runs a FTB server that I'd like to start playing on once Redpower is included but if there are security issues I'm not putting that launcher anywhere near my PC.



these are the mentioned issues, and as you can see, they have been fixed.

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Hello I am one (of the two) web developers at feed the beast and I would like to thank you for giving both sides a fair chance I honestly thought if I posted here I would be gunned down but it appears not :) I do have to say our site isn't just one page it contains the main site (which is basically just a HTML page with js effects) the reason for this is to cut down on load for the mundane tasks for downloading etc, we also have a forum and a support site as well as 3 other sites that are currently in development by the two web developers...

I do think I can shed some light on the reason this person is so hostile toward me and FTB, his friend (Jamromhem which he mentions in his post) was developing a small web tool off his own back for use by the FTB Team and after speaking to one of our team about this tool was under the impression that he was part of the FTB Team despite being told by this team member that he was not, he was never given any special access as is evident in the post. He then got into a flame war on our forums in which he said he was a member of the FTB dev team, when he was corrected on this he began to start trolling on our forums etc and after a while of this he was banned and his posts removed thus we are here today. Sylais has only ever made 5 posts on our forums none of which relate to this so I presume the posts that were removed that he refers to are Jamromhem's.

I would like to apologise in advance for any escalation of the thread that may occur because of this post but I do feel that I had to defend my work as it was attacked in such a way,

Thanks Captainnana

Note: As I said I am a member of FTB so my opinion is obviously going to be bias that's human nature however I have tried my best to explain what happened from an outsiders point of view keeping whatever else I feel out. Thanks for your time

Good to get the other side's story in something like this.

And despite what slowpoke may have told you, the technic forums don't punish people for affiliations. All warnings, bans, and such are dependent entirely on the actions of the person.

No one gets silenced for disagreeing, and I'm sure you'll have a much different take on the state of FTB and it's launcher than others on here. Keep it calm and I for one would love to have a dev's inside take on a situation, less misinformation.

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Hello I am one (of the two) web developers at feed the beast and I would like to thank you for giving both sides a fair chance I honestly thought if I posted here I would be gunned down but it appears not :) I do have to say our site isn't just one page it contains the main site (which is basically just a HTML page with js effects) the reason for this is to cut down on load for the mundane tasks for downloading etc, we also have a forum and a support site as well as 3 other sites that are currently in development by the two web developers...

I do think I can shed some light on the reason this person is so hostile toward me and FTB, his friend (Jamromhem which he mentions in his post) was developing a small web tool off his own back for use by the FTB Team and after speaking to one of our team about this tool was under the impression that he was part of the FTB Team despite being told by this team member that he was not, he was never given any special access as is evident in the post. He then got into a flame war on our forums in which he said he was a member of the FTB dev team, when he was corrected on this he began to start trolling on our forums etc and after a while of this he was banned and his posts removed thus we are here today. Sylais has only ever made 5 posts on our forums none of which relate to this so I presume the posts that were removed that he refers to are Jamromhem's.

I would like to apologise in advance for any escalation of the thread that may occur because of this post but I do feel that I had to defend my work as it was attacked in such a way.

Note: As I said I am a member of FTB so my opinion is obviously going to be bias that's human nature however I have tried my best to explain what happened from an outsiders point of view keeping whatever else I feel out. Thanks for your time

I don't appreciate you glazing over my and like 10 other peoples posts. Just like we have been saying to the other guy, you will have to post proof of your claims or we will not take you seriously. So far we will only be discussing the things there are posted evidence of. No one here gets a special "we trust you automatically for no reason other then you claim you have a reputation for being honest and trustworthy" pass.

You'd have to be pretty slow to think we'd put up with that here. :downsrim:

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I don't appreciate you glazing over my and like 10 other peoples posts. Just like we have been saying to the other guy, you will have to post proof of your claims or we will not take you seriously. So far we will only be discussing the things there are posted evidence of. No one here gets a special "we trust you automatically for no reason other then you claim you have a reputation for being honest and trustworthy" pass.

