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Unfair thread deletions on MC forums; Censorship on FTB forums; This is the last place I have

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Technic requiring public evidence for something... rather interesting if you ask me, considering technic's policy on mod permissions...

misinformation and hearsay are not very good sources, guy

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Technic requiring public evidence for something... rather interesting if you ask me, considering technic's policy on mod permissions...

Don't start this here

Really, if you intend to post here regularly, don't hijack threads to make snarky comments like that.

if not utter hatred, for Tekkit

The only hatred I can sense from Slow is that he hasn't had any opportunity to talk to Kanker. (any admin wanna correct me on that?)

I think this is what bothers him the most

Slow doesn't have " utter hatred for Tekkit ", if he had, no users here would be allowed to post in FTB forums.

Try comparing how many tekkit users in BTW forum there are


Don't start this here

Really, if you intend to post here regularly, don't hijack threads to make snarky comments like that.

He / she doesn't intend on posting here regularly. He /she made that account today especially just to say that.


You know what gets me? The head moderator of the FTB forums is the head moderator of the BTW forums.

She did an excellent investigative job of banning any and all members on the BTW forums that happened to have a similar sounding name to an account over here.

Perfect resumé, huh.

I would give you proof, but the account and all my threads are gone.

This is all a messy, potentially scary joke. I just wanna play mods and discuss with like minded people. Not get constantly mucked around by massive amounts of people with their heads up their collective arse. On both sides. Why the hell are there sides anyway!


Why the hell are there sides anyway!

I had always thought It was mainly due to people who got bored and hardly ever play the game.

Instead of moving on and having fun with another game, they chose to spend their game time in politics instead.

As with any game those types of people are normally a force for the worse.

Edit: note that my comments are not directed at whoever the above poster is talking about. I don't even know who the head moderators of those forums are. (just wanted to put that out there before my post get's taken out of context.)


Technic requiring public evidence for something... rather interesting if you ask me, considering technic's policy on mod permissions...

Where did Technic permissions come into this discussion? The Technic team's position on mod permissions has been given, many times: work with the modders in private. This, however, was made a very public thread and issue, so there should be public evidence.


Where did Technic permissions come into this discussion? The Technic team's position on mod permissions has been given, many times: work with the modders in private. This, however, was made a very public thread and issue, so there should be public evidence.

i just find it extremely hypocritical for chepshot to demand evidence, but when people ask him for the same information (albeit on a different topic) he simply expects everyone to take his word for it


i just find it extremely hypocritical for chepshot to demand evidence, but when people ask him for the same information (albeit on a different topic) he simply expects everyone to take his word for it

I will not presume to speak for him, but to my knowledge he never made the permissions issue with Technic public, nor did he ever encourage it to continue to be public after crap was brought up. All he said here is that if you're going to make (inherently negative) public accusations, provide proof. No hypocrisy whatsoever.


i just find it extremely hypocritical for chepshot to demand evidence, but when people ask him for the same information (albeit on a different topic) he simply expects everyone to take his word for it

What does Technic using the concept of fair use have to do with Sylais making baseless, inflammatory claims against the FTB pack?

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You know what gets me? The head moderator of the FTB forums was the head moderator of the BTW forums.

Fixed a tiny detail you missed. Also, I gave you a pm, didn't want to derail this thread by focusing on one mod entirely.

I think it was Necromancer who said she aint moderating on BTW anymore. Pretty sure he made a post in Kitty jail about it.


Could we all please stop complaining about the fact that there's no proof to both of the sides' statements. I'd like to ask both of you though, to post your proof to stop the above mentioned.

I'm really liking this thread as it's the first civilized and intelligent thread on this topic; please keep it that way. :)


i just find it extremely hypocritical for chepshot to demand evidence, but when people ask him for the same information (albeit on a different topic) he simply expects everyone to take his word for it

Kindly get bent. You are confusing something that is Noneofyourbusinessâ„¢ with two people who are making their dirty laundry a public affair on my forums. Permissions has nothing to do with this and I know you think you're incredibly clever to try and drag it in. You've made a brand new account just to do it how cute. They can both not talk about it and not provide any evidence at all and that is fine by me because if they hadn't said anything about it on my forums it wouldn't be anyofmybusinessâ„¢ either. But they did, and I'm in charge here so it is now. If you think you'd like to keep your account for something other then trolling feel free to crawl back into your hole and stay under my radar. If, as I suspect, you only registered today to waste your own time trying to be a smart ass, let me know and I'll gladly ban the troll account.


I honestly have no idea what is going on in this thread. From what I gather, one guy is mad at FTB for something and then captainanna came in and seemed nice enough but neither had any proof of this thing they're talking about and I am just terribly confused.


