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What's the story behind your avatar?


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My minecraft skin is based on the TF2 engineer, I felt like it was a natural fit given the theme of tekkit. Then I figured it'd fit here, too. (later on i learned that one moderator has/had a profile picture of a blue übercharged engineer, wich was a funny coincidence)

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I like to promote games and mods I enjoy.

This bad boy is a screenshot from the mod Prophecy of Pendor on the game Mount&Blade: Warband.

My avatar also has some background that I think fits the mood of this modding community:

Quote from PoP wiki.The rest of the text is a bit unreadable..

To fill in the gaps: Dawn is a group of knights gone a bit overzealous. Think of them as the spanish inquisition.

Eventide (my avatar) is the group of knights who fight fire with fire. Who stands for order and justice.

They are black, due to the ridiculous claims by Dawn that "They've gone evil! They are a part of the Heretics!". Eventide simply embrace this to enhance the fear and mysticism around them.

I like the medieval lore, I like the many legends and myths that span around them.

Eventide reminds me much about Sir Mordred, the bastard son of King Arthur.

Knights are something I admire. The highly trained fighting elite, the verbally well-spoken men who spend their lives protecting the weak.

That is, if you believe everything on the paper. It is more likely that knights merely protected those peasants who worked under them and gained said knight's income.

But still, I am a romantic fool.

Well, to be honest, knights were pretty much murderers strong enough that they couldn't be controlled, so they were employed by lords. Most of the time, they were raping, pillaging and stealing peasants, unless they were busy killing other "knights". You know, the crusades were made up from knights because the kings found them too violent and wanted to send them away from their lands to "protect" their peasants (More to keep them alive so they can keep paying the taxes). The whole "order of chivalry" thing came with stories and poems, like "Tristan und Iseult" or "The song of Roland".

Now, applied into games I find those really cool and awesome, and I have no problem with this slight medieval stereotype applied into games. Order of the Griffon FTW!

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Eh. I like music* and it's a cute anime(-style) girl. Also, it's easier to remember people by their avatar for whatever reason.

* This Wikipedia article should explain the connection to music, for those who don't already know.

Mikuuu! <3.

My profile pic is here because I raised a creeper, he decided to join ict and I got the idea of making this profile pic.

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This is a picture I took of my cat when I accidentally left my flash on. Cropped and resized for avataring, of course.

Also, the santa hat, I drew in two minutes, as a result of everyone in kitty jail putting santa hats on their avatars.

This is when I realize it's february....

Eh, I'll change it back eventually.

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