You'd have to be pretty slow to think we'd put up with that here. :downsrim:

So here is the post where Jamromhem makes the original post claiming to be a dev for FTB:

Jamromhem: “I was (now operative word as I am now deciding to no longer assist) a Dev for FTB working on a set of web tools to assist the various teams."

Hello i'm one of the two web developers here at FTB and I am not aware of any work you have done on the website, given you did start to make a database of configs if I remember correctly but this was off your own back not for FTB. Not to say we aren't grateful for any help anyone offers us but you were not a FTB dev as you claim"

Original post can be found here:


As I said there was more trolling around our forums which warnings were given for, after these warnings he continued to troll and then was banned, I think this covers all the proof you need to see if you really want you could go and look at previous posts he had made and see for yourself however I feel it would be inappropriate to repost something that we felt was flame-bait so we don't end up with the same thing here.

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Not for nothing but I don't see anything in that user's post history that qualifies as 'trolling'. He strongly disagreed with several people to be sure but that does not a troll make.

i believe this answers your question:

when he was corrected on this he began to start trolling on our forums etc and after a while of this he was banned and his posts removed thus we are here today.

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currently there aren't any other known security issues with FTB's launcher or server. while the FTB guys seem pretty quick to fix issues as they arise, their track record in terms of number of errors that they've had to scramble to fix is not comforting. if you're just playing some casual MC with your buddy, you're most likely going to be fine though.

That's good to hear. I just want to play Minecraft with all the newest whizzles and wozzles - whether it be Tekkit or FTB - all this drama is ridiculous!

How is it that modded virtual legos has turned into politics?

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Hello I am one (of the two) web developers at feed the beast and I would like to thank you for giving both sides a fair chance I honestly thought if I posted here I would be gunned down but it appears not :) I do have to say our site isn't just one page it contains the main site (which is basically just a HTML page with js effects) the reason for this is to cut down on load for the mundane tasks for downloading etc, we also have a forum and a support site as well as 3 other sites that are currently in development by the two web developers...

I do think I can shed some light on the reason this person is so hostile toward me and FTB, his friend (Jamromhem which he mentions in his post) was developing a small web tool off his own back for use by the FTB Team and after speaking to one of our team about this tool was under the impression that he was part of the FTB Team despite being told by this team member that he was not, he was never given any special access as is evident in the post. He then got into a flame war on our forums in which he said he was a member of the FTB dev team, when he was corrected on this he began to start trolling on our forums etc and after a while of this he was banned and his posts removed thus we are here today. Sylais has only ever made 5 posts on our forums none of which relate to this so I presume the posts that were removed that he refers to are Jamromhem's.

I would like to apologise in advance for any escalation of the thread that may occur because of this post but I do feel that I had to defend my work as it was attacked in such a way.

Note: As I said I am a member of FTB so my opinion is obviously going to be bias that's human nature however I have tried my best to explain what happened from an outsiders point of view keeping whatever else I feel out. Thanks for your time

I'd like to point out a few things here, as I feel you are severely misinterpreting my motives, and you seem to be confusing a few facts with some fiction.

I am not hostile towards you or FTB because of Jam. In fact, nothing I feel towards you or the others has anything to do with him in any way, it just so happens that he is in the same boat as me and we feel the same way.

As for Jam, he WAS an FTB developer, regardless if you were made aware of the fact or not. Slowpoke made him a developer because Jam was working with another member of the dev team (I believe his name was iBurnz? I cant remember for the life of me) on this project.

None of the posts we made on your forums were troll posts. Everything we said, every argument and every word was nothing but fact or honest opinion. Jamromhem was not banned because he was trolling or because he was starting flame wars. In fact, last I recall, the conversations that were brought up in those threads were mostly respectable, intelligent, and utterly flame-free, until members of the dev team got involved and started trying to debase our claims and insult our intelligence.

I only have 5 posts on your forums because, like I said, I only post when I have something to say that needs to be said.