Kindly get bent. You are confusing something that is Noneofyourbusinessâ„¢ with two people who are making their dirty laundry a public affair on my forums. Permissions has nothing to do with this and I know you think you're incredibly clever to try and drag it in. You've made a brand new account just to do it how cute. They can both not talk about it and not provide any evidence at all and that is fine by me because if they hadn't said anything about it on my forums it wouldn't be anyofmybusinessâ„¢ either. But they did, and I'm in charge here so it is now. If you think you'd like to keep your account for something other then trolling feel free to crawl back into your hole and stay under my radar. If, as I suspect, you only registered today to waste your own time trying to be a smart ass, let me know and I'll gladly ban the troll account.

My god... He's taken over!


I honestly have no idea what is going on in this thread. From what I gather, one guy is mad at FTB for something and then captainanna came in and seemed nice enough but neither had any proof of this thing they're talking about and I am just terribly confused.

I have sneaking feeling people are about to burst out of closets at any moment throwing streamers and blowing party whistles shouting "surprise, we almost got ya hahah".

As long as there's drinks and a buffet, and I get at least one fumbling snog later on once the party gets going I'm all for it.

At first it seemed like something. But soon turned into nothing.


You know what gets me? The head moderator of the FTB forums is the head moderator of the BTW forums.

She did an excellent investigative job of banning any and all members on the BTW forums that happened to have a similar sounding name to an account over here.

As a slight clarification. There are 4 Global moderators or "head moderators" for FTB. I presume you are referencing Morvelaira. She was a Flying turtle as was I for a short time. The turtles were not moderators on the BTW forums. Of the 4 of us only 2 had ties however tenuous to BTW. To be banned from the FTB forums 3 Global mods must agree that the actions taken by an individual are grounds for banning.

Also I at least have no grudge against Technic or Tekkit.


As a slight clarification. There are 4 Global moderators or "head moderators" for FTB. I presume you are referencing Morvelaira. She was a Flying turtle as was I for a short time. The turtles were not moderators on the BTW forums. Of the 4 of us only 2 had ties however tenuous to BTW. To be banned from the FTB forums 3 Global mods must agree that the actions taken by an individual are grounds for banning.

Also I at least have no grudge against Technic or Tekkit.

It looks like Moogle was talking about the Better Than Wolves forums, not the Feed The Beast forums. I can't justify any of this, but he was talking about bans on the BTW forums, not the FTB forums.


To be banned from the FTB forums 3 Global mods must agree that the actions taken by an individual are grounds for banning.

jesus, that's got to suck. if I had to get 2 other moderator/admin approvals for every idiot and/or spambot that I banned I would have given up long ago. why make your jobs so much harder?


It looks like Moogle was talking about the Better Than Wolves forums, not the Feed The Beast forums. I can't justify any of this, but he was talking about bans on the BTW forums, not the FTB forums.

The comment about banning was in regards to the FTB forums. The part about neither Morv nor I ever being mods on the BTW forums adequately covers any banning that may or may not have occurred on BTW.


The comment about banning was in regards to the FTB forums. The part about neither Morv nor I ever being mods on the BTW forums adequately covers any banning that may or may not have occurred on BTW.

Clarify on something I said why don't you. I'm just making an inane connection. BTW moderators in general had a taste for being gigantic asshats and regularly trying to find any users who had any connections over here. My account was hardly similar, and I never posted anything close to being considered flame bait, but bam. Account obliterated for having Moogle in the name.

I was just somewhat concerned seeing as I've seen a handful of legitimate threads disappear horribly over on FTB, and the ties between the two forums are present. Thus, inane connection. However, I have no account over there, and all I see is what people show me.


Clarify on something I said why don't you. I'm just making an inane connection. BTW moderators in general had a taste for being gigantic asshats and regularly trying to find any users who had any connections over here. My account was hardly similar, and I never posted anything close to being considered flame bait, but bam. Account obliterated for having Moogle in the name.

I was just somewhat concerned seeing as I've seen a handful of legitimate threads disappear horribly over on FTB, and the ties between the two forums are present. Thus, inane connection. However, I have no account over there, and all I see is what people show me.

Btw moderators being asshats... What else is new? Honestly, I am genuinely surprised they haven't declared a crusade on technic and all spammed our forums with "TEKKITX N FORGE IS (homophobic slur) BASE CLASS MODX BTW!!!1113


Whenever a mod makes me upset I usually just masturbate out of anger and then get over it because theres more important things to worry about then disagreements over the Internet.

Not to knock you or anything, (in fact welcome to the forums Sylas, you will fit in well here) I'm just saying. In my opinion none of this drama over technic, ftb, etc etc etc really matters and the people who care about it should probably just go jack with with an anal stimulant device. (ASD)

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