I will request that you do not assume to know why I do the things I do. And I will also ask that you cut the crap with this apparent concern for any "escalation" in this thread. You and the others of the dev team, including and especially Slowpoke, have already shown a clear disdain, if not utter hatred, for Tekkit.

The post I made here on the Tekkit forums were not in any way meant to start flame wars or arguments. I made the post here to express my concerns with the issues with FTB. If other people cant voice their opinions or objections without causing complete and utter chaos, thats on them. The reason I didnt post anything on the FTB forums is because any time somebody says something against FTB, they get banned.

And I'd like to add, while I'm at it, that it seems to me that very little of what you said was actually in "defense of your work". I feel like the rest of your post was a direct attack against me in an attempt to debase my claims and opinions and turn others against me.

As for the other posts that claim I have no proof, or request proof, I can assure you all that I do indeed have proof for my claims. However, as of right now, I will not be releasing any of it until we decide its time. If anybody would prefer to avoid conversations on any claim I make that has not, until this time, been proven that is understandable and I accept that.

Captainnana, if you would like to continue to be a part of this conversation I of course welcome your input, however I ask that you do so in a more respectable manner. I do not appreciate you coming here and treating me with the attitude shown in that post. Thank you.

I'm sorry everybody that I have not been online lately. I am generally busy during the day, so I only have a limited time I can spend on forums and what not.

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As for the other posts that claim I have no proof, or request proof, I can assure you all that I do indeed have proof for my claims. However, as of right now, I will not be releasing any of it until we decide its time. If anybody would prefer to avoid conversations on any claim I make that has not, until this time, been proven that is understandable and I accept that..

You've got it wrong. The conversation wont continue unless actual proof is posted to back stuff up. None of this "we have it but we just choose not to show it right now" crap. I will not tolerate back and forth slapfights on assumptions and unverifiable accounts alone. Both of you. If you don't have proof don't post.

:siren: Anyone just coming in, just ignore this thread and all the posts in it that don't have something solid to point to. Discussions on evidence supported topics only.:siren:

I'm not going to keep waiting for all this evidence you both say you have while both of you ignore my warnings and he said she said each other.

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I can assure you all that I do indeed have proof for my claims. However, as of right now, I will not be releasing any of it until we decide its time.

Sorry, I'm not saying you don't have what you claim, but statements like that just cause people to roll their eyes and no longer take anything at all the person says in any seriousness.

That's not a personal attack on you it's simply that nearly every week a post comes up where someone says they have "proof" but won't post yet for whatever odd reason.

Then after a time there normally follows a post where the dog ate it, or the hard drive failed and it's lost. Or any countless number of reasons why they can no longer produce any of the "proof" they based their whole thread on.

I personally don't see this thread going anywhere.

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Hi guys, I'm just here to tell you that dong princess is really a princess! so you should all be nice to him because he's royalty. I assure you that i have irrefutable evidence of this undeniable fact, which is absolutely true and reliable. I will release it only once i feel it is time.

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Thanks for the spam. Don't double post, and read the whole thread before you post.

Hi guys, I'm just here to tell you that dong princess is really a princess! so you should all be nice to him because he's royalty. I assure you that i have irrefutable evidence of this undeniable fact, which is absolutely true and reliable. I will release it only once i feel it is time.

Wait, does this mean that she pocketed my donations towards dong cancer?

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You've got it wrong. The conversation wont continue unless actual proof is posted to back stuff up. None of this "we have it but we just choose not to show it right now" crap. I will not tolerate back and forth slapfights on assumptions and unverifiable accounts alone. Both of you. If you don't have proof don't post.

:siren: Anyone just coming in, just ignore this thread and all the posts in it that don't have something solid to point to. Discussions on evidence supported topics only.:siren:

I'm not going to keep waiting for all this evidence you both say you have while both of you ignore my warnings and he said she said each other.

Technic requiring public evidence for something... rather interesting if you ask me, considering technic's policy on mod permissions...